Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Sero: You're staying here.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Starr, I see you have joined the darkside and I will say welcome to the true power of the force.  big_smile

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Can it be, has she joined us?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

It looks that way, Master.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

It may only be for a short time. Fate has a strange way of turning things around.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?


logan: i can&#39;t move. can you please let me go? i&#39;m going numb.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Sero: (looks down)
Your choice.
(lets Logan go)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(dragon catches him)

logan: (flips onto the top of his dragon)

thank you. now let&#39;s go we got business.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Maioribus: Like I said, fleshling... you&#39;re staying here.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: (looks at sonia with a frustrated expression)

sonia: don&#39;t...

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Sero: Maioribus, it&#39;s your turn to be on baby sitting duty. I&#39;ve got men down there and I&#39;m not leaving without them.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Starr said she could go back to the lightside so stop crying Prince.
              lol  lol  lol  lol  lol

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

you really wanna p**s me the f**k off don&#39;t you?

troy: (throws fireball)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(no effect)

Sero: Uh, you know... (sarcasticly) wow.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

troy: oh and you would be...?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Sero: (activates canons)
(charges them)
Sero... Mariou Sero.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

troy: more like bolts... bucket of bolts...

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Sero: Look who&#39;s talking, clone.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

troy: thing is, i wasn&#39;t manufactured in some factory.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Sero: I&#39;m not a copy, I&#39;m the original me. You on the other hand...