Re: A New Begining

*Zorvon blocks the fiery spears and then enters a saber lock with Daan.*

Zorvon: You cannot win, Jedi! This place will be your grave.

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

Xvan: All right then.
(he looks over at Akson and nods)

*The two Kovasn put their hands together and for a moment everything is still... silent. Suddenly they both thrust their hands forward, releasing a devestating shockwave that causes the wall in front of them to crumble.*

Akson: Piece of cake.

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

Lori: (growls) Your time has come, Thor! You are but the shell of the warrior you claim to be. Now face a true Sith!

*Lori's lightsaber becomes consumed with lightning and she stabs it into the ground at her feet. The lightning rushes through the ground towards Thor, throwing up chucks of rocks that Lori hurtles towards Thor before the lightning erupts beneath him, throwing him in the air. Lori quickly deactivates her lightsaber and uses Force Jump to jump in the air and grab Thor before using a massive Force Push to throw him at the ground below. Lori lands nearby, reactivating her lightsaber.*

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Ashni crawls from the hole her body made in the wall. Rotel stops a few feet from her, holding his blades ready.*

Ashni: You have more power than I ever hoped for you to have. This... betrayal has had unexpected effects on you... but they are not unwanted. They can be worked with.

Rotel: You have wasted years of my life with your words when they were nothing but poison! Fight me!

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

Revan: You are wrong... as all the Jedi always were.


Re: A New Begining

* Marx comes over to the crumbled wall, and picks up a few rubble rocks... *

Marx: "Interesting."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Stands up laughing)

Thor: If you are a True Sith then I would not tell anyone because I have had better battles with the jedi.

Thor: (Uses Force Reanimate to bring back to life every jedi and soldier that was killed)


(The Reanimated bodies start to surround Lori and get into attack stances)

Thor: If you want to have a chance to deffeat me Lori then you need to bring more then your hollow force powers.

Thor: (Points lightsaber at Lori and tells my minions to attack)

Re: A New Begining

Lori: (growls) If I had wanted to kill you you'd already be ashes at my feet... instead turn from your loyalty to Kreia. She is old... weak... another has taken her place.

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Yells HOLD to my minions)

Thor: Who is this other you are speaking of?

Re: A New Begining

*Darth Mortis walks to stand beside Lori. Though the minions surround her they quickly step out of Mortis' way... making a path for him.*

Mortis: I am who she speaks of.

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Looks at mortis)

Thor: You kill Ashni then I will follow you but only when she is dead will I join you.

Re: A New Begining

Mortis: I do not want cowards among my followers... weak, spineless beings who join the side that is winning. Chose now...

Re: A New Begining

*Atrian lands in the hangar bay and races to help Daan with the fight against Zorvon*
*Atrian suddenly comes upon the door that is blocking him from getting to Daan and Zorvon*

Atrian: Here goes nothing. (Atrian walks in while unbuckling the saber from his hilt and lights it up) THIS IS WHERE THE FUN BEGINS! big_smile  big_smile

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it's just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Puts lightsaber away)

Thor: I like a leader who knows what they are looking for in a follower.

Thor: (Grins)

Thor: I will join you.

Re: A New Begining

*Daan spins out of the saber lock and jumps back, landing near Atrian.*

Daan: Thanks for coming Atrian&#33; although you could have gotten here a little sooner&#33;

*Looks back at Zorvon.*

Daan: You are going down, Kovasn&#33; Here you meet your end&#33;


Yi&#39;shar: You will see the truth of my words soon Revan.

*with a blinding flash, Yi&#39;shar is gone*

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Atrian:(laughs at Zorvon) Haha no problem Daan. I was a little side-tracked cleaning up my R6 unit. just got him in. brought him along. but yes let&#39;s get back to the real point.

Atrian: (to Zorvon) I&#39;ve heard of these Kovasn scumbags&#33;&#33; YOU ARE OUT OF LUCK KOVASN&#33;&#33; COME, MEET YOUR MAKERS&#33;&#33;

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it&#39;s just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: A New Begining

Zorvon: You are a Jedi... I would expect to you know that there is no such thing as luck, only the Force. And here, now... it is on my side&#33;

*In a sudden move Zorvon crosses the distance between him and the two Jedi. With ease the Kovasn attacks both Jedi, his blades moving quickly to block their attacks.*

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

Ashni: You seem intent on killing me. Do it.

*Rotel takes a step forward, but then stays his blades, growling.*

Rotel: I will not kill oyu unless you fight me&#33;

Ashni: Why? Do you think by killing me in battle you prove something? That in killing me you erase everything I taught you, all the years of hate and pain.

Rotel: (growls)

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

Mortis: Good. Then I have a task for you.

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Revan looks around to make sure the Jedi is gone before she deactivates her lightsabers. Ignoring the battle between Rotel and Ashni, and the words between Mortis and Thor she quickly rushes back to Alek&#39;s side. Though harsh and cruel a few minutes ago she is soft and gentle with him.*

Revan: Alek?
(she places her hand on his chest)

Re: A New Begining

lol Sorry, Hovoth, didn&#39;t see I didn&#39;t reply to your last post.

Xvan: Zorvon is growing weaker... it will not be long before his blood stains these walls. (he listens)

Hurry, this way.

*Xvan and Akson run down the hall towards where Revan and the others are.*


Re: A New Begining

Kilax lives&#33;

Marx: "This power coming from where they are is off the charts."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

lol  Typo. Fixed.  wink

Re: A New Begining

Daan: Watch that he doesn&#39;t make us attack each other&#33;

*Daan continues attacking Zorvon. He ducks under one swing and grabs the Kovasn&#39;s wrist, but can just barely hang on*


*Onboard the Republic ship of Col. Norad, the crew is waiting impatiently, watching the Mandalorian fleet&#39;s confused movements*

Norad: They look confused and as if they no longer have a leader or even the will to fight. What in the world is going on?

*a blinding flash of light appears, and Yi&#39;shar is on the bridge. No one knows where he came from or how he got there. The security guards rush in with drawn blasters*

Yi&#39;shar: *holds up his hand* It&#39;s alright. I am a Jedi, and I am here to warn you. Your fleet is in great danger here. You need to move the fleet away from the planet.

Norad: Our orders are to keep the Mandalorians hemmed in here.

Yi&#39;shar: The Mandalorian fleet is no longer any danger to us. They are disjointed and leaderless. But Revan is going to attack their home planet with a weapon of such power it will consume anything near it. You have to move the fleet back out of range.

Norad: How can this be? I haven&#39;t heard anything of the sort, about a weapon or an attack or anything.

Yi&#39;shar: Revan has turned to the darkside. She is not out for victory now, her goal is to destroy the Mandalorians entirely. If the Republic fleet is destroyed as well, she does not care. The darkside has blinded her. For the safety of your men, you must move the fleet.

I Am Jedi


Re: A New Begining

I laughed&#33;  lol

* Marx comes down with them both into the room... *

Marx: "Revan."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Okay, I really need Jest right now for something so I&#39;m gonna have to wait for him.

Re: A New Begining

Atrian: This foe is very skilled against two jedi. something i have never seen before&#33;&#33; however, i do like this enemy, very challenging.

**Atrian blocks a swift attack from Zorvon and goes after his other wrist.**

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it&#39;s just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo