Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: You need not worry. She and her companions are safe... for now anyway. Now, you did not answer my question. What are you?

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: your worst nightmare.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: (chuckles) Let us not play games, human... my patience grows thin.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: you mistaketh me for someone who careth.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

This rpg is pretty good and I give it a 8/10.  big_smile  B)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Prince of the light side,Dec 31 2008, 05:18 PM wrote:

logan: you mistaketh me for someone who careth.

HAHA, i'm gonna have to use that line! big_smile  B)

I Am Jedi

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: (roars)

(the ship shakes violently)

Sand Crawler: You made the mistake once Jedi! Don't do it again!

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: didn't you hear me? i don't care about you, your people, or this little crusade you're tryin to get goin. find someone who does.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: I don't care if you don't care. You are the one that has been choosen for the task.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: hey, i'm done playing "deliverer", alright?

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: I never called you any sort of "deliverer".

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

i will close thease topics, and eventualy move them to fan fic, if anyone would like to continue it let me no

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: what task do you speak of?

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: You are the hunter and your title is your task.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: speak.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: At the dawn of time there were only few created: two of every kind. Three of these beings became immortal in a since... guardians over the unknown. One was our leader... the other two were a human and some other beast... a (mispronounced) taing or something likewise I believe.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: and?

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: Over time one of these guardians, the human, became corrupted... turned as your kind would say. He became jealous in a since that he wasn't the only one who was "immortal". He started with the taing. It took ages but finally he stood over the beast's lifeless corpse...

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: maybe you should imput this in the republic science archives, where the rest of those meaningless theories belong.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: (growls) It is no theory, Jedi! We have records from countless species and some fo them even still tell of these "immortals".