Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: what?

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: I want... someone. She wants... something.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: that being?

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: It matters no more... you broke our deal.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: how can i break a deal i don't know about?

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?



Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: The deal involved you in it anyway. I cared not whether you or your men agreed to our price of treason; she did and it was what it was. If you had but listened to her you could have sparred your men and her&#33;
(fades away)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

link: we&#39;re entering the planet&#39;s atmosphere.

logan: you want her? take her. let&#39;s go.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: I need not ask you for what is all ready mine. I was hoping you&#39;d beg for the lives of your men... guess not.

(soldier screaming)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: (scoffs, walks to the pod bay)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: Good bye, human.
See you in hell one day.

(the sounds a flesh being ripped is heard)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

locke: he&#39;s letting us go?

logan: detach us from the ship and let the planet have it.

(the shuttle lauches into space while the main ship continues on its collision course with the ground)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Sand Crawler: (kills off the remaining soldiers)

Ship AI: Warning: Planetary impact in thirty seconds.

Sand Crawler: (chuckles)
(looks at the dead soldiers)
So the human thought he could be rid of me that easily?


Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?



Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Um.... you do know what you&#39;re saying, right?

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

im trying "mando&#39;a"
meh mhi verborir


Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Yeah, I know. Not trying to sound maen, but "k&#39;urr" isn&#39;t a word. Now "k&#39;uur" is but it means "hush".

meh mhi verborir
"Nice one.
If we buy
That is what a person who speaks Mando&#39;a would understand. Work on your sentences a bit. Also certain words are merged when you&#39;re speaking. Lookup some Mando&#39;a grammer for more help.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

u mastered mando&#39;a???


Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

You could say. I can almost use it as well as I can English. But you can hit a few bumps trying to speak (write, read, etc.) it though since some words don&#39;t exactly exist.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

thats cool...
