Re: A New Begining

how many Jedi masters is this Sith assassin supposed to take down Starr?


Kavar lunges to the side, dodging the Sith's first attack. Quickly turning, the green blade of Kavar's saber flashes against the red blade of the Sith's saber, sending shockwaves of light and force energy surging through the room.

"You have made your final mistake by returning here" says Master Kavar between saber strokes. "You are in over your head!"

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Think I decided on six. Was gonna have the original entire Council consist of like twelve or so Jedi and have the assassin kill off half of them.

He's only killed four so far so he'll probably kill off the other two with Kavar before this fight ends.


What was supposed to be the site of a victory for the Republic is now a haunted battlefield. The majority of the Mandalorian and Republic fleets are dead, silent, as they are slowly pulled to their graveyard. Thousands upon thousands of people killed in a single moment.

A single glorious moment.

Revan turns and walks down the bridge. She glances at her head pilot. "You know where to take us..."

The pilot salutes. "Yes, mi'lady."

Revan uses the Force to open the bridge doors. Victory was hers. But there was still much to do to ensure that the victory was not lost in a malestrom of defeats.

She heads for the medbay.

...Destiny's Pawn, medbay...

Lori slowly calms down, her body going limp beneath the soldiers holding her down. She had heard them screaming... heard them all screaming. She wanted it to stop. Needed it to stop!

Now, as she slowly regained consciousness she felt suddenly empty... hallow. She reaches out to touch the mind of her closest friend, the one that had always been there for her.

But all she found was a black, slithering corruption of the person she had known. She pulls back, her heart pounding hard against her chest as the empty feeling returned. What had happened?

A sly voice creeps into her mind. "Don't worry, Lori... everything will be fine."

"Alora?" she asks in earnest. "Alora is that you?"

She feels... a hesitation. And again reaches out to touch her friend. She is immediately pushed back.

"It is I, Lori..." Revan answers, managing to hide the growl in her voice.

"Alora... did you hear them? Did you hear them screaming?"

...Unknown location...

Someone was blocking him... his path to her. Someone very powerful. Mortis growls. He would have the girl. Kreia could not stop him and whoever this person was -despite how powerful they seemed to be- even they would not stop him.

Lori was his.

...Corsucant, Jedi Temple...

The Sith pushes back against Kavar's lightsaber. "So much confidence, Jedi... but you do not know the full power of the darkside!"

The Sith pushes back against Kavar's lightsaber again with a great deal of effort, sending a burst of lightning through the Jedi's body. But the Sith doesn't seem to be interested in Kavar at the moment.

He stabs his lightsaber into the ground at his feet and reaches back, grabbing the two Jedi Masters that had been charging towards him. He lifts them into the air.

"Jedi Masters?!" he scoffs before slamming them into the ground between him and Kavar.

Re: A New Begining

Kavar leans over, concentrating, then rising thrusts his fists forward as a tremendous surge of force energy shoots through his body and out towards the Sith, shaking the Jedi Temple to its very foundation. With that, all of the temple came alive with activity. Jedi began running here and there, trying to discover what had happened. But the Sith and his opponents were not found in that secluded hallway.

"Why did you come back? Is your hunger for death never to be satisfied, you monster?!"


"That's not all," Daan continues. "Revan now has the prisoner. And she won't be anymore willing to let her go than the Mandalorians were."

Norad leans against the railing on the bridge, shaking his head. "You Jedi sure know how to make a mess out of a war!"

"There are more forces at work here than the Mandalorians, and even Revan and her Jedi followers" answers Yi'shar. "Many others, scattered individuals, but with a common dark purpose, are shaping this war. We need to find them if we are going to prevent the carnage that a war with Revan will bring."

"The Kovasn..." Daan says, slowly. "They may know something that could help us... at least, one of them might..."

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

...Unknown location...

Zorvon growls, a deep, low threat to the woman standing in front of him. She had fed him lies, betrayed him, controlled him... "Witch!" he snaps.

He tries to get his mind to focus... but she was clouding his thoughts, corrupting them, twisting them. He feels his body move without his command. He was a puppet. He pulls back against her dark words... fights them with all his strength. He feels a trimmer, a break in her thoughts and he takes advantage of it. He chargs towards her, a beautiful, swift single movement.

His hand crushs down around her throat.

...Destiny's Pawn, medbay...

Lori feels a sudden presence... a surge of power. Then a touch... a whisper.

"Yes... you feel it don't you? You can feel her power..."

Lori searchs the room with her mind and finds Alora standing near her.

"She thought to keep me from you... she is afraid, Lori... afraid you will steal her power..."

...Coruscant, Jedi Temple...

The Sith grins, his tongue licking his lips like a crazed, hungry dog. He could feel the anger within the Jedi, hear its heartbeat growing. Just a little more, Jedi... he thinks to himself.

The Sith charges towards Kavar, jumping over the Master an instant before making contact. He jumps up along the walls before stabbing his lightsaber into the wall, using it to maintain his place as he looks down at the Master Jedi.

Re: A New Begining

"Nice trick."mutters Kavar. "Were you traveling with the circus after you left me last?"

Kavar and the other two masters close in around the Sith.


"Well, we'll soon be entering Republic space," says Norad. "Once there I'll initiate a transmission. I am not looking forward to informing my superiors of this debacle!"

The fleet continues its journey through hyperspace...

Yi'shar stands, meditating.

"Lori, hold on...Please!!!"

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Be back in a sec.

Re: A New Begining

lol Well that took way longer than I said.  tongue

The Sith grins again, his white teeth flashing bright against the rough, cracked skin of his face. "I've learned quite a few tricks, Jedi," he chuckles.

The Sith flips away from the wall, deactivating his lightsaber. He plummets towards the ground head first. As he nears the ground he thrust his arms out, releasing a massive Force Push. The power behind the moves causes the Jedi Masters to stumble back, as well as a nice cratar indention in the floor which the Sith lands perfectly in. He activates his lightsaber once more.

Suddenly the Sith seems much stronger. There is an ebb of power about him as if his power is growing... feeding. His moves are more balanced -faster- as he charges forward, dancing around the Jedi Masters. He side steps away from the ground, using enormous Force strength to pull one of the Jedi Masters to him. He then slams the Jedi into the ground and stabs him in the chest.

The Sith looks up at Kavar and the other Jedi Master with a wicked smile. "You still underestimate me, Kavar..."

...Destiny's Pawn, medbay...

Revan looks over at Lori as the medical droid gives her a shot to help combat the headaches and nausea. For some reason the Mandalorians had wanted her, risked everything... for her. Kreia had done the same and even now another player entered the game. Darth Mortis.

Revan wasn't sure why they all seemed so focus on having Lori but Revan wasn't about to let the girl stick around to unravel the mystery.

...Destiny's Pawn, lower decks...

Malak's back arches, his entire body fighting the restraints. While drugs had been aministered as required not only did the Sith's immense Force capabilities eat through them in half the time but his body was rejecting any form of outside help, sweating out the medicine in drops of blood.

"Keep him still, damn it!" the doctor yells.

Two soldiers move to press their body weight against Malak, an effort to hold him still while the doctor performs surgery. While the Force collar kept the man from potentially hurting anyone in the room it was obvious his "dark magic" wasn't his only fighting asset.

Malak groans, an attempt to cry out which is muffled by blood and the loss of his lower jaw. His hands ball into fists, his nails digging deep into his own flesh as he tries to bear the pain.

"Almost done..." the doctor says as if reading Malak's mind. He twists a knob.

This time Malak's cry is just that, a long agonizing plead for the pain to stop which echoes throughout the entire lower decks.

...Coruscant, docks...

Xvan stumbles off the Rogue IV followed by Akson. Xvana links into Xvan's armor, speaking through his helmet's audio system so she can be heard by everyone.

"This thing isn't over yet, boys... if my hunch iis right -which I'm sure it is- we've got a lot of ground to cover."

Xvan looks over at Marx. "Which was to the Jedi Temple?" he asks.

Re: A New Begining

"Its time to die, young one!" Kavar shouts. He and other Jedi master both rush at the Sith. As they near, Kavar moves to the left and the other master move to the right. Both leap in the air; the master jumps directly at the Sith, while Kavar jumps at the wall, which he then uses to propel himself high into the air, descending on the Sith in a flash of white light.


Norad's fleet finally comes out of hyperspace near a Republic system.

Yi'shar takes Daan and Norad aside.

"Colonel Norad, you have done everything a soldier is expected to do. Now I ask that you do one thing more. Give me two transports. One Nur-Jii Daan will take to the capitol, so that he can inform them personally of what is going on. The other I will take on a mission of my own. You should hold the fleet here as a gathering point for the Republic armada."

Daan looks at him quizzically. "Why should I leave? We can tell the Republic and the Council what has happened easily enough from here."

Yi'shar places his hand on the young Knight's shoulder. "The Council will need you, young one. Also, I feel that the Kovasn you met may be waiting for you there, in which case it would be better for you to talk to him than any other Jedi."

"And just where do you figure on going?" says Norad.

"To finish the mission we all started..." says Yi'shar, quietly. "To find Lori"

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

The Sith uses a massive burst of Force energy to charge forward. He grabs the other Jedi Master by the collar of his robe and his wrist. The Sith then throws the Jedi Master at the wall in front of them, pulling the Jedi Master's lightsaber free from his hand at the same time. In a graceful movement the Sith surges forward again, jumping up on the wall with the Jedi Master and stabs him in the chest with the Master's own lightsaber.

The Sith looks over his shoulder at Kavar before performing a back flip off the wall. The Sith leaves the Jedi Master pinned dead to the wall with the lightsaber as he moves towards Kavar, each step he makes sending a faint trimmer through the Force.

He grins, his smile rather handsome for a monster. "Such anger from a Master Jedi," he begins, his tongue running over his lips once more as if savoring the taste. "Such power..."

It is then that Kavar realizes what exactly the Sith was feeding off. He hadn't felt it... hadn't heard its roar in the heat of battle. But now as everything calmed for a moment Kavar realized what was happening. Yes. The Sith had played a marvelous move.

He had poked and prodded until the Jedi Master's righteous anger faded into rage. Until Kavar was slowly becoming the very beast he was fighting. The Sith was feeding off him...

...Destiny's Pawn, Revan's chambers...

Revan paces back and forth in her room. She was... confused. And she didn't understand why. This is what she had wanted.


No, it wasn't. She wanted something else. She wanted more...

...Unknown location...

Darth Mortis back arches, his nails digging into the ground beneath him as his new muscles stretching over thousand year old bones. He growls, the beast within him feeding off the very pain that tore through his body. Skin smoothly slides over his raw muscles before that is covered with clothing.

Mortis stands to his full heigth, his breathing labored and heavy. He wipes the sweat from his forehead. It had been quite a while since he'd had to do that. A hundred years... maybe more. But he would get used to it again... eventually. A few more changes and he'd have the hang of it again. But not now...

The Jedi pulls the hood over his head and walks onto his ship, preped for launch to Coruscant.

Re: A New Begining

Yi'shar quickly runs to the hangar and jumps into a heavy fighter/transport craft. The engines roar to life, and he slowly pilots the ship out of the hangar and into cold, empty space. So calm and tranquil after the battle they had just been through... but no time to think of that. Yi'shar got a lock on Revan's fleet, and puts all of the power into the hyperspace engines. Within seconds his fighter rockets into lightspeed...back to Malachor.

"I hope this works..." he thinks to himself. "If not, all that we fought for is lost..."


Kavar uses the force to stop in mid jump, still some distance from his enemy.

The feeling... he had almost forgotten how intoxicating the darkside was... so... powerful...

Dropping to the ground, Kavar uses the force to pull the saber from the body of the lifeless Master. Swirling both sabers, Kavar looks at the Sith, then slowly kneels.

"There is no emotion..."

Kavar's eyes close.

"There is no passion..."


"There is no death..."

His eyes open, glaring at the Sith. Leaping forward he yells, "THERE IS THE FORCE!!!!!!"

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

I just typed the whole thing and it logged me out... I'm so pissed off right now...

I'll be back to post later. Got to get my ideas back straight now.

Re: A New Begining

no prob. yeah that sucks. sorry.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

The Sith hisses, as if the very words of the Jedi Code burn his skin. He easily outmaneuvers Kavar, rushing towards the Jedi before sliding under his attack; in the process knocking Kavar off his feet and cutting a slip of fabric from the Jedi's robes.

"A souvenir," he smiles holding up the piece of cloth. "I want to have some kind of trophy left after I fry you!"

The Sith deactivates his lightsaber and the air around the two suddenly crackles to life with electricity. The lightning emerges on his fingertips before crawling up his arm until it consumes his entire upper body. He releases a haunting laugh, hitting the walls around Kavar with whips of lightning.

Suddenly the door at the far end of the hallway opens and two what would appear to be large Mandalorian soldiers step onto the makeshift battlefield. The Sith growls, losing his concerntration, and his lightning seems to evaporate as he takes a step back.

Though he doesn't say anything he looks at Kavar with a glare that seems to scream "Cheater!" The Sith suddenly pulls another lightsaber barrel from his cloak. But this on was different than his Sith assassin one... this one was a Jedi's. The Sith activates the lightsaber, the crystal built into the magnificent weapon emitting a pure blue light that seems to radiate through the entire blade.

But something was off. Kavar could hear the weapon screaming through the Force, the proud cry telling of all the lives it had ended, the chaos it had wrought. It was a Jedi's lightsaber... but it had been held by a Sith.

"Until we meet again," the Sith whispers through the Force.

With that he throws the lightsaber, the blue blur barely missing Kavar as it flies down the hallway before lodging into the wall. There was something about the lightsaber that seem familiar to Kavar... as if he had known the Jedi who's hands had crafted it. Yes that was it!

He turns his attention immediately back to the Sith, questions flooding his mind... but the intruder was gone. All he left behind were dead bodies and the eerie blue lightsaber...

Lori's lightsaber.

...Destiny's Pawn; upper decks, Revan's personal chamber...

Revan watches as the door to her room slides open and Malak walks in. She had expected him to survive... and at the same time, she hadn't. Either way, the doctor had done a marvelous job fixing his jaw from what she could see. She smiles as Malak walks towards her.

There was something... different about him now. There was a magneficent power about him that hadn't been there earlier... a dark taint that made her lick her lips in anticipation. He stands above her, grabbing a handful of her hair and yanking it back, forcing her to lay back onto the bed. He whispers her name as he moves onto the bed with her.

Though Revan is technically the Dark Lord of the Sith now... Malak does have his "I'm the boss" moments. ~_^

Re: A New Begining

Colonel Norad's fleet enters hyperspace once again, this time headed straight for the Jedi Temple. Daan wondered if he could find the Kovasn, and if he did would this Mandalorian warrior be willing to help him?'


Yi'shar's ship emerges from hyperspace still some distance from Malachor V, out of sensor range and away from the gravitational pull of the crumbling planet. Yi'shar shuts down all of the engines, using simple stabilizing thrusters to slowly move the ship towards the fleet.

All the while, Yi'shar searches, looking, feeling with the force. "Where can they be hiding her?"

Slowly feeling his way through each ship, searching for the emptiness in the force that he knew must be Lori, Yi'shar finally sensed something.

"The flagship! Well that sounds right. If Revan did get her hands on Lori she would want to keep her close by."

Feeling for Revan, Yi'shar easily locates her on the ship as well, but some disturbance or imbalance in the force around her makes it appear that she is least for the moment.

"Looks like now or never."

Yi'shar steers the ship straight for the flagship, still only using the thrusters for now... The tiny dots begin to grow larger and take shape. There were far fewer now that at the beginning of the battle...


Kavar picks up the lightsaber and tucks it into his cloak. Then turning to the Mandalorian he says, "I suppose I should thank you for scaring him off. But who are you; and what do you want? How did a Mandalorian get into the Temple anyway?!"

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Xvan steps towards Kavar, towering over the Jedi with his formidable heigth. "We are no mere Mandalorians, Jedi. We are Kovasn. Built for combat and bred for war. We are what gods aspire to be."

Akson steps forward, brushing Xvan lightly with his bulky figure. Xvan always was a show off and one for big talk and no action. Akson looks down at Kavar, a look of respect hidden beneath the scorched and scarred helmet he wore. "We are here to help you, Jedi." He looks around at the current situation.

"It seems the Sith have already struck here. I apologize for our late arrival."

...Destiny's Pawn; upper decks, Conference Hall...

Revan taps her fingers impatiently against the metal table. She watched as all the men in the room shifted uneasily in their chairs, trying to avoid eye contact.  She could almost smell their fear. It was riveting. Intoxicating.

This was power. Malak walks into the room, his eyes immediately locking with Revan's. Their earlier... encounter in Revan's chambers had been breathtaking. Literally. He was still suffering with the side effects.

He seems to glide across the room before he stands beside Revan. She stands to greet him in almost a friendly manner before placing a light kiss against his cold, metal jaw. Whether it was as an act of endeaerment or a reminder of what he had lost Malak chose not to dwell on at the moment.

He'd given her a taste of who she was dealing with now. She'd be smart not to provoke him.

Malak bends to whisper in Revan's ear. "Where is she?" His voice was deep now. Gruff with a twist of mechanical. It sent shivers down Revan's spine and Malak loved that.

"I'm having them bring her to us," she answers in the same low tone.

"What are we going to do with her?"

Revan smiles slightly. "I'm sending her back to Coruscant."

...En route to Coruscant...

He had been right. Revan felt what Lori was and she was threatened by her because Lori was something more powerful than she or Malak could ever hope to be. She was empty. A hole in the Force. Death.

Revan was sending her back to Coruscant because she knew the Jedi Council would exile her for her actions. They would completely cut whatever connection she had left and Lori would disappear.

But Mortis had other plans...

Re: A New Begining

Hey, sorry I got really busy with work this week. I'll try to post again soon. Maybe Saturday or Sunday before I can pick this back up tho. but I will be back

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Kavar bows. "I foresaw your coming, Kovasn. You are welcome here. Your help is greatly needed. We are all facing an evil greater than anyone could have imagined. Our worst fears of this war are now being realized."

"Have you come from the battle?"


Although every second brought Revan's ship closer, the slow speed was almost unbearable even for a Jedi like Yi'shar. He went over every possible scenario in his mind, over and over. There were many obstacles; boarding the ship, moving about without attracting too much attention, finding Lori, getting her off safely, escaping the reaches of Revan's fleet.

One thought did make Yi'shar grin though. Eejee-9

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

I hate that this thing keeps logging me off when I post after I wrote a long entry. Time to formulate my thoughts again. Be back later. smile

Re: A New Begining

sorry about that. that's gotta be frustrating. hope to see you on here later cool

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Xvan seems to growl. "I do not know what you would call such an act but it was not battle. Revan was a coward and she betrayed us..."

...Destiny's Pawn, upper decks; Conference Hall...

So Revan was sending Lori back to Coruscant. Malak could understand why... to a point. He senses that Revan felt threatened by the girl, no matter how much she tried to hide her true feelings from Malak's prying mind. Lori was a Sith now... or was she? Her connecting to the Force seemed strangely silent. Dead almost. Her power no longer roared with life but lay dormant, sleeping it seemed. Waiting for the right moment to awaken and consume its unsuspecting prey.

Yes. That was it. Malak recognized the taint. A Sith had given Lori a taste of power, a chance to become something greater and far worse than anyone else. And yet she had refused. She had withstood temptation and she had said the price. She had left Malachor V a Jedi still, her old self intact. Thus when Revan's Mass Shadow Generator claimed those she had commanded, it shattered Lori to the core.

In order to silence their eternal screams in her mind, in order to preserve her own life, she had to break her bonds, her link to them all: the Force. So the lives of her friends, her companions, her soldiers, were all torn from her... a single person in one tragic moment. She was left empty. Void. A hole in the Force. Malak growls. Lori was extremely dangerous. A threat. Revan was making a smart move.

What he didn't understand is why she didn't just kill the damn girl; it would make things so much simpler. Lori walks into the room at that moment, escorted by a squad of Revan's best soldiers, and suddenly Malak understands. He glances at Revan as she stands. he ha known Revan and Lori were close but after the events that had transpired during the was he hadn't expected the cold person he'd come to know as Revan to feel any kind of love for anyone anymore... especially this woman.
On Internet with my phone. Will continue next post. Give me a sec. smile