Topic: The Clone Wars.
Alrighty folks. It’s that time again. Time for a new RPG. You know what that means: Characters, creations, backstories, drama, jokes, awkward dialogue, and last but not least. Inevitably some awkward social interaction!!
Premise: Begun the Clone Wars has. You are a group of Jedi and Clone Troopers sent on a mission to the planet of Ord Mantell a usually calm planet that has seen a lot of combat in the past of the Old Republic. The separatists have set up a base here and started a siege of the local Republic supporting factions. Your job is to get boots on the ground, set up a forward command base and beat the Seps back.
Character sheet:
Age (if you want):
Class(Jedi, Clone, other):
Name: Preston Quinn
Race: Human
Age: 26
Class: Jedi Guardian
Rank: Knight
Appearance: Preston is 6’3” tall, has short curly black hair, and swarthy skin. His eyes are ice blue, and he has a winning smile.
Backstory: Preston and his twin brother were both selected by the Jedi order to be trained from A very young age. After both were granted the rank of master, Theodore decided to become a recluse on the planet Dantoonie, rarely returning to the temple, and never taking a Padawan. That changed when the Clone wars broke out. Forcing both brothers to take a more active role in the survival of the republic.
Weapon: Single bladed lightsaber with an amber blade.