Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: (low yowl)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

locke: sir?

logan: he's on here... power down the ship.

locke: bringing power off line.

(the ship can be heard powering down, lights turning off)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: (camoflagues)
(low growl)
(leaves the engine room)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

locke: (whispering) power offline. EMP armed and ready.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: (steps on something, making a crackling sound)
(low growl)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

locke: we're drifting toward the moon.

logan: once we reach the planet's atmosphere, blow the EMP.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: (moves in between Logan and Locke, still camoflagued)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

troy: almost there...

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: (growls in Troy's ear)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

troy: afraid to show thyself in the light?

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: You think you can run from me?
You have the man I want... and I'm not leaving until you take me to him.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: yours truly...

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: I tried to pry the information from the girl but she didn't seem to want to cooperate... however, she did mention the man resides on Coruscant. If you want me to leave you unharmed for the rest of your pathetic short life you will head towards Coruscant and help me track him down.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: what man?

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: A Jedi Master... so I'm told. He should be easy to find. Death should swirl around him and though he has washed the blood clean from his hands, his eyes should tell the story.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: you'll have to forgive me for not understanding your philosophical words...

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: I thought... you Jedi could sense the corrupt.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

(a massive shockwave is felt throughout the ship)

logan: i am no jedi.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: (regains his balance)
(chuckles) A touchy subject I see... Well, you smell like a Jedi, you look like a Jedi, you act like a Jedi, you think like a Jedi, you speak like a Jedi, you move like a Jedi... you're a perfect example of thos proud, weaklings. But if you say you're not what you appear to be, human, then what exactly are you?

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: what did you do with her?