Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: what now?

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

(suddenly the vehicle in front of them explodes)

Kharr: Oh, sh-!

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: (angry) what the hell was that?!

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Starr: Short ranged missile.
(looks through the scope)
(quietly) Where are you bastards?

(another vehicle explodes)

Starr: Gotcha.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: (fires his M16K)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Savo: Whoo-hoo!

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: okay... lets try...
(fires M60-E3)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Savo: (mimicing the machine gun)

Kharr: Would you shut up, Savo?!

Savo: Why, is it irriating?

Kharr: Highly!

Savo: Good!
(continues to make noises)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: just be sure to take your frustrations out on the enemy! (still firing)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

(another vehicles explodes)

Starr: Mother fu-!

Savo: (firing)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: i need to get to a gauss cannon!

s**t! reload!

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Riyad: RV thirty minutes.

Starr: We won't last ten minutes under this firepower!

Riyad: We'll take some back roads... follow me Kharr.

Kharr: Yes, sir.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: (presses button)
Locke! i need ATTPU's here now!

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

(they veer off onto a dirt road)

(the vehicles shakes rapidly)

Savo: Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-whee.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

locke: 45 minutes sir.

logan: good enough!

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

(the only thing that can be heard are the vehicles moving down the dirt road)
(other than that... everything is silent)

Starr: (looks around)

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: the lull... the deadliest quiet ever to be heard. it means something's about to happen.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Kharr: Yeah... and that something's not going to be good.

Riyad: Keep your eyes and ears opened, people.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

logan: everyone watch each other's back. we're in this together whether we want to be or not; whether we like it or not.

Re: What Is Your Favorite Light Saber Color?

Starr: I gotta bad feeling about this.

Kharr: Yeah, me too.