Re: A New Begining

Mmmm... wink

Riordan instinctively snatches George's wrist in a fluid, graceful movement and twists sharply, the Jedi's lightsaber clattering to the ground as pain shoots up George's arm. Riordan's eyes narrow and George catches a glimpse of the burning fires there.

"Don't," he growls, losing his calm. "I warned you, Jedi. Kain is not known for his tolerance of your kind and now is not the time for acts of bravado. Know your place," he snaps coldly. "Unless of course you believe being ripped in two would be a pleasant experience then by all means... feel free to proceed."

Riordan watches George's reaction carefully. The Jedi was confused... to put it mildly. However, he seemed to at least somewhat grasp the threat to self. It would have to do for now.

"I understand you have little reason to trust me or heed my orders but I assure you I have only your best interests in mind. Simply leave this matter to the professionals, Master Jedi. Even if it comes to blows I would advise you don't get in the way. If you cannot calm the wild beast... you must simply tire it out."

A gleam shines in his eyes as he releases George's wrist, regaining his calm demeanor in the process. A roar somewhere nearby causes Riordan and George to both look around, searching for the source.

"Don't move, Jedi," Riordan orders.

Out of nowhere, two tattered pieces of what George can only guess are the remains of a speeder violently tumble by them at an incredibly speed. Riordan smiles slightly. My, my, Kain. You certainly are getting worked up about something. The noble quickly and inconspicuously observes his surroundings, noting the mangled bodies in the street he assumes are all that remains of more of Kain's victims.

He sighs heavily. How many this time, brother? How many more faces to haunt your nightmares? Ten? Twenty?

A very loud, gruff, and exceedingly violent voice followed by a large crash off to the side pulls Riordan from his thoughts. "YOU BASTARD!"

Riordan cannot help the faint chuckle. Well, you decided to keep an eye on him after all...

Suddenly a man appears in front of Riordan, surprising George. The man stands a little over six feet, his height and well-built frame plenty enough to intimidate. His short, shaggy golden blonde hair is splattered with a few specks of blood, smut, and tiny particles of dirt. His white open trench coat -coated in dirt as well as other substances- seems to wave out and float angelically around the bottom; the tails of his silvered collared shirt -the last few buttons at the top and bottom left undone- as well as his black tie moving easily in the soft wind.

He dons blue tinted sunglasses, the left lense bearing a small crack from either a distant or recent ordeal. A death stick is held between his teeth but he reaches up and removes, bending the cigarette in half before he drops it on the ground, grinding it into tiny pieces with one of his black boots. He lets out a heavy sigh, smoke shooting from his noise like a crazed bull from children's cartoons.

George's eyes widen. This man... he used a... a flash step?! Was he a Force vampire?! Was Riordan working for them?!

"It's been a while," the man speaks, his voice giving George a cold burn. It was like boiling liquid helium, extremely cold and yet sounding like it was something so hot it couldn't stop bubbling. Cold and violent. It put the Jedi on edge.

Riordan nods politely. "It has. I see you have taken to stalking Kain after all."

The man huffs and looks away as if annoyed. "I'd be a bad person if I let someone like him just run rampant all over the 'verse. The boy needs someone to kick his ass from time to time; remind him he can die just as easy as the rest of us."

"I see," Riordan replies. "Enjoying yourself, Slade?"

The man chuckles, turning his attention back to Riordan. "I'd be lying if I said no. You know me. Normally I don't like violence but Kain just makes it too much damn fun. I can't seem to help myself," he grins sadistically.

Both men suddenly step apart as a vending machine flies between them, inches away from their faces. Heads immediately turn to find where the projectile came from. Kain stands a good ways down the street in an aggressive, animalistic manner, legs spread apart to make himself appear larger, breathing labored and chest heaving as he tries to control his shaking body.

The veins in his neck bulge. "SLADE! I'LL KILL YOU!"

Slade frowns with disapproval and waves Kain away as if to say 'don't be stupid'. This infuriates the raging man further and he charges forward. Slade looks at Riordan. "Might take a while for me to cool him off but I'll do my best."

He uses a flash step to divert Kain's attack away from Riordan and George's location. Before Kain's fist can impact with his body, Slade brings his arm up and brushes the attack to the side, his other hand flying up to grab the side of Kain's face and throw him into a nearby building.

Another character?! Who's a Force vampire?! o_O Hell yeahs. ^_^

May I introduce Slade. Rule Slade. And yes his name is Rule... it's important later. He prefers to be called Slade though so that's what he will be referred to throughout the RPG. He's a Force vampire. As you can see he's not as bulky as Kain but he is just as strong. This comes from his inability to feel pain (as the brain shuts down muscles in response to pain in order to prevent serious injury) and from his age as a Force vampire.

Slade was turned when he was in his late 20s or very early 30s (even he doesn't remember any more) but he'll never age. Kain was turned at age 25; Riordan tainted at age 22.

Though he doesn't like violence, Slade is, in fact, a very aggressive and violent person with a short fuse. Much like Kain, his personality allows him to somewhat tame his taint so he does not become a murderous monster. And while his anger does not result in berserker rages like Kain it does led to the same things: damages, injuries, and deaths.

Also a flash step is what the vampires do when they disappear and then reappear somewhere else.

Re: A New Begining

Name: Jester
Age: 20 when turned into a Force Vampire
Race: Human
Alliance: Sith/Vampires
HomeWorld: Korriban

Backstory: I was born on Korriban in the time of the war of the fallen jedi vs jedi. I lived and studied the Force as a Sith in the academy on Kooriban until I met a female vampire named Kaia who saw the power and rage I had growing inside of me and turned me into a Force Vampire. After she turned me she told me about when I feed on other Force users I grow stronger and faster so after I learned that I killed her and feed on her and took all her Force powers. After that I left to raise my own army of Force Vampires and that has lead up to this point.

Jester steps out of the shadows and into a group of long vampires waiting to start their feeding time. As I watch the young vampires feed on jedi younglings and grow strounger I send the images of the carnage to every jedi in the galaxy.

As the images play in every jedi and Force user in the galaxy I repeat the words of "This is your fate if you stand aganist use"

Re: A New Begining

Ooh, Jest... I probably should have told you... Force vampires are a special thing I've got going. There's kinda some... limitations on them. Firstly, there are not that many left. Seriously there's like ten because they were hunted down by the Elders [current plot] so there's nothing like a vampire army. Six of those ten or so I'm currently actively using. I mean it's cool if you're a Force vampire and want another character to be a Force vampire but there are currently no newborns (Riordan and George are merely tainted; they've yet to turn).

Also, vampires are savage creatures thus they don't feed in groups. They've been known to kill each other in order to get to a meal and they don't just join forces randomly. They're drawn to the Vampire King (Mortis) and bow only to him. They don't join factions like the Sith or anything else because they are "petty foundations of men" and they feed on anyone. Sith, Jedi, and they can even draw food from non Force users since all life has the Force.

Another point for Force vampires... they do not turn others. Even due to potential power. In fact they'll probably want to eat you more. You see, Force vampires are born from aspects of death. The evilest of all souls are eventually consumed by their own darkness and 'die', leaving behind a void. Thus the vampire must seek out and consume others in an attempt to fill the void where their own soul once was.

Now Razvan's black smoke does choose suitable hosts due to potential power. However, without a dark enough soul the host cannot turn. The black smoke consumes the soul and 'kills' it, turning the host. Here's a current list of active vampires and their aspects of death so you can work around. ^_^

Mortis: The Vampire King; aspect of death- Destruction
Razvan: The First; aspect of death- Revenge
Saro: The Second; aspect of death- Madness
Rule Slade: aspect of death- Intoxication (Poison)
Kain Koga: aspect of death- Rage
Unknown vampire (yet to be mentioned): aspect of death- Despair

Hope this clears some stuff up and doesn't effect you wanting to join the RPG, dear. sad

Re: A New Begining

Interesting smile But... to many plot twists for my taste xD

George was angry again. He pulled his lightsaber to him, and just watched the fight. Slade and that Kain... Two Force Vampires. It was sad... He'll never become one of those vampires... He'll rather die. He glanced at Riordan saying. "You and I need to have a little talk once this is finished." He shook his head in disbelief. He remembered his father and mother fighting with Razvan as Slade and Kain continued their duel.

He will find the tomb. And he'll kill all of the Vampires... All of them...

. . .

The Lady was talking to those two man in black uniforms that were at her place the other night. "I want you to send the message to him." "Yes ma'am!" One of them saluted and went out of the alley into the crowdy street. "What about me, milady?" The other one asked. "You're going with me." "Yes Milady" he saluted and went with the Lady in the opposite direction from where the first one went.

Re: A New Begining

Awww... but this way things are always interesting and you never know what's going to happen next! It keeps ya wondering and anticipating. wink

Well, time for a big fight scene I suppose. I'll have to think of how to make an epic fist fight for two Force vampires of incredible strength. This should be interesting... ^_^ Be back a little later. smile

Re: A New Begining

(yawns) xD

Re: A New Begining

Okay Starr I understand and just forget that about the group of young ones. I will keep the part of Kaia turning me then I ended up killing her. It is hard for me to talk in the third person so I will use "I" or post my name like Jester: then say what I have to say.

I walk out of the Tomb of Ajunta Pal where I have been since the night I killed Kaia. As I walk across the changed landscape of Korriban I feel like a ghost from the past which in fact I am. As I walk up from the Valley of the Dark Lords I come to the Sith Academy that once was the greatest Academy in the Empire but now is a empty shell of the glory days.

As I walk into the main room of the Academy I sence what happened to the Academy as I slept in the Tom of Ajunta Pal. As I wounder through room after room I start to think about what I have become and if their are anymore like what I have become and if so where they are at.

A massive wave of memories and pain comes over me that makes me drop to my knees until I black out.........AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH........

Okay, If you would like I can stay alone or Starr one of your Force Vampires could contact me some how and I could come to you.

Re: A New Begining

Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been on for the last couple days. The 4th called for some celebration and then I just got pulled into some stuff. I'll try to post real soon though. smile

Re: A New Begining

Sounds good.

Re: A New Begining

Sorry this is taking me so long guys. I promise to post in the next few days... I've just been wrapped up in some work and other stuff but I'll get to it soon. Another reason for delay is I'm having to write out the entire Force vampire plot. Recently I've just been kinda going post-to-post without anything really laid out but that's not going to be the case anymore! ^_^

Being organized is extremely helpful to me so if I know what I want ahead of time I'll be able to write better. (This will not impede your own plot, George dear, so never fear. I'm very flexible with my writing so do have at your own. Simply know I have some very interesting stuff planned for well basically anything and everything involving the Elders.  wink )

The problem is I'm having to do all this plotting while excluding the Kovasn, Revan, Lori (the Jedi Exile), oncoming Jedi Civil War, etc... for now since they're all connected in some way or another to one or more of LSM's characters and I can't really move anything involving them without him around for the moment.

So I'm having to work around which is proving difficult (since most of the previous listed characters and events play a role in the Force vampire plot) but I'll manage... for now. smile With all that said... be back soon. I hope. lol

Re: A New Begining

No problema Senorita big_smile

And the story surrounding my character is a secret one and very confusing, cause although he wants to kill a vampire other vampires will come into his life. The mysterious lady (don't touch her she'll show up later) for some reason wants George though we don't know it yet.

Anyway, consider my plot a secondary one, cause George went off to find himself and to get some answers about his past and his future. (there's that vision that he had before he got poisoned by Razvan) etc.

Anyway... Enjoy big_smile

Re: A New Begining

Good to know. smile The Force vampire main plot (it has a number of subplots I guess you could say) pulls the Elder plot you initiated into a full on main plot which is very complicated and complex... and will probably keep this RPG going for quite some time I do hope. ^_^

The Elder tomb you saw in your dream (to which George, Riordan, and party will travel) is actually where both the Force vampire and Elder main plots somewhat begin and start to expand form there.

Re: A New Begining

I thought of it as a sub-plot until you brought it in the first plan. We'll see how it ends, though I have a pretty good guess that there a two possible endings. Either George dies, or Razvan. After that the plot can be continued, but we have a long way full of writing till we reach that big_smile

Re: A New Begining

Well I mean there are tons of possibilities. Plot twists can be very powerful when used at the right moment. wink And the Elder plot was originally a sub-plot which was a way of giving George a way of gaining power to face/hunting down Razvan. But like all things I got thinking about it and well... you'll just have to continue on with this RPG and find out what it turned into.

Re: A New Begining

We will see... I've got a few surprises of my own. I got a few ideas about what is really a weapon against the Vampires. Some of it will be revealed when they arrive in the tomb...

I've got a lot on mind for this RPG xD We'll see what comes of it smile

Re: A New Begining

But what was the Elders' real reason for trying to eradicate the Force vampires? They existed for thousands upon thousands of years alongside the Elders before they attempted to hunt them down. So what were the Elders protecting... or hiding? Yeah, see got you wondering what I'm up to already. tongue

Re: A New Begining

Ok, just post the story xD Or I'll forget what was it about tongue

Re: A New Begining

I'm going, I'm going. lol

Re: A New Begining

Darth Jester wrote:

Okay Starr I understand and just forget that about the group of young ones. I will keep the part of Kaia turning me then I ended up killing her. It is hard for me to talk in the third person so I will use "I" or post my name like Jester: then say what I have to say.

I walk out of the Tomb of Ajunta Pal where I have been since the night I killed Kaia. As I walk across the changed landscape of Korriban I feel like a ghost from the past which in fact I am. As I walk up from the Valley of the Dark Lords I come to the Sith Academy that once was the greatest Academy in the Empire but now is a empty shell of the glory days.

As I walk into the main room of the Academy I sence what happened to the Academy as I slept in the Tom of Ajunta Pal. As I wounder through room after room I start to think about what I have become and if their are anymore like what I have become and if so where they are at.

A massive wave of memories and pain comes over me that makes me drop to my knees until I black out.........AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH........

Okay, If you would like I can stay alone or Starr one of your Force Vampires could contact me some how and I could come to you.

This where I left off so I will wait till Starr tells me where to go from Korriban to meet the other Force Vampires.

Re: A New Begining

Okay, I keep getting sidetracked. I've really got to stop doing that. Anyway to begin I just want to say that this may not be my best post. It has a possibility. Fight scenes tend to get a... uhhh... sloppy for me I guess you could say. I have the situation playing out in my head, it's just I have a problem transmitting that to paper sometimes. Oh well. This will have to do. ^_^

Everything here is rather fast paced (as far as the fight goes). The entire fight scene -if actually played out like in a movie or something- would only take up I'd say a little less that two minutes. So do try and imagine it that way and of course enjoy. big_smile

Riordan's eyes betray nothing, their icy glare not straying from George... as if staring into the Jedi's very soul. The noble was not at all pleased with the way events had unfolded. He had intended to introduce the Jedi and his brother in a more stable environment. Perhaps they would have been more understanding of each other. He sighs. Well, the situation could not be helped now.

Waves of crushing power suddenly skyrocket, shaking even the air around them.

"Come, Jedi," Riordan calls, as if George had said nothing at all. He did not care to think on what the man needed to discuss with him. "It is not wise to remain here. Slade and Kain lack significant control and it would not be amusing should we find ourselves in their way."

With those words the noble disappears, almost instantly reappearing on the roof of a nearby building, looking down on the beginnings of the fight like some kind of god. A flash step? But Riordan wasn't a full Force vampire... not yet. He had to be close to turning to utilize such a skill. The thought made George's blood boil. How many more lives would these creatures poison?


Slade laughs, shoving lean, sturdy hands into the pocked of his black faded jeans. "Ah, come on now, boy. I know ya got better than that," he taunts as Kain gets to his feet, particles of rubble rolling from the redhead's bulky shoulders. Slade smiles as the anger seeping from the other man only seems to heighten. "Hit me with your best shot."

"Bastard!" Kain rages, his hands clenching into iron-hard fists as he lunges forward, aiming for the blonde man's face. He'd wipe that damn smirk off it!

Slade sidesteps causing Kain to stumble forward slightly when his fist doesn't connect. His body almost simultaneously collides with the building beside him as Slade's arm comes around, delivering a crushing blow to his head. The younger vampire growls and punches the ground in frustration, springing to his feet and immediately charging towards Slade with a series of fast attacks in hopes of bashing the man's head in.

The older vampire dodges the first few blows before slapping Kain's arms away, his own fist connecting with the redhead's face. Slade's fingers quickly interlock near the base of Kain's skull, forcing the man's head down while violently bringing up his own knee to ram the two together. The sound of bones breaking echoes in Slade's ears and the smell of fresh blood shoots fire through his veins, his body shuddering with fierce hunger.

Kain jumps back, if only to avoid further injuries, his dangerous glare landing on the blonde. His tongue flicks out to lick away his blood, the bittersweet, metallic taste tingling in his mouth. Damn it. Slade's eyes follow the trail of blood streaming down the redhead's face only to watch as it is washed away by a devious tongue, the dark gleam in the older vampire's eyes deepening when Kain grins wickedly.

"Want a taste, Slade?" he teases, drawing out the blonde's name in a near purr.

Slade growls, answering Kain's question by kicking the redhead in the gut, the action sending the younger man flying through the wall of a corporation building. Infuriated, the older man turns and rips a street sign from its foundations, flinging it at Kain. Kain agilely rolls out of the projectile's flight path, the sharpened pole of the street sign driving into the wall where his body would have been impaled not even a mere second ago.

The redhead comes onto one knee and pulls a silver and black knife from the sheath on his left thigh, throwing it with incredible speed and accuracy. Had Slade blinked he would have missed it, however, the blonde manages to at least partially dodge the surprise attack, the blade sinking deep into his left shoulder instead of his heart as Kain had no doubt intended.

The older vampire grins masochistically, tearing the weapon from his flesh before lifting it up to his mouth to lick away the blood dripping from the blade.

"Now that's no way to play fair, Kain," Slade accuses. "Bringing Mekura to a fist fight... someone could get hurt."

Kain lunges forward, freeing Mekura from the blonde's grip with a sudden Force pull. He brings his arm around, the silver knife humming with haunting intent as it nears the other man's throat. Slade leans back, avoiding the sharp blade. Kain quickly goes for Slade's exposed stomach but he jumps back, dodging each slashing movement. The redhead desperately goes for the older vampire's throat again but the blonde blocks the blow and punches Kain in the arm, Mekura clattering to the ground some distance away.

Kain roars, enraged, and wrestles Slade to the ground, pressing his fingers into the stab wound of the other man's shoulder which responds by pooling with darkened blood. Slade struggles beneath the redhead's weight, grabbing his wrists in an attempt to prevent further injuries. Eventually he also manages to snake a leg under Kain's bulky form and, mustering his strength, kicks the younger man off of him.

Kain slams into an extremely tall tower, crashing through the structure's outer and a number of its inner walls before his back connects with a dense pillar, stopping his progress. Kain groans, stumbling to his feet and slowly back through the holes his own body had just formed. Slade stands just down the narrow street, waiting patiently for the redhead to make the next move. The bastard always liked to f**king play with people. Kain's eyes narrow as a smile creeps onto the blonde's face. That same damn grin; as if he's already won...

Kain growls, the sound quickly thundering to a roar as he flash steps to the corner of the building's foundation. Allowing the corner edge to press brutally against the flexing muscles of his chest, Kain reaches around both sides of the building as best he can, his fingers digging into the walls like metal grips.

Oh boy... Slade thinks to himself.

Veins bulge beneath tanned skin stretched taunt over hardening and flexing muscles as Kain sunders a massive portion of the tower's lower corner, heaving the mass over his head with another roar. Suddenly a creaking and rumbling sound echoes faintly around them. Slade closes his eyes on a sigh, pushing his tinted sunglasses back up on his nose with his middle finger.

Well... this just got more interesting...

Kain's gaze rakes up the tower as it begins to topple towards him. He curses angrily, rushing towards Slade while hurling the chunk of wall at the other vampire. Slade disappears right before the lump of flying debris hits him, almost instantly reappearing in the same exact spot he'd been in.

Kain is suddenly upon him, throwing mad punches. The older vampire begins withdrawing, wary of the crumbling structure so near them. He brings up his arms, blocking a number of attacks before kicking the redhead in the gut. The younger man throws his hands behind him, releasing a devastating Force push to propel himself forward, punching Slade squarely in the jaw. Kain quickly uses the Force to pull Mekura to him, trying to use the advantage of landing a blow and shocking Slade while he can.

The tumbling tower groans and rumbles loudly now, pieces of the walls beginning to plummet to the ground as it crashes into the building next to it, the large structure forcing the tower to change courses and fall towards the two dueling vampires. Slade takes another step back, still managing to dodge Kain's attacks until the younger vampire grabs his left wrist and slams his knee into the blonde's stomach. Slade growls, punching Kain in the side and yanking his arm away from the redhead.

A section of rubble almost crushes Slade but the older man jumps back. Kain leaps over the obstacle, grabbing the edge as he does in order to accurately drive his feet directly into the blonde's face. Both vampires end up falling to the ground, Slade quickly rolling backwards as a long portion of the tower's crumbling frame crashes to the ground between him and the redhead.

Kain kicks the debris into Slade, however, the blonde simply jumps onto it, immediately flash stepping onto another piece of the tower to avoid being crushed. The redhead instinctively follows, running up a long segment of the still falling structure, quickly leaping from one piece to another to keep from plummeting to the ground. He lunges forward towards Slade only to have the man escape his grasp, flash stepping to the ground below.

Slade takes a step back as a large portion of the building almost lands on top of him, the older vampire gripping the rubble and throwing it at Kain. Kain dodges the attack by flash stepping onto a higher section of the crumbling tower, using it as an anchor to propel himself towards the other man at an incredible speed. Slade Force jumps and meets the redhead in midair, his fingers crushing down on the younger man's vulnerable throat.

Kain struggles vigorously to punch Slade but the blonde avoids his attempts, his hand clamping down on the redhead's left wrist, sending the duo into a flip-like motion as they plummet towards the looming ground below. Slade bends Kain's body around his own back, releasing the man's wrist to hook his arm around powerful legs. The older vampire lands on one knee, violently wrenching down on the redhead's neck and legs, arching his back to push his shoulder blades brutally into Kain's spine.

The sound of bones cracking causes George's skin to crawl, a sour taste rising in his throat. Kain's limp body slides from Slade's shoulders, the man kicking the seemingly lifeless body into a nearby building. He dusts his hands off and pulls a death stick, along with a lighter, from his pocket. Riordan suddenly appears before him.

Slade lights his cigarette, taking a long draw from it. "Take care of the mess will ya? I need a breather..." he adds, his voice shaking faintly.

Riordan's eyes wander to where he had last spotted Kain's body. "Was it really necessary to be so rough with him?"

Slade's eyes darken. "His spine'll fix itself right given a good minute... that is if he doesn't try to move. So it's not like I did any permanent damage," he assures, the death stick clenched between his sharpened teeth.

Riordan smiles faintly. "With you besting him so thoroughly its no wonder he seeks you out, Slade."

Slade chuckles, smoke shooting from his nostrils. "No shittin'." He sighs heavily, looking away and rubbing the back of his head. "I'll uh... I'll be back 'round in a bit... ya know how it is..."

Riordan holds up a hand to stop him and nods, understanding. Chilling sky blue eyes find their way to George and the Jedi can see the threat there that remains unspoken. Without another word this new vampire vanishes, leaving behind him nothing but destruction. Riordan makes his way to where Kain lies atop a pile of the remains of a wall as well as dirt and other particles.

A stream of blood runs from the vampire's parted lips down his neck, sinking into the collar seaming of his shirt but the redhead doesn't seem to notice or particularly care at the moment. He groans, attempting to move, a throaty "f**k!" accompanying his failure.

"Do not move!" Riordan scolds him, moving to his brother's side and pushing down on his chest to prevent further movement.

Kain growls, huffing heavily, his breathing strained. "Shut up... you were no f***in' help out there."

"I will not assist you in your attempts to harm Slade. I have no quarrels with him," Riordan retorts.

Kain arches his back as bones begin popping back into place. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. 'Sides there's no point in pickin' sides really..."

"Indeed," Riordan answers, helping Kain sit up, his spine still unstable after healing. Green eyes matching the intensity of Riordan's find George's gaze, the eerie mossy pools lacking the calm of the noble's and instead burning with the hate and rage of a trapped animal.

"So yer tha Jedi, eh?" he questions, a edge in his tone which has George's own inner demon roaring.

Riordan seems taken aback, having forgotten proper introductions. It was unbefitting of a noble. "Oh yes. Kain, Master Jedi George Kwei. Master Jedi George Kwei, Kain... Kain Koga. My brother..."

(1) I actually talked to a buddy of mine about how this would all work out. Thus Kain ripping a portion of the tower from the corner and not just the straight wall (so the building would topple over and fall) and then the tower crashing into the large structure next to it, forcing it to change courses. I like everything to be realistic. Well... as realistic as Star Wars goes I guess. ^_^ (2) Sorry if some of the stuff between Kain and Slade seems kinda... well you know. Vampires, however, are very sensual creatures and so I wanted to use that a bit. ^_^ Whether Slade and Kain have ever acted on that... well, I haven't looked that much into my characters. tongue (3) George that big m word up there is for you. Because you got us talking about it the other day. tongue (4) Jest I promise to be back as soon as I can with a vampire input for you.

Also regarding Mekura (Kain's knife)... if you look down on the sig I did for Kain his sword is named Kyōbōna. So why's he have a knife named Mekura here? Well... you'll see very soon I believe. ^_^

Mekura: Blind; blindess
Mekura's blade reads ブラインド (Mekura)