Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Starr: (crumbles to the ground)
(lies on the ground)
(raspy evil chuckle)


Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

prince: (sobbing)

naga: she was a sith lord.

prince: and the woman i loved.

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Starr: I'm not dead yet, you Jedi! (raspy laugh)
(blood pours out of her mouth)
(trys to stand)
(falls back to the ground)

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

prince: then what would you have me do?

naga: what are you doin'?!

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Starr: (clutches her stomach)
(to herself) Why won't I die!?
(reaches for her lightsaber again)

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Cratus: this is an emergency we need the ultimate army out and helping k

Master: y would u say that

Cratus: the true sith has awoken for starr while we have the chance destroy them

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

prince: look, i don't care if you don't love me. the facts are that i love you and i won't abandon you to the dark side or let you die!!

(very long pause)

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Starr: (watery evil laugh)
(blood continues to pour from her mouth)
(reaches for her lightsaber)

(to herself) Let me die, Jedi...
(trys to use the Force to grab her lightsaber)

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

prince: (snatches her lightsaber) no you won't!

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Cratus: now we can unleash it

Master: on 1 condition u lead it

Cratus: fine (gets prepared)

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Starr: (evil smile) I'm too far... (cough)... You think... think you can save... me.
(evil laugh)
(watery cough)

You weak-minded Jedi... I will die... whether you kill me or... or I do it myself!

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

prince: not before i convince myself that there isn't anything i can do

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Cratus: (leads army of mandalorians/jedi/90 laats/25 head ships/190 arc 170s/more

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Starr: (clutches her stomach)
(crys in pain)

There... is nothing... you can do! Let... me... die!
(uses the Force to pull her lightsaber out of Prince's hand)

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

prince: why? why should? i let you die?!

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Starr: (trys to use the Force again)

'Cause damnmit I want to die!
(raspy cough)

Quit using the Force to keep me alive!
(evil smile)
Let me die in the darkness I've surcome too!

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Cratus: (arrives on lehon) looks like we are here

Mandalorian 2nd in command: yes sir (sends calls to deploy land ships and speeders)

Cratus on battlefront 2 kasshyykk speeder: (arrives at true sith base and walks in) kills 1st 2 gaurds

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Starr: (archs back in pain)
(through the Force)
PAIN! Such sweet pain! Let me die, damnit!

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

prince: your mother has committed you to do this.

Re: Favorite Class To Start Off The Game?

Starr: (raspy evil laugh)
Oh... Mother, eh?
(evil smile)

If she were... were here... she'd be so... so proud of me... I'd finally... get approval... from her... (raspy cough) Such... a sad... sad story my... my life is... but... I'm... glad... it... is... (evil laugh)

I... I can die... with anger... anger in my... my eyes... and hate... in my... my heart... (bloody smile)