Re: A New Begining

“Arrogance is often the undoing of the would-be victor, Jedi,” Riordan replies, unconvinced such an act of ‘almost killing a vampire’ would happen again. “You would be a wise one to never underestimate these creatures. They have not survived millenniums as brutes I assure you.”

He quickly bows respectfully, an act befitting a noble. “I shall take my leave now and allow you to return to your studies,” he adds, moving back out to the terrace, not taking the time to glance back to see if George follows him. “I shall meet you before you leave the city in the morning...”

Once he is completely out on the terrace he turns back to George. “Thus you need not search for me. I shall be around, Jedi. Farewell for now.”

With his final words, Force power surges around Riordan and he leaps from the ground, disappearing over the roof of the villa.

Re: A New Begining

I'm gonna introduce a new character soon.
Hold on, this is going to be a long one xD

George just shrugged off his shoulders when Riordan jumped off. Crazy guy indeed. He went to the study room. It was in classic style, and it even had some old books, the ones made of paper... He took one of those, it was named "Knights of the Red Hand". Strange title... He read the first few pages, it was interesting so he put it on the table for later reading.

He took a datapad and continued reading from were he stopped. The history of the Elders. According to this, they were a galactic Empire that ruled all other civilizations. And then something happened and they lost their power. There was a plague, though there's no mention of where it came from. It is possible that Mortis created the plague. Perhaps it is the same thing that infected George. But this is all theoretical.

He sensed someone approaching, and he put the datapad on the table. It was that handmaid Amina. He brought him food.
"Master Jedi, I brought you some food, you haven't eaten since you arrived." She had a beautiful smile, and George enjoyed listening to her melodic voice.
"Ou, yes please. I'm starving." He smiled back, and made some room on his table. She placed the food on it and made a slight bow... "Enjoy your meal, Master Jedi." Just as she started to walk away George stopped her with words: "I'd like some company, could you stay a little?" She was surprised and he thought he saw her blush but she said yes and George took one of the chairs and dragged it to the table. She sat, and he started enjoying his meal. "Please eat with me if you wish" She refused stating that she already had meal. "Ou, okay then. Is there anything happening in the Palace?"

"There is always something happening in the Palace, Master Jedi. But I must say that you caused quite a stir"
"Really?" George raised his eyebrow at that, "What did I do so important to cause something like that, I mean I'm nobody special. Just a Jedi Knight."
She laughed at that. "Ou but you are someone special, You're the first Jedi to come here since the Mandalorian Wars. Everyone is talking about you. All nobles are wondering if you have some secret task to complete." Her eyes were wondering to, so George laughed and said: "Well I assure you. I have no secret mission here. I'm just studying."
"Of course." She smiled. "Jedi don't lie, don't they?"
"No, of course" He smiled back...
"Ou, and if you don't mind, Master Jedi, I'll be your handmaid during your stay on Naboo."

George had to think about that. If she's here, she'll know everything he's doing, and she's probably spying for the nobles. Or worse, for those man in black uniforms. Or perhaps he could use that to his advantage.
"No, I don't mind. I'll be going tomorrow morning to explore the countryside. Would it be a problem for you if you'd wake me up at 6.00 AM?"
"No I't won't be a problem, Master Jedi."

George finished with his meal and Amina took the dish away. He continued reading the datapad. He found some interesting facts about Naboo in it, and he thought he knew where to search for the tomb. He so caught up in reading that he didn't notice that it was dark until Amina came to turn on the lights. "Reading in dark is bad for sight. Even for the Jedi's." she said smiling like always. George thanked her and continued reading for little longer. Then he noticed that he was tired, so he took a shower, and went to bed. When he got into the bedroom, he noticed that it was all ready for him to jump in it. He lied down and for the first time black smoke didn't trouble him. Look like Naboo has to do something with it...

. . .

(That night in the city of Theed)

A beautiful woman with light brown long hair, in something that looked like Jedi robes but it wasn't, was in a house. She was writing something onto the datapad when someone rang at the door. "Come in!" she said.

The door opened and two man in black uniforms entered. "Milady, the Jedi is here. He visited the Palace and was greeted by Queen herself. The Jedi asked for permission the use the Palace's archives to search for information about the Elders. Later Queen offered him to stay at one of her villas, and the Jedi is know there. Our source indicates that he's going tomorrow to the countryside, though the source does not know where exactly." He bowed at after these words.

The Lady, didn't seem to have been listening to the man, but then she said. "Good work, both of you." She turned to them looking each of them in the eyes. "Now I have another assignment for you. Listen carefully..."

Two man in black uniforms looked like they were absorbing her every word. When she finished. Two man left, and the lady returned to her writing.
. . .

(Tomorrow morning, George's Villa)

George woke up after he felt someone shaking him. He opened his eyes and saw Amina's beautiful face. "Wake up, Master Jedi. It's 6 AM." "Ouh... I hate getting up early, but I must. She smiled at those words, and left the room. George got up, and he noticed that his Jedi Robes were cleaned and placed on the chair. George didn't want to know when did Amina got up to have this ready. He took a towel and went to the bathroom. After that he got back and dressed up. He looked himself in the mirror and noticed that these robes suited him.

He went to the kitchen and saw that breakfast was ready for him. He could get used to this. He started eating and wondered when Riordan is going to show up. Probably in Theed, where he's going to find a small speeder. He didn't want to fly today...

I'll continue this tomorrow. I'm off to bed now. Writing this took me longer than expected. smile If you want, Riordan could come now. But it would be cooler if he just finds George while he's walking through Theed. smile

Re: A New Begining

Wrote the entire thing but ended up not liking how I did it so I'm currently working on simply re-writing it. I will repost it very soon. ^_^

Re: A New Begining

Ok... big_smile
I'm very happy, I had an entry exam to university and I passed big_smile

Re: A New Begining

Ooh! Congrats dear! ^_^ big_smile

Okay, more long posts. I like long posts. tongue And a new character? Well what do you know, I'm introducing a new character. How coincidental. wink Sorry this took like forever. I originally had Kain as a man called Dominic who was like Riordan's rival/bad guy and blah de blah blah blah... but then I sat on it and it turned into this and well... I like this better. smile It has a more interesting plot line.

Riordan moves silently over the extravagant floors of the Malinov Manor, effortlessly and gracefully striding down familiar hallways he had long ago memorized. He pauses along the way back from his patrol, taking advantage of the fresh air the open hallway provides, enjoying the sight of the palace-like mansion enveloped in midnight beauty.

His eyes widen slightly at the dense and dark scent which teases his senses. “Kain,” he whispers eagerly.

He knew Kain’s presence. Whether the man decided to show himself was an entirely different matter. But a figure suddenly drops down from its perch atop the roof and grabbing hold of the upper part of the open window as he falls, swings into the hallway. A red vest flaps silently, a figure lands with a muffled thud as strands of long blood red hair slightly whirl around an incredibly muscular body.

Kain stands to his feet, muscles seeming to ripple with every movement. His emerald eyes light up at the sight of Riordan and a small smile softens his hard features.

“Riordan,” he begins, his voice gruff and violent but -for the moment- clinging to the softness and wisdom of an older brother. “It’s been a while. Ya look good, brother.”

Riordan chuckles softly, a smile creeping across his face. How long had it really been? A few months? Perhaps... “I have certainly seen better days,” he replies.

Kain sighs heavily and Riordan immediately regrets his words, recognizing the sorrow in his brother’s voice others would easily miss. “I bet. Twenty years tends to bite ya in the ass doesn’t it?”

Twenty years. Had it truly been so long ago. It did not seem so with the memories of Kain’s last visit still fresh in his mind. Maybe a year or two... five at the most. How time did pass them by when they had no reason to keep track of it; no reason to fear another year’s coming and going. It is death -or more importantly the faster it rushes upon one- which makes time so meaningful. But for them... there is no death...

Riordan nods, unsure of what to say. Kain was not one for sentimental greetings or formalities even after all this time apart. He was just like that. Should Riordan simply aim for the insignificant goal of a mere handshake he would be disappointed. Kain eventually breaks the silence between them.

“Why are you lyin’ to that Jedi, Riordan?”

Riordan’s eyes do not waver from his brother’s. Kain, he thinks to himself. You sly fox.

“A Jedi?” Riordan questions calmly. “I’m not sure I understand...”

Another sigh from the older man as his gaze wanders out over the silent fortress to find the lush landscape beyond, hoping to calm his building anger. Over the years he found it harder and harder to control himself even in the simplest of situations. Riordan was the exact opposite; always calm... always in control. The noble did not condone violence normally. Kain envied him sometimes.

“Don’t beat ‘round the bush with me. I know more than ya think.”

Riordan shakes his head. “I have not lied to anyone, Kain. Seems your spying has become a little careless, brother.”

“Ya damn well know what I’m talkin’ ‘bout,” Kain retorts more sharply than he intends, his eyes coldly cutting back to his brother. “Ya didn’t tell that Jedi everything, little brother...”

Riordan cannot help the growl which escapes his throat. “What a wonderful brother. Slipping in here after twenty years and worried about my affairs with some Jedi. The matter does not concern you.”

“It does concern me damn it!” Kain explodes suddenly, driving his fist into the nearest wall, forming a considerably sizable crater. His body shudders and he grits his teeth, muscles tensing violently as rage pulses through his body. s**t, s**t, s**t! He groans. He’d been close that time; real close. It was always worse when he tried to restrain it.

Despite the gravity of the situation, Riordan does not react to the outburst. Even as children, Kain had been this way; a very dark and violent person, hardened by inhuman strength. Once Kain had asked Riordan if he was scared of him. To tell the truth, it had never bothered the younger brother. In fact, it was moments like these that allowed him to understand his brother... perhaps better than the man himself did.

“Kain-” he tries.

“Don’t, Riordan,” Kain whispers slowly. “I know what yer doin’... where yer goin’. Do you know what could happen if that Jedi isn’t ready when the time comes? What could happen,” he demands, “if you’re not ready...?”

Kain leans against the wall, supporting his frame by his forearms in order to keep his body from completely falling onto the cold surface. His body convulses faintly. “I... I can’t stand the thought... of you becoming like... like me... each day a little less human...”

He groans again, slamming his head into the wall. “I’m sorry, Riordan...” he whispers breathlessly.

Riordan grabs Kain’s shoulder, causing the other man to turn his head slightly. Kain was a complex creature, one it took some time and a great deal of fight to get down to. His loves and hates were, at times, obvious and yet complicated; his motivations, though, remained straightforward and true to his violent nature. Riordan would liken him to some kind of wild animal... were it so simple.

“Kain,” Riordan begins soothingly.

Kain immediately hides his face behind his arm to avoid his brother’s prying eyes. “Twenty years... twenty f***in’ years and I’m no closer to killin’ that bastard than the day I started! Damnit!” He slams his head against the wall with more force this time, a drop of blood falling from his hairline and splattering on the floor at his feet.

Riordan studies his brother for a moment, watching the heaving movements of his chest as his body silently struggles against itself. There is a point at which even the strongest man’s body is pushed beyond its limits and as such refuses to advance further; when his bones can no longer handle the strain and shatter.

But there are times, when the strong man, enraged, loses all conscious thought and his body itself becomes an unstoppable weapon of immeasurable power. A berserker. Their family had been nothing special; Kain had been born and raised in the same manner as every other human being. However, he lacked the fundamental restraints most people possessed.

This allowed him to constantly push his body far beyond human means... but... he himself wasn’t beyond human. Even if he wanted to Riordan could not count the times or ways Kain injured his body during their childhood and teenage years. Lacking any mental restraint had its downfalls of course. With Kain, the slightest amount of anger had the potential to erupt into a chaotic and terrifying rage.

When Kain was tainted, the poison merely fed upon this rage and fueled it with unimaginable power. With time... Kain became a creature all his own; immortal and unbreakable. Violence personified. Of course Kain’s dominate and animalistic personality eventually came to subdue the poison within his body but he had long ago allowed it to sink deep into his soul. When the vampire who cursed him was slain, the taint remained...

Riordan’s eyes find the drop of blood on the floor curiously. Blood.... With Kain’s physical strength, slamming his head into the wall as he had should not have even phased him. In fact, the wall would be far more damaged than anything else. Unless... “Kain, have you been feeding?” he asks suddenly.

Kain’s eyes narrow. How could he say it like that? So easily... like it was nothing?! “Shut up,” he growls.

Riordan removes his hand from Kain’s shoulder with a sigh. So like Kain; to beat himself up over such a mundane thing. “It is nothing to be ashamed of...” he says simply. “You are still a living being, brother. You have to eat. ‘Tis not wise to ignore such ravenous hunger as yours for long.”

Just the thought of feeding, of sinking his aching fangs in a delicate neck, made something deep within him roar to life. That itself made Kain’s stomach turn. “I know,” he manages to bite back, shuddering once more.

“Stubborn,” Riordan accuses, not caring to hide his worry.

Shouten Yaiba suddenly hums faintly within his robes. Others approach, my Lord...

Another guard patrol was making their rounds no doubt. “I am not the only man whom guards these grounds. There are others which will not be as tolerant of your presence as I am, brother,” Riordan states. “Come inside and we shall speak more in private,” he adds, leaning down to extract a small dagger from his boot. He twirls it in his hand with a faint yet welcoming smile. “I will even feed you.”

Kain turns on the younger man with a violent growl, grabbing him by the wrist with enough force to crush human bones. “That’s not funny, Riordan...” he hisses.

“I am not attempting to be amusing, Kain. Even your body cannot withstand the constant strain it undergoes with proper nutrition,” he emphasis.

“I don’t need somethin’ like that from you...” Kain’s grip on Riordan’s wrists tightens until the dagger clatters to the floor. He grits his teeth harshly in order to hold onto his control the best he is able.

Instead of struggling to get away, Riordan immediately calms himself and forces his body to relax. Kain was a predator and like all predators brought to action by something more than hunger, sometimes the best way to escape was to make your body an uninteresting toy.

“If you do not feed from me,” Riordan reasons calmly, “you may not feed at all. I would rather sate your hunger myself than to risk you losing yourself to it...”

Kain’s eyes soften at the realization and finally he takes a deep breath, releasing Riordan’s wrists with some reluctance. The younger brother rubs his wrists in order to return feeling to his hands before bending down to pick up his dagger. Kain was suddenly incredibly uneasy. It was not like Riordan had not fed him before but that had been some twenty years ago.

What worried the older man was his lack of control. Occasionally he lost all morals and human thought, his maddening hunger throwing him into the unforgiving chaos of a feeding frenzy. And when that happened, he couldn’t stop... no matter how much he wanted to. Want was a human desire. It had no value to an animal...

Riordan was aware of this and still he offered himself freely. He trusted Kain. He is his brother after all.

{The Next Morning}

Atop George’s villa two shadowy figures rest steadily perched on the highest peak of the home, masking their presence to remain completely undetected. They would follow the Jedi for a time, since Kain was so paranoid. It was not easy for him to trust a Jedi with his brother’s life after being hunted by their ‘associates’ for years. So for now... they would wait...

Plot twist! Riordan's brother is a full-on Force vampire?! o_O

Yup. Both he and Riordan (along with Shouten Yaiba) were tainted fifty years ago but by different vampires. The vampire which poisoned Kain was killed thirty years ago but he had already given into the taint. Kain's dominate and extremely violent personality, however, subdues his taint and allows him to 'feed' upon people without necessarily mercilessly slaughtering them like most Force vampires (though he does occasionally go into feeding frenzies).

He also uses the Force to erase their memories so they do not remember the incident. But he does not wish Riordan to suffer the same fate and as such has been hunting Razvan for some twenty years.


Kain's everyday wear -Sorry it's not colored; the character (who's name is not really Kain but that's what I'm calling him for this) belongs to a friend of mine and he hasn't drawn very many pictures of him and this is the only 'normal' one he's drawn. So just take the colors from the next picture and that'll give ya Kain's look. ^_^

Kain during a rage -This is a full on berserker rage which you won't see until later on (rages and berserker rages differ) but he basically looks the same, minus the hole in his chest (which does have significance later wink ) and the totally white eyes. smile

Re: A New Begining

Tnx... And what's even more great is that I got a scholarship for it big_smile

Well yes... I will be introducing her slowly. She's just a mystical figure for now.
As for the Riordan's brother Kain. Well, it adds some kind of moral drama. Riordan and George are planing to kill a force vampire, and a half-vampire joins them. Strange... George is gonna get the feeling that someone is following him, and when he gets to the speeder that's when Riordan and Cain should show up. But I guess it's up to you.

P.S. your open hallway link doesn't work. When i click on it opens a blank page O.o

It was almost 7 AM when George finished his breakfast and left the villa with the gondola. The sound of water as the gondolier was rowing, the smell of the lake, the tweet of birds all seemed to calm George. He felt like a leaf floating on a still plash. They reached the shore and he payed the gondolier who returned this kindness with a bow and a smile.

He went to the landing pad and there was a taxi waiting. He entered it and told the driver to take him to the Royal Palace. It was a comfortable ride and he started thinking about Amina's beautiful face and her melodic voice. It was a long time since he has been with a girl. Perhaps she should approach her. But what if she knows that for the Jedi are forbidden such things. Nahh, he won't think about that.

The taxi landed near the Palace and George payed the driver. He looked around the palace was a great place, but he won't go there today, he turned around and went to the streets of Theed. It was a nice city and the people seemed happy. George enjoyed walking and he passed right by one house that he thought beautiful...

. . .

A woman that those two man in black uniforms called Lady was watching the streets through the window of her house she was thinking about that Jedi that came to Naboo, he is the one that will... Suddenly she saw him through the window, watching this house. Yes it was him! She couldn't believe it. He was smiling like he was seeing something beside the house. What are the chances. Suddenly he blinked and just went away. The Lady quickly grabbed her cloak and runned out of her house. She was standing on the street but she couldn't find him. That slippery son of a...

There! she saw him talking with a trader. She started walking towards him but the Jedi said goodbye and got lost in the crowd again. She looked around, but couldn't find him. She continued down the street and saw him again, looks like he was going to the edge of the city. Looks like her source in the palace was correct. His walk was heavy, like he carried something that weighted him down... But that was in contrast to his face. He was looking around and smiling, like he was enjoying something. Perhaps the city? She didn't expect a man like him would find the nature interesting or beautiful... He stopped at the landspeeder shop. Looks like he was going somewhere. She better find her men. They are going for a ride...

. . .

George got the feeling that someone was following him, so he assumed it was Riordan. he went to that shop and the owner greeted him.
"Good morning, mister. What can I do for you." the owner was a fat man in his early forties, he smiled widely and had a calming appearance like he was a good soul.
George made a slight bow. "Yes, I need to rent a landspeeder equipped with guns. Someone told me that you would do that for a Jedi."
The owner seemed happy. "Ahhh, you spoke with my good friend Fazzil it seems." George nodded, "Well sure, I can help you. Just how much can you pay? To rent a speeder for one day costs 500 credits."
"And to buy one?" "Depends on the model, but it's from 5000 to 25 000 credits. So what's it gonna be, my friend?"
George thought for a second. He didn't have much money but Riordan was a noble. Perhaps he had. "Well, I must first talk to my friend. He's late so I'll come back later with him."
The owner just accepted. "Aye, come back if you're still interested. My doors are always open for a Jedi."

George went outside to wait for Riordan. Where is that guy?

Re: A New Begining

That’s sweet! big_smile I should have gone to college but oh well. I can always do that after I get my soul back from the government. tongue

I fixed the link and also decided to change Cain to Kain. It just seems a bit more Star Wars to me. And Kain is actually a full fledged force vampire; he’s just not an evil psychopath slaughterer.

The rooftops of the bustling city of Theed sometimes became the best way to avoid losing a target amongst the clashing waves of traders, street vendors, various entreprenuers, and their countless patrons. Often the rooftops became the quick but risky escape routes of thieves, pickpockets, and occasionally the run away slave. Today they served the two figures swiftly and effortlessly jumping from one building to the next, all the while watching the Jedi push his way through the crowd.

Riordan stands along the edge of the roof as George enters the building across the street. Kain’s attention, however, is drawn elsewhere. So focused and excited about the man wandering the streets so near her home, the woman had not noticed the two figures observing their target from a slight distance. Kain’s curiosity was immediately peaked when she had rushed from her home, frantically looking around for the Jedi.

She had followed him through the streets, her eyes not wavering from that Jedi even as he stepped into the landspeeder store. But all too suddenly she turned and vanished into the crowd. Kain feels his heart lunge and he growls. Something didn’t feel right. The veins of his temple twitch as the anger reaches a boiling point. It pisses him off. The door to the landspeeder store swings open at that moment and George steps into the street, looking around as if he’s searching for someone.

“He’s lookin’ for ya,” Kain manages, holding onto his last thread of control.

“It would appear so,” Riordan replies simply. “I suppose there is no better time than the present, yes?” His eyes cut to the side to meet his brother’s gaze. “That is if you are quite finished with your fit of paranoia, dear brother...”

Kain huffs roughly, annoyed. “Yeah. Ya see... I’ve come up with a rather simple solution to my problem. If he betrays us, I’ll kill ‘im. If he’s not strong ‘nough, I’ll kill ‘im. And if I don’t like ‘im... I’ll kill ‘im,” he grins wickedly.

Riordan is slightly surprised by this but does not express his concern and instead nods in understanding. Kain was one who’s honorable intentions Riordan would never question. The man merely exercised the wrong approach...

“Ya go on ahead and see what he needs looking like a lost puppy like he is,” Kain continues. “I’ve got somethin’ I need to take care of.”

“Other affairs, Kain?” Riordan wonders. It was rare Kain interacted with people unless absolutely necessary. The man desperately tried to cling to his precious control for as long as possible and for Kain dealing with others wasn’t the best way to do that. He just wasn’t a people person.

Kain turns to leave. “Somethin’ like that.”


Riordan seems to appearing from nowhere, jumping from a nearby building perhaps and landing next to George with the soft grace the Jedi had already learned to expect of the Malinov noble. He stands to his feet, brushing a few specks of dust form his robes. His deep green eyes meet George’s instantly and while his face remains a perfect mask George notices the gleam hidden deep within those mossy pools.

“Master Jedi,” Riordan states cooly. “I am here.”


His senses flare as he searches for her scent among the blending fragrances of a million other people, predatory muscles flexing as he easily carries himself over the hazardous rooftops, his eyes vigilantly scanning the unsuspecting crowd below for the woman he’d already memorized.

Suddenly he catches it, the tantalizing aroma of budding cherry blossoms dancing in the rain, the faintest hint of fresh ink still lingering on delicate fingers. He comes to an abrupt halt, his gaze immediately rushing to where his other senses told him she would be. There!

He moves to the building just ahead of her and watches her slide through the crowd like a graceful cat. Kain growls, his muscles tensing as adrenaline begins to rage through his blood. He steps off the edge of the building, the crowd screaming and scattering as he lands on the street below. The sturdy material cracks and gives way beneath him, a wide crater erupting from beneath his feet.

The woman does not flee but takes a step back when Kain advances towards her. Kain does not attempt to hide his presence any longer, grinning smugly as he releases all his control, his power overwhelming her and almost bringing her to her knees.

"What a naughty lil’ girl ya are, Jedi,” he accuses, his voice dangerous and violent, momentarily thick with something dark which sends shivers down her spine. “It’s not polite to stalk people.” His mouth curls into a feral grin, the woman catching the faintest glimpse of sharpened fangs. He chuckles.

For this I am assuming your “Lady” is around 25+ and pretty gorgeous. Also, if this happens to ruin anything you had planned I can simply omit it and have Kain do something else or simply not find her. I thought it would be cool though for Kain to catch her and maybe end up helping her in whatever she’s doing... even though for now he’s a bit hostile. ^_^

Okay, to explain what happens with Kain. Jedi and Sith alike sense people through the Force. The more Force capable and powerful a person is the stronger their ‘presence’. Kain, being a Force vampire, has an immensely dense and overbearing Force presence. This presence is enough to smother another Force user’s connection to the Force, building like ‘pressure’. At close range the pressure becomes almost unbearable, possibly even bringing the person to their knees.

It takes years of training to counter this as Force vampires often use it when approaching a Force user in order to feed.

Re: A New Begining

Kain wink

And the Lady is supposed to meet George later on. Well you did mess up a little... Though I'm thinking how could Kain help her... Let me see... The only thing he could do is to help her track George. Other things don't come to mind. No... You don't need to omit or change anything. She's a slippery girl, she could easily escape him. If you want you can write about it.

If Kain and the Lady got into the fight, it would reveal much of the further plot concerning her too soon... It's up to you... tongue

As for George:


George was not surprised when Riordan just showed up beside him. "Ou, it's you. I need your help." George scratched his head because he was insecure... "Your family is rich, right? It has to be. Could you buy a landspeeder, so we could go searching?" he looked towards the door and shrugged his shoulders. "Or I could just rent it." He looked at Riordan.

Re: A New Begining

I'll let you do it if you'd like since I don't know what you have planned for her abilities and such. Kain is brute strength and she's a 'slippery girl' like ya said. She could easily outmaneuver him so just have her escape him. I'll have him give chase but not be able to track her down.

Which of course then he'd get totally pissed off about and go into a rage (which will show you some extent of his physical power)... which can be how he and George get introduced instead of how I originally planned. ^_^ Works for me.

Riordan merely nods, not at all offended as if being asked such a thing was normal. "My family, Master Jedi, is not wealthy," he replies. "However, it does not hurt to bear the title of Lord Malinov's personal guard I assure you."

He steps forward to speak with the store owner. "My... uh," he stutters, instantly collecting himself, "associate and I would like to purchase a landspeeder from this... fine establishment. I am Riordan Koga."

His eyes narrow slightly as he watches the store owner. If the man had been around for as long as it seemed he would immediately recognize the name as the Lord Malinov's personal guard. As long as he bore the crest, which currently dangles around Riordan's neck on a silver beaded chain, Riordan could buy anything and the debt would be paid by the Malinov family.

Re: A New Begining

The trader was surprised and looked at George. "Why didn't you tell me that your associate is a member of Lord Malinov's personal guard. I had dealings him. I sell him small armored vehicles. Best in the sector. You could take one of those." George was stunned, he didn't expect that. He scratched his head again, and moved towards the owner. "Ehhh... Well it would be certainly welcoming to have such a vehicle on a trip, but we need something fast and deadly, with not much armor."

The trader started thinking... "Hmm something fast and deadly... I think I have something for you. Follow me." George and Riordan followed the Trader to the small hangar in the back. Inside, there were many small vehicles. Some were rusty and were not used in many years. Finally they got to a covered object. They stopped and the trader looked at them. "Now, witness the 'Dead Arrow'!"  He pulled the cover revealing a a cool looking speeder with a turret. George just stared at the speeder. The trader continued: "It's very fast, it can reach the speed of 1500 kph. With its armor penetrating turret, it makes it a deadly scout vehicle. Are you buying?" The trader looked at them expecting the answer.
George said: "We're on a important mission for Lord Malinov, could you put that on the bill for his next shipment?" He looked at the Riordan for approval.

. . .

The lady just looked at the terrifying man in front of her... He was draining her... She wouldn't allow it. She barely got something from her belt and just throwed it before Kain's legs... Kain looked angrily at the thing... It was a flashbang! It exploded and everything became so white...

Lady was still somewhat blinded but she was using the force to guide her out of the crowd that gathered to see, others were running away when they saw Kain and some were incapacitated by the flashbang. She was running like never before. She went around the corner, and stopped. she used the Force to camouflage herself and slowly went further into the city.

Re: A New Begining

lol The Dead Arrow. That's priceless.

Riordan frowns slightly in what George can only assume is disapproval, the first real expression he had seen from the noble. However, he doesn't say anything to openly oppose the vehicle, merely nodding politely, the shopkeep grinning from ear to ear.


Kain curses profusely as he stumbles through the crowd of curious and concerned people, each wondering what had happened to cause such a ruckus. He blinks harshly, still partially incapacitated, desperately trying to restore his vision as he searches for his fleeing prey. Damn lil' b**ch! I'll f***in' kill 'er!

He expands his senses aggressively, shoving aside any who dared to get in his way. He lunges around a corner, expecting the woman to be there. Gotcha ya- She wasn't there. Kain throws himself against the wall, much like a child in a tantrum, his fists leaving cracked craters in their wake. Damn it!

He growls, his body shaking uncontrollably, his muscles convulsing violently. f***in' Jedi! A passerby notices Kain and stops to make sure he isn't injured or sick. Truth be told, Kain's legs were somewhat scorched from the flashbang ordeal but he was not in the mood and the man's simple words -no matter how kind- were enough to make Kain completely snap.

Kain turns, grabbing the man by the face and hoists him into the air, his fingers slowly crushing the too fragile skull. Gasps and screams of surprise come from nearby individuals as the man struggles in Kain's hold, vainly clawing at the iron skin of Kain's arm in an attempt to get away. Kain roars, slamming the man's head into the building.

The man's skull, as well as the wall, immediately crumble upon impact, the power behind Kain's blow to much for either objects to withstand. Screams of terror erupt as Kain tosses the bloody rag doll into the street, furious at the already dead man for getting blood on his jacket and boots.

A pair of men clad in uniforms lean down to inspect the corpse... as if the man could possibly still be alive. Law enforcement... Kain guesses before the thought is swept away on a wave of increasing rage as the man shouts at him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" one of the officers demand.

The vein's in Kain's temples twitch as he grips a nearby massive holoscreen, the sturdy material creaking and bending beneath the crushing bite of his fingers. He effortlessly rips it from the wall and hurls it towards the two officers before they have the chance to react, the upper halves of their bodies violently severed in the process. Utter panic ensues, thousands of people rushing this way and that, crawling over each other in order to get away from the slaughter taking place.

This of course only infuriates Kain further. Cowards! he merely thinks. He strides towards the three corpses, waves of overbearing power emanating from every step he takes. Suddenly a speeder flies down the street, a citizen attempting to flee the chaos quickly. Kain drives his fist into the front of the vehicle before it impacts with his body, sending the rider flying while the vehicle itself topples over on top of Kain.

He lifts it up over his head as if it were nothing more than a featherweight trophy and throws it down the street.


A massive surge of energy suddenly ripples through the Force. The only place George had felt such a crushing presence before was... Razvan! Riordan seems to notice as well though he appears more concerned than terrified that the vampire had possibly tracked them here.

Kain's in the beginning stages of a normal rage. We won't see a berserker rage until a little later. Imagine the horror. o_O

Normal-sized holoscreens as seen on Telos (Sorry, best I could do. Oh well.) Lifting a normal holoscreen is the same as lifting a 100-inch flat screen TV. So Kain was lifting like a 200-inch flat screen TV... by himself.

And yes... Kain gets mad at dead people. Especially if they get blood on his good clothes. lol

Re: A New Begining

Interesting... Razvan appearing? I'll post tomorrow... It's already late here smile

Re: A New Begining

K. ^_^ But no it's not Razvan. George is actually feeling Kain's rage (which is why Riordan appears concerned). Kain is a Force vampire so to George, the power feels much like Razvan's (or the Second's I guess... since he's yet to meet any other vampires and doesn't know about Kain). So it's like he and Riordan go to investigate and stumble upon Kain and that's how him and George get introduced... wink

Though of course I doubt a Jedi will be very happy with a man who goes into rages and slaughters people. tongue

Re: A New Begining

Ok... Now my girlfriend broke up with me, but, whatever... What else is going to happen today? xD

George was confused? A Vampire? Here? Impossible.

The trader was still speaking: "Well sure, my friend. I can get it ready for you in an hour." The trader looked a little concerned when George and Rioardan looked like they were seeing something that wasn't here, but he didn't want to ask. He knew that they would just deny it.

George looked at him and said. "We'll be back in an hour. We just have some other business to attend to." Riordan and George's eyes met. The noble's look was as cold as ever, but you could still see some concern in them. As for George, he was terrified. Now? He wasn't ready!

When they got out of the store, he turned to Riordan. "You sensed it too? Or did your sword did?" he pointed at it with his left hand expecting an answer.

. . .

The Lady was watching from a distance, still camouflaged, as that terrible man was crashing a speeder. But she didn't have time, she had to prepare for the Jedi. Everything depends on him. She went to the side alley planning her next move...


I almost forgot to add her side. xD  Anyway, Kain gets mad at dead people? xD That's a medical condition. tongue

Last edited by George Kwei (2011-07-02 06:35:24)

Re: A New Begining

Oh, I’m sorry dear. That must be a bit of a bummer. But its like mama always said: there are plenty of other fish in the ocean. wink

Riordan hesitates with an answer, reluctant to tell the Jedi about his brother. Kain was not the type of person his kind simply allowed to wander the streets freely but if the Jedi interfered with Kain’s rage it would only result in further catastrophe.  Riordan mentally berates himself. He should not have let Kain wander off like that; he should have been more cautious. The man was on edge with recent events and it wouldn’t have taken much to throw him into a bout.

But Kain hadn’t gotten far; Riordan could sense him not too far down the central street. It was possible Riordan could get to the man and calm him down before he did too much damage. The noble sighs heavily. Unlikely. Kain had yet to berserk but he had more than likely killed any unlucky souls who happened to be close enough for him to grab as well as wrecked a building or two in the process.

Riordan silently studies George for a moment as the man waits for his answer. He was a Jedi... Riordan did not know how wise it was to allow him such access to his personal life; especially when Kain was involved. One wrong move and even Riordan would not be able to avert the disaster to follow. And a Jedi’s body was not an easy thing to make law enforcement forget... even with the credits he had.

His hands trail over Shouten Yaiba’s grip. “When it is such as this I am able to sense fluctuations of power. The taint grants certain... abilities. I can sense others who bear it.”

Screams of terror reach their ears causing both men to turn their head towards the disturbance. Riordan straightens slightly as if the small act with allow him to see over the crowd. Kain was coming this way? It was possible but it was more likely that he threw something down the street. Or someone.

“Jedi... I must warn you,” Riordan continues, his voice as icy as ever. “What you are about to witness, very few have seen firsthand and have lived to speak of it. Consider yourself fortunate,” his gaze cuts to George and his voice suddenly takes on an aggressive and somewhat threatening tone.

“I advise you exercise caution and know your place if you wish to survive, Master Jedi. It would be wise to rein your actions and curb your tongue no matter how much your pride or precious codes of honor you cling to are insulted.”

The noble abruptly pushes forward through the crowd, in the direction of whomever or whatever was causing such chaos.


The sound of bronzium creaking causes the small group of people using the large inactive sweeper droid as cover to immediately crawl away frantically, pressing their backs against the nearby wall. The droid is suddenly lifted into the air by the terrorizing monster they’d been trying to hide from.

Kain growls, his eyes narrowing at the sight of such sniveling cowards. With a roar of rage he sends the 17 ton droid crashing into the helpless group, the machine tumbling into the wall behind them, forcing it to crash down upon Kain’s newest victims as well, completely burying them.

Had to do some research for this one. Even though this is Star Wars I figured they'd need something to pick up all the litter and everything right? Thus a street sweeper droid. ^_^ The average, everyday, run-of-the-mill street sweeper truck weighs between 7.5T and 15T.

The world's strongest man dead lifts 1,000lbs. This being Star Wars and Kain being a Force vampire and all of incredible strength with Force capabilities, lifting 17T is Kain using I'd say a little more than 40% or his normal rage strength. So in a normal rage Kain's limit is roughly 42T.

Re: A New Begining

Do you all have room for one more person because I want to get back into the rpg seen again.

Re: A New Begining

Of course. There's no limit to RPGs. ^_^

Re: A New Begining

Sure Jester... smile

47 tons? xD That's like 10 elephants xD or 20 Bughatti Veyrons xD

Anyway as for the girls... I just came back from a date, it was really "nice" xD


George was suspicious. He may not like what is to come. He shook his head and went with Riordan. They were pushing forward through the crowd towards the screams and sounds of crashing. George was more and more convinced that this was not one of the vampires he met. The disturbance felt different.

George was thinking about what that might be when they got around the corner, and saw the chaos Kain made...
George immediately turned on his lightsaber...

Last edited by George Kwei (2011-07-02 18:33:31)

Re: A New Begining

Oh I bet it was "fun". XD Is she really pretty? Nice long legs I hope. Curvy too.

Posting soon.

Re: A New Begining

Just you post, I'm going to bed... big_smile

Yeah, all that <3 Ouu... but her "mouth" xDDDD tongue