Topic: Forgive Me But I Have Fallen To The Dark Side
forgive me but i have fallen to the dark side
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forgive me but i have fallen to the dark side
but why? bored of the suntan? lol
Interesting! Why would you need to apologise?
because when i had writen this letter i was not fully dark side but on the way down path
And you are apologizing to......who?
Yeah its your choice in the end of the day. We're not forcing you not to join the sith.
i was apologizing to my old shadow jedi friends
A path towards the dark side eh? I see my presents here is already changing the Jedi's beliefes! Remarkable.
i made this dicsion long ago
You've been all of them lol Jedi, Sith and Shadow. You should make up your mind lol joke .
One thing that will never happen.
It would be best to stay with the Dark Side,
Peace is a lie, there is only passion
through passion I gain strength,
through strnegth I gain power,
through power I gain victory,
through victory my chains are broken,
the Force shall set me free.
Read it, Know it, Live it.
yes will u join the academy
Most certainly, master.
All know and learn a new bread of Sith is here!
Now all you sith need is jedi to fight. Without enemies, sith turn on each other which is another weakness in the sith teachings.
but we become stronger than any jedi
Yeah but there are no jedi on this site so I guess you will destroy yourselves.
I am a Jedi. Jedi Master to you, and I am more powerful than any mere Sith. To diminish the darkness, simply increase the light.