Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Shen:yes well it would have been a bit more fun if they were a challange but still

Shen:(jumps off the ramp and lands on his feet in the sand below)

Shen:(takes off running the where the raiders are at)

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Katie: they have locked us on, now what?

Rico: Open Fire!

Katie: wait... im gonna launch you as a missile.

Rico: you're gonna do what?

Katie: get in! *hits a panel on the side, a compartment opens*

Rico: *climbs in* you can't be serio-

Katie: Fire! *launches the missile*

*Rico landed on the side of the ship*

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Ra: (Sets weapons to fire on anything that is not Sev, Shen or myself and locks the weapon controls with a 400 number code that only I can unlock it)

Ra: Sev, Weapons are on auto and I am going to have some fun with Shen.

Ra: (Stands up and runs and jumps off the ramp)

Ra: (Com) Shen, I am joining you and I am landing now.

Ra: (Lands on the surface and does a roll and at the sametime pull my rifle out and stands up)

Ra: (Com) My sensor is picking up another group of 4 raiders comming from the north.

Ra: (Runs up and gets Shen's back)

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Shen:(stops and turns around to look at ra jump from the ship...smiles to himself thats my brother the becomes more serious)

Shen(com) okay hurry up

Shen:(starts to crawl to the crest of the sand dune)

Shen:(then jumps into the group of... ionians)

Shen:(instanly drops on both knees and bow to the royal master of the ionia gaurd)

Shen: master?

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Rico: um, *uses E.M.P device to disable weapon systems* their off-line.

Katie: *com* roger

Rico: *sees shen on the horizon with a group of Ionian soldiers* wait *looks up in the sky to see a Ship in the distance* oh no.

Rico: *com* Dare devil to hawk eye come in?

Katie: yeah?

Rico: The Solarians are here!

Katie: wait... what?

Rico: the Ionian's brought them here. were dead...

Katie: Uh oh, incoming transmission from Solaris ship beta alpha 1090908 sector 5.

Rico:*Eyes widen* Uncle...

Katie: Your what?

Rico: My UNCLE!!! *starts to fiddle with watch* shen, sev, Ra? come in, this is Rico, Long story short run!

I like the Solarians

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Ra: (Moves up to where Shen is on his knees and stops)

Ra: Shen, What are you doing and who are these people?

Ra: (Keeps rifle at the ready and points it at the group of soldiers)

Ra: I don't want to use this but I will if you try anything to hurt me or Shen.

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

The ground rumbles, then Sev's ship pulls in behind the Ionians, weapons charged.

Sev comes over the broadcaster,

"I've got you covered, put your weapons on the ground. Shen, do you know these people?"

I Am Jedi

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.


Ra: (Points rifle right at the head of the person that Shen called master)


Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Shen: stand down ra and sev please power down your ship

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

"Weapon system power switch to stand bye; engage docking mode" says Sev.

The ship sets down behind the Ionians, and Sev gets out of the cockpit, rifle slung over his shoulder.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Ra: (Looks at Shen and then lowers rifle)

Ra: Okay but if they try anything I will open fire on everyone.

Ra: (Slings rifle over right shouder and pionts at Sev to join me)

Ra: Shen, Who are these people?

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Shen:these are some of the high ionian council they might know who your you are

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Ra: Really?!?!?

Ra: (I pull out my medal and show it to the council)

Ra: What do you know of this?

Ra: (Hands it to Shen)

Ra: Or how about this tattoo on my back?

Ra: (Takes off armmor and removes shirt and turns around so that the council can see my tattoo)

Ra: Do you all know what either the medal or tattoo mean?

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

The one called master:this medal means you a child of the high-born ionians

Shen:(looks at him in surprise)

The one called master:and the tattoo means your parents were once the leaders of the high council

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Rico: *lies on the floor next to them* and that face means you hit the ugly tree too much.

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Ra: (Puts shirt and armmor back on and turns around)

Ra: Do you know if my parents are still alive and or where they are?

Ra: (Looks down at Shen and then back to the one called master)

Ra: Why was I left alone on a moon as a baby in a crashed ship?

Ra: (Starts to get mad)

Ra: What dose this mean for me in the Ionian's eyes or the council?

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

wow i have not typed that much for some time enjoy

Shen: ra nothing will come out of anger

beothyrn:(smacks shen to the floor)

beothyrn: speak out of turn again shen and you will no longer live.

Beothyrn: you are ra the last son of any elder of the ionians we have been looking for for some time now.

Shen: (his eyes cast down turns to ra and mouths.) "they are lying this is why i left ionia. the empire is no longer safe. you can't trust them run!!"

Shen: (looks at his former master and sees the hate in his eyes and stance. shen must keep equilibrium. his gray saber ignites and his vibro katana is out of its sheath faster then light. he spins in a tight circle and cut legs off then jumps into the air. and cuts the heads off the rest who are still alive.)

Shen: now quickly ra get on sevs ship both of you go. Rico you know who they have become now please try not to stop us we must finish looking for reven then got off, this planet as soon as possible.

Shen:(runs and jumps into sevs ship and gets ready for take off.)

Last edited by Dangerous Seduction (2010-10-04 08:15:04)

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

"Oh snap!" yells Sev. Sev fires off a few rounds of cover fire before running back up the ramp into the ship.

"Engines a go!"

The voice activated controls start the engines, preparing for launch

I Am Jedi

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Ra: (Sees that Shen did and runs to Sev's ship and runs up the ramp)

Ra: Sev!, LET'S GO!!!

Ra: (Looks at Shen)

Ra: What happened and why did you kill them?

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Shen: i did what had to be done the ionians are not how they should be