Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: (winks at troy)

troy: (immediately stops laughing) let's move!!

(Riders head back to the planet's surface).

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(suddenly a large Force field surrounds Logan and Troy)
(ten unidentified Vertos surround the rest of the Riders)

Maioribus: (laughing)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: (looks at troy) was worth a shot.

troy: (shrugs his shoulders in agreement)

sonia: we are so in for it now...

logan: no we're not. they need us, remember?

sonia: (chuckles)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

when I learend the truth..
well i was playing it on ym old computer which kinda sucked so it wouldnt play the cut scenes.
So i really had NO idea what was coming.
It was possibly one of the best plot twists ever.
Thank you Bioware for writing such awsome material.

<img src= … ig.jpg>

"Power? Do you think so? You would be wrong. There is no strength in the hunger he possesses… and the will behind his power is a primal thing. And it devours him as he devours others—his mere presence kills all around him slowly, feeding him. He is already dead; it is simply a question of how many he kills before he falls."

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Vertos: (laughing)

Maioribus: (sighs) Fleshlings...

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: just flow with it.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Maioribus: (looks up at the Vertos) Right on time.

Verto Lead: (nods)

Maioribus: (looks at Logan) Logan, I believe you remember Annuo and Ruina Squad?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

sonia: oh, s**t.

logan: what about it?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Rector: We&#39;re your new bodyguards.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: says who?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Corruo: Command.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: to hell with "command"&#33;

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Exitialis: (picks up Logan by the collar)
Command is Reha. And what Reha says, goes, fleshling.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

sonia: if you don&#39;t take your hands off him...

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Mort: (glares at Sonia) You&#39;ll what, fleshling?

Rector: (steps forwards)
(looks at Exitialis) That&#39;s enough&#33;
(looks at Mort) From both of you.
(looks back at Exitialis)

Exitialis: (puts Logan down)
(looks at Sonia) Don&#39;t try to impress your mate, female.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

sonia: (grimaces)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Corruo: (smacks Exitialis on the side of the head)
(quietly) Watch yourself Verto, or you might end up in the Black Room.

Exitialis: Yes, sir.
(calms down)

Rector: (bows slightly) I am sorry for the misbehavior of my and my friend&#39;s two soldiers, Admiral.

Maioribus: (nods)
(looks at Logan)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

excuse me for just a moment...

logan: finally without a glare.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Will do.

Maioribus: Well, fleshling...

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?


logan: (raises his eyebrows in interest)