(puts one arm around handmaiden and the other around bastilla) don't listen to her. she's just hatin'
Carth: there is no doubt he needs to come back. if he wasn't a major role, i'd say go and sit down.
Mical: this is an A and B conversation. C yourself out of it.
HK-47: i take it back. your not such a bad rustbucket after all.
canderous: you can't leave, but if you could, i would forget the dust and dump you into space toward any sun.
Atton: you're only here because the game needs personality.
Mira: go and make some money, get some looks then come back.
Handmaiden: she the beauty of the game.
Bastilla: she can't leave. number one, she's a part of the story line. two, she's good lookin.
goto: serves no point whatsoever
bao-dur: i don't know why he should come back. i just liked him for some reason (no homo)
again mical: he is a blonde, contact wearing, pathetic, worthless, pointless, insignificant, hopeless, weak, a**hole who can go down into the pit of malachor for all i care!! :angry: i can't emphasize him enough. i absolutely hate him!!1