Re: the swamps of dagohba

ally or horde?

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Horde all the way,
blood elves
elves and elves

Re: the swamps of dagohba

ewwwwwwwwww make an ally and i will help you level

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Aguia: *body starts to change*


he looks like this now

Re: the swamps of dagohba

*wakes up on tatooine*

Aguia: ahh... my head. where am i? *clicks fingers* need to remember something. umm.

*a man walks up to him*

Man: are you him?

Aguia: who?

Man: Zharr.. the hero. you look like him.

Aguia: guess i am zharr

Man: you need to come with me

Zharr: where we going?

Man: ohh wheres my manners, i am commander zen of the republic army

Zharr: zen? wierd name. whats the republic?

Zen: a army of soldiers who wish to free the galaxy from the sith

Zharr: sith?

Zen: the evilest army. lead by dark jedi they wish to kill everyone who doesent join them

Zharr: jedi?

Zen: you should know... your one

Zharr: *feels his lightsaber and lifts it up* what is this?

Zen: *grabs saber and turns it on* its a blade of pure light, a lightsaber, it allows you to cut through anything. *gives it back* lets go

*5 hours of walking in the sand when they come to a base with soldiers guarding the base, they walk up*

Soldier: welcome back sir

zen: thankyou, at ease, lets go

*they walk into a room with a hologram projector*

Zharr: *feels the projector then looks at zen*

zen: a message reciver.

zharr: ahh *holds his head while screaming in pain*


Aguia: *holds fist up* figured it  out yet?

Amos: no i dont explain

Aguia: maths?? My fist + your head x 1000 = Hello death

Amos: oh well do it already i dont have a reason to live other than life himself

Aguia: what about konah?

Amos: where is she then

Aguia: she is something to live for.

Amos: i know but if you have not noticed she is gone...for something to live for you dont take care of her much........i do okay with her she is the love of my life okay i will never leave her

Zharr: arghh, who is this aguia? amos and konah? who are they?

Zen: What are you talking about?

Zharr: nothing

Zen: right, the sith are flanking us on the left, i need you to intercept them with the other jedi.

Zharr: affirmative

*runs off to join the jedi*

Zharr: *kills twelve sith* how do i know how to fight?


Amos: Sammy i would like you to talk to this man he is your uncle

Aguia: no... im not...

Amos: yes you are not by blood by family friend

Aguia: no... im not...

Amos: yes you are

Aguia: im not related to you or konah.

Amos: that doesnt mean you dont have to be an uncle

Aguia: godfather maybe

Amos: nope uncle

Aguia: i need to be one of your brothers, are you two married?

Amos: *whispers* no but i am gonna ask her at dinner tonight....and you dont need to be related to be an uncle i mean it if you are a family friend that means your an uncle get that straight

Aguia: cool,

Amos: so your an uncle be happy

Samantha: Daddy i feel weird like something is cold

Aguia: uhh not again...

Amos: what wrong with you

Amos: whats a Sam

Sam: Aguia makes me feel cold

Amos: *force* huh i wonder what she means

Aguia: uhh not again, i thought i said no to him, but did he listen?

Amos: yes i listened

Aguia: not you... Now... grrr, i gotta go amos

Zharr: now theres a sam/ samamtha? whats going on?

Zen: *com* weve done it, return to base

Zharr: right

*zharr runs back to the base*


Tj: still want to die

Austin: no do you

Thomas: Austin

Brian: you want to take this or not

Austin: *force pulls Tj out and starts to fight*

Brian: so what to do oh i know *cut his neck on the side*

Thomas: *holding his neck* stop this

Brian: oh now now now i cant do that

Thomas: why not

Brian: because i have to much power to not use it

Zharr: uhh,

Zen: are you alright?

Zharr: yeah, fine and dandy

Zen: the siths cannons are pinning down our troops, get out there

Zharr: fine

*zharr runs to the cannons and destroys them.*

*on his way back he has another flashback*


Zen: merge with me damnit

Austin: why huh tell me why
Zen: you need all the power you can get

Austin: okay i will just one thing first why did you help us

Zen: *merges with austin*

Zharr: zen?

*walks into the room*

Zharr: your a jedi

Zen: what?

Zharr: sith lord zen, you merged with austin

Zen: how do you kno... aguia?

Zharr: who?

Zen: nevermind, gets some rest.

Zharr: fine, *walks into his dorm*

Zen: how does he know?

Zharr: *twists in his sleep*


Austin: you sence that

Thomas: Zen

Austin: yah

Tj: you two go ill stay and deal with shadow

Zen: *thousands of solarian warriors, appear around rhyykol*

Rhyykol: oh, dam it

Solarian priest: you will die for betraying us"*"

Rhyykol: bring it on.

Zharr: *wakes up* solarians? whats going on?

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Zen: you look like hell

Zharr: i feel like hell

zen: whats going on?

Zharr: i dont know, im having memories, someone named rhyykol, aguia, amos, konah, thomas, TJ, austin... all i remember is waking up on the sand dunes

Zen: well, get dressed, you've got a mission

Zharr: which is?

Zen: a dark jedi named Sern

Zharr: sern?


*Sern is seen staring with his mask on and attacking konah like a montage*


Zharr: darth sern?

Zen: yes.

Zharr: *gets dressed*

Zen: go kill him

Zharr: okay

*zharr mounts his speeder and passes a abandond apartment complex.*


Rhyykol: austin..


Zharr: who is this rhyykol? this aguia? thats it, im gonna find them. *turnbs his speeder around*

*zharr, steals a ship then goes to the galactic market*

Zharr: there should be a finder here. ahh *inputs a couple of datapads, then a screen of amos appears saying...

Name: Amos *******

Last known location: Corusant

Zharr: guess im going there

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Solarian: priest... the frencioz* has rezzurected.

Priest: ahh, mev luto beneho bexxho adsu*,translate *he possess the rezzurection, not regeneration

Re: the swamps of dagohba

A few seconds before the MSG blew

Amos: *teleports to an unknown location*

Amos: Just in time to not die *starts to laugh*

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: Damn it should have thought of where to go

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

remember,when i transformed i lost all my memories

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Yeah because that just happened a little bit ago

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: Oh this is  great everyone thinks i am dead well this cant get any worse

Voice: Oh i wouldnt say that

Amos: oh and why do you say that

Voice: Because i am gonna kill you

Amos: doubt it

Voice: well belie.......

Amos: *strikes him down* what...................what..................i...... *starts laughing*

Amos: So i have to lay low for a while

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: As long as no one finds me

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

zharr: youur that amos right?

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Anorian:where is konah???

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Zharr: konah? i dont know... im looking for her myself

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: Damn it i can never be alone

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Anorian:ok just asking

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Zharr: *lifts amos up* GET OUT OF MY HEAD!

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: Whoa what did I do

I'm black....wait thats not right