Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

*Deaths talon landed outside the base, Katie And Rico emerged.*

Rico: This is it then?

Katie: Yep

Rico: Good *Rushes into the base with his saber drawn.* RA!!!

Katie: What are you doing?

*Alarm lights flash around the base, instantly several war drones jumped on top of him.*

Katie: Watch out! *Used force push on all the drones.*

Rico: What the?

Katie: No time, Lets get moving!

Rico: Right.

*They both rushed off into the heart of the base, picking off groups of three, four, even tens.*

Rico: Wait... Is that him?

Katie: Ra? *tears drop from her eyes*

Rico: RA!!!

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Shen: (stops and turns swiftly around)

Shen: there is someone here that wants you ra go back to the office and hide right now.

Shen: (looks at sev and nods)

Shen: we gotta go you know who it is(draws his gray saber)

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Rico: Get back Here RA!! *uses grappling hook to pull the sabers from Shen and Sev. Rico gives them to Katie.*

Katie: *draws saber* you wanna go?

Rico: give me Ra Now!

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

wait i don't think that jon has a saber
Shen(pulls the vibro katanas out of the frozen sheaths)

Shen:(looks at katie with dark foreboding eyes)

Shen:old friend i would love to fight you (smiles slowly and lunges at katie)

Last edited by Dangerous Seduction (2010-09-18 05:15:56)

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

I though Sev had one?
*Rico lunged into the way of the Vibroblade, stabbing his heart.*

Katie: *demonic Voice* Get the hell off of him!! *fires a force repulsion wave that has a distinct red tint to it.*

*buildings crumbled under the immense power of the repulse.*

Katie: *starts to faint* Rico.... Ra.... *falls on the floor*

Last edited by Darth Rhyykol (2010-09-18 07:10:17)

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

dude rhyy i said vibro blades not lightsabers so that makes no sense and your other chara is going after ra not me or sev

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

dude rhyy i said vibro blades not lightsabers so that makes no sense and your other chara is going after ra not me or sev

okay, after i took your saber(s), you pulled out a vibro blade, you then lunged at Katie, i got in the way to the blade and i got stabbed, katie then fainted,

And also, you said Ra was sent back so you can protect him. so instinctively i attacked you two. to get to Ra....  *deep breath* so finishing you two off will open me a path to Ra.

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

im sorry i have not slept in like 2 days

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Sev looks at the two, then shrugs.
"So we got a blue blood in our midst. Oh well, could be worse."

Sev walks up the ramp and looks over the ship, then heads to the cockpit. Sliding in behind the controls, Sev grins. "Ah, now this is more like it! Alright baby, just don't let one of those sand storms screw your nav equipment this time." He starts flipping switches and the engines roar to life.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

*Katie woke up to the roar of the engines, she looks around and sees Sev in the cockpit*

Katie: *Ruffles through Rico's pockets*

Rico: *opens one eye*  that tickles *laughs*

Katie: *shushes Rico* ah ha, here it is. *pulls out a tracking device and a E.M.P device.*

Katie: *looks at Rico's pocket* Seriously Rico?

Rico: what?

Katie: *turns around and sneaks towards the ship.  she plants the E.M.P device near the navi-com. she also plants a tracking device next to the engines. she activates them both*
In other words, we know where you are and your navicom's smegged up.
when your Vibroblade hit Rico's chest, it hit above the heart and missed his veins and arteries

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Ok, I just realized that Rhyykol's characters were in the hanger attacking us, so that last post I made will apply to right before all that happened.
We should hold up for Jest tho, and not make his character do anything.

So are Rico and Katie attacking, or sneaking around the ship? they can't do both.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

ok i have a great idea lets start from before i tell jest chara to go hide and wait there

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Ok, that's better.


Sev glances out of the cockpit window and sees Rico and Katie attack Shen.

"Blasted-- can't go anywhere without..." Sev mutters. He grabs up his blaster rifle and runs down the ramp.

"STAND DOWN!!! You're dead if you move, STAND DOWN!!!" He yells.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Ra: (Looks at Shen and runs to Sev's ship and runs up the ramp but turns around at the top)

Ra: KATIE!?!?

Ra: Sev and Shen I have your back!!!!

Ra: (Runs to the cockpit and mans the lazer turrets)


Ra: (Points turrets at Katie and Rico)

Ra: (Speaker) Shen and Sev back onto the ship I have you covered.

Ra: (Brings all systems online and locks missles on Katie and Rico)

Ra: (Speaker) LET'S GO!!!!!

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

*Katie and Rico put their hands in the air*

Rico: Now Katie!

Katie: *Uses the force to break the engines.* Ra... don't do this...

Rico: RA! You're mine!

Katie: No Rico...

Rico: what?

Katie: *fixes engines*

Rico: Let him go? But...

Katie: No...

Rico: .....Smeghead

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Shen(runs up that ramp and sits in a chair)

Shen: lets go hurry

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Rico: Tell me... why?

Katie: E.M.P and tracking device remember?

Rico: Oh, ha

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

"See ya, batha-brains" Sev says to Rico and Katie, as he backs up the ramp.

Turning he heads into the cockpit.

"Ra, I think they tampered with the systems. Can you check them over for me?"

The engines roar and the ship rises and rockets into the sky.

"We'll be doing some scans of the desert south of here. Contact in the village said they saw Revan and Malak headed that way. They wouldn't be going out into a desert like that unless there was something there worth seeing. Hopefully that scanner will pick up whatever it was."

I Am Jedi

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Hey, who can be Revan and Malek when it comes to it?
Rico: *Stands by his ship* Sector Omega-A.

Katie: *Sharpens blade and puts in her pocket* Go to Omega-B.

Rico: Why?

Katie: Corner them... *presses a button on her wrist* Slipspace drive active.

Rico: Well *uses drive to teleport to Omega-B* There they are...

Katie: *Uses E.M.P device to bring the ship down by their feet*

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

well, they aren't gonna be there yet. my character is just supposed to be looking for traces of where they disappeared to after the battle of Malachor V, and Tatooine is just the starting point.

I Am Jedi