Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Revan: ???

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Carth: Uh-... (leans towards Revan) (whispers) Who's that?

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Revan: (whispers) Don't know. (normal voice) I'm sorry but I don't remember you. And can you please go out. I have a pacient...

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

(later prince senses a disturbance in the force)

prince: george. he is dead.

voice: it was for the best.

prince: i thought i told you to leave.

voice: you did. but this moment was so exciting. i tried to force myself to stay away, but i couldn't.

prince: naga, was it for the best? or will starr just take his place.

naga: you have a point.

prince: you are the only one i can really trust. what must i do?

naga: you already know.

prince: you didn't have anything to do with that did you?

naga:of course not.

prince: just checking.

naga: you should hurry. starr is qiuckly succoming to the dark side.

prince: why do you seek to help me?

naga: we have a history together. i don't want to see you or any jedi wiped out.

prince: (smiles) there the naga sadow i know.

naga: smiles back: hurry.

prince: right. (goes to where starr is at.)

prince: starr?

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Revan: Prince...

Prince: (looks up from Starr) What?

Revan: Starr's... Starr's gone.

Carth: What do you mean GONE!?

Revan: We're too late...

Starr: (through the Force) Passion... Strength... Power... Victory... Broken... Freedom... Death.

Passion is Strength...
Strength is Power...
Power is Victory...
Victory for them is Broken...
Being Broken is Freedom...
But Freedom is Death...

Carth: Too late for what!?

Prince: She's turned...

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

prince: i'm the only one that can stop her.

revan: let us come with you.

prince: no. you aren't strong enough to fight this new DARK LORD.

(prince tracks starr through the force.)

prince: starr?

starr: i've been wating for you my old master.

prince: i'm sure you have.

starr: why are you here?

prince: you have fallen i can-

starr: don't you DARE tell me what i have and haven't done!!!

prince: i have come... (sighs) to end this.

(starr draws her lightsaber) then do so!

(prince quickly activates his lightsaber and the duel begins...)

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Starr: You cannot defeat me in my dreams Prince! (attacks Prince)
You will die here and so will any who follow!
(attacks Prince again)

Prince: Your dreams?

Starr: I'm not really here Master... I'm in the medbay. Unconscious until I gain enough power to strike down those who stand in my way to victory!

Prince: So.. (attacks Starr)

Starr: So... you are in a dream... in my unconscious mind. Prepare to die, Master! (evil smile)
(attacks Prince again)

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

(prince blocks the attack and delivers what would be a lethal blow; instead, the image disappears, prince goes back to the hovercraft to get to Medbaoy102)

(there he finds starr, lying in an unconcious state)

prince:(rubbing her forehead, gently sighs): you were my strongest and most cunning apprentice. and now that i think about it, yeah i did love you. you were the most beautiful woman i had ever seen. it is not you who has failed me, it's me that has failed you, i'm sorry. here you lie in a state of vulnability, open to attack. but i cannot do it. (eyes water)

naga: do it.

prince: she isn't beyond redemption.

naga: perhaps not, but we shouldn't take our chances!

(prince draws lightsaber, activates)

naga: your love for her is your weakness. she loved george, not you. do it! less you forget she is carrying twins.

prince: that's why i can't kill her. in justifying her death, i would also be commiting murder. (uses the force)

naga: what are you doing?!?!

prince: creating psychic barriers around her mind. when she wakes up, she should be able to control her powers.

naga: if she slips back into the darkness, don't say i didn't warn you.

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Cratus: Where is robbo don't tell me he is dead i can feel his presence

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

he's not even in this story.

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Cratus: i have been feeling some major force presence i thought it was robbo but it was not him well hi

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?


Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Cratus: anyway would you like a teacher eh i am here

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

a teacher? i'm the best lightsaber duelist in the jedi council. thanks anyway.

hey, my moms making me get offline. right now in michigan, it's past 11:00 P.M. so i'll see you and the rest of the gang tomorrow. wink  B)  roll

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Cratus:Yes but when you combine the fact that you are the best duelist plus the fact that you have learned from the best force user in the council you get mastery

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Starr: (through the Force)
Passion or Peace...
Strength or Knowledge...
Power or Serenity...
Victory or Harmony...
Brokeness or Restoration...
Freedom or Bondage...
Death or Life...?

Starr: This battle first fought is a battle of the mind. But how can one defeat onself?

Starr: I am you; you are me. We are one and the same.

Starr: No! You cannot be me. You are the darkness, the symbol of all that is truly evil in this galaxy. I cannot be you, I am nothing like you!

Starr: I am you; you are me. We are one and the same.

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Cratus:while you can stop this madness you can't continue i haved served the dark it was bad ight the evil thoughts in your head

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

George: (through the force): Starr don't succumb to the dark side just because I died. The dark side only brought death to me. Return to the light....

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

prince: the force does not call you home. not yet.

starr: i...i...

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

(starr faints)