Re: A New Begining

^_^ Well you know what they say: pride before the fall.  wink Kilax is gonna be harder to kill due to the fact that he's had more battle experience against Jedi and that he was better trained... at least in the ways of the Jedi and Sith.

*As Daan swings again Zorvon looks up only to have the Jedi's lightsaber run through his gut. He grips Daan, gasping for breath, his gauntleted fingers digging into the Jedi's shoulders. He leans forward onto Daan to keep from falling to the floor as his breathing becomes strained.*

Zorvon: Im- Impossible...
(he gasps and tightens his grip on Daan's shoulders)

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Kilax manages to resist Marx's Force pull and blocks Marx's attempt to run him through. He uses the Force to flip over Marx and swings his blade towards the Jedi's back leaving a gash across Marx's back. He then uses Force push to push Marx into the nearby wall. He uses Force grip to pick the Jedi up and hold him suspended in the air.*

Kilax: You think you can beat me, Jedi? With your pacifist ways?
You turn to aggression and violence...yet I have still won.

*He slowly begins to use the Force to choke Marx.*

Kilax: You cannot beat me! Turn, Jedi, give into the hate that lights your eyes when we clash blades. Give into the anger that fuels your every swing... your every move. Turn, Jedi... or die.

((Don't worry... not actually gonna kill Marx.  wink ))

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Ashni takes another step towards Revan, the sound echoing through the empty room.*

Ashni: You knew you could not win this war for the Republic... not following the pacifist ways of the Jedi at least. So you turned a little, didn't you, my child? Gave into your hate for the Mandalorians and watched as they were slaughtered before you. Gave into all the anger you'd been hiding for so long.

Revan: (growls, holding her lightsaber towards Ashni)
Your mind tricks will not work on me, Kreia. I know what I am!

Ashni: Do you now?
Jedi and Sith are merely titles. Words we cling to as darkness surrounds us.

(( I remember her saying something about that but I can't really remember how it went... oh well.))


Re: A New Begining

LSM! There thou art!

* Marx strains in the air, and grips his lightsaber. Is this it? So quickly, his morale drops, a sense of hope is clammered. His eyes become weak, but the force bellows within his mind - a sense of confidence stricks him across his chest... the force. With increased strength he lifts his hand and force pushes Killax back - somehow it seems as though he cut rope with scissors, and he lands on the ground... coughing for air, he then wells up and stands to his feet, with his lightsaber gripped. *

Marx: "Your dark ways can't chasten themselves to my mind!"

* He gives out a small chuckle, and takes a few steps back. His face becomes straight, and he looks at Killax with stern eyes - eyes of a Gundark almost. He slashes the ground several times, and produces a heavy grey smoke in the grounds, and becomes invisible in it. A lightsaber shoots out of the smoke and misses Killax... *

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Daan sits there with his lightsaber through Zorvon, the battlefield is cold quite and nothing but the light of the lightsaber is shown... *

Daan: "The force is not on your side..."

((Sorry if that sounds cheesy, but he needed something to say!  big_smile ))


Oh, btw Starr you said: forward onto Daan - there is a ship in Halo 2 and 3 called "Forward Unto Dawn", it just popped up in my head when I read it, thought I would mention it.  big_smile

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

haha, yeah, i'm back. B)


*Alek leaves Revan's side and rushes Yi'shar*

*suddenly Alek runs into a wall of force energy and is hurled backwards to the ground, stunned.*

Yi'shar: I feel the darkness inside of you, Alek. This is not the path that you first set out on.

*to Revan and Ashni*

Yi'shar: *his voice echoing deeply within the cavern* The darkside has blinded you both. Can you not see what has taken place here, Revan? You have turned from your original intent, allowed yourself to be used by the dark side of the force, until now you are very near to the Sith traitor that you are seeking to kill

*Alek gets up slowly, still dazed*

Alek: So that's your game is it? Fine

*Alek force jumps at yi'shar, but instead of stabbing him thru the chest as he had intented, he falls to the ground. A blinding flash of light, and Yi'shar now stands on the other side of the room*

Yi'shar: Your knowledge of the force is no match for mine, young Jedi.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

lol Go Halo. ^_^

Revan: No... it is all... for the Republic.
(she stares into Ashni's white, empty eyes)

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Zorvon's grip loosens a little as he strains for every breath. He manages a raspy chuckle.*

Zorvon: You think... you have won... Jedi?

*Zorvon reaches down, grabbing the barrel of Daan's lightsaber. He easily out-muscles Daan and begins to pull the lightsaber's blade out from his gut.*

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Rotel hears footsteps behind him. He turns only to to have a red lightsaber uncomfortably close to his neck. He stares into Lori's corrupted eyes.*

Lori: I smell the stench of a Mandalorian.

*The figure moves out of the shadows to stand beside Lori.*

Ah, the stench of a Mandalorian but the heart of a Sith. He is no threat... to us.

*Lori lowers her lightsaber as Rotel scoffs.*

Rotel: So you're the one we've been looking for? I'm sure more than a few people will be disappointed you've- how should we put this- fallen... I, however, am not one of those people.

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*The lightsaber misses Kilax, however, he manages to pull it to him and throw it back in the direction it came.*

Kilax: (growls) So now you resort to hiding like a coward?! Take your death like a man!

Re: A New Begining

*Alek again rushes Yi'shar, but he is not there*

Yi'shar: You should cease your opposition before you are killed, young one.

Alek: I will kill you!

*Alek again leaps at Yi'shar. But before he can thrust his saber at Yi'shar, the Jedi Master thrusts his own saber's hilt at Alek. He strikes Alek's jaw with unexpected force, and those around can hear the bone shatter and break. Alek is hurled to the ground, the lower portion of his face horribly disfigured*

Yi'shar: I will spare you young one, if only for the love of your brother whom I trained many years ago.

*turning to Revan, Thor, and Ashni, Yi'shar strides slowly across the glowing floor to stand facing Revan, with Ashni and Thor between them.*

Yi'shar: You have chosen a dangerous path, young Revan. Even actions for the Republic and for peace can lead to destructive and evil ends. The path of the Sith is paved with good intentions.


by the way, love the sig Starr!

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Looks at Revan)

Thor: Revan, Feed off the Darkside and let it fill you up inside.


Re: A New Begining

Hey, LSM did you want control of Daan again?

* The lightsaber shoots back and goes over Killax - suddenly it statics and turns into Marx. He slings his lightsaber at Killax's back. *

Marx: "Take this!"

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Daan pushes it harder, not helping he quickly leaps back... *

Daan: "How...?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

I don't care Hovoth. If you wanna keep control, I don't mind. but if you want me to take back over I will. big_smile

I Am Jedi


Re: A New Begining

Nah, he's your character, you should control him. Also, if you want you can take control of your other character in Cratus' thread if you want.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

ok, i'll try. i'm just not sure how much i'll be able to be on, but i'll try. big_smile

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Yeah. I beat the crap out of it at kick boxing.  tongue

Revan: Alek!

*Revan rushes over to Alek, ignoring Ashni for the moment. She puts his head in her lap, and uses the Force to stop the bleeding. However, her powers are otherwise useless. She holds Alek's blood covered hands and looks up at Yi'shar, her anger and hate uncontrolled. Her once beautiful blue eyes are now a corrupted yellow.*

Revan: No... it's all for the Republic. And with your deaths... this war will finally be over! The Sith, the Mandalorians, the Jedi... will all be finished!

*Yi'shar as well as Ashni and Thor feel the power vibrating off Revan and at the same time they all realize that they underestimated Revan far too much.*

(( Anakin style. ^_^ ))

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Zorvon pulls the lightsaber fully from his gut with a gasp. He leans forward a bit and places a shaking hand over the hole in his stomach but is sure to watch Daan closely. He gives a strined chuckle.*

Zorvon: If I die here... I'm taking you with me.

(( Cliche... but oh well.  wink ))

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Kilax jumps up missing the lightsaber. He lands and gives a low growl as he uses the Force to see Marx.*

Kilax: Your time is up, Jedi. Face your death.

*As he moves his lightsaber to cut Marx in two he drops his blades on a gasp. He looks down to see a lightsaber stuck through his chest from behind.*

Xvan: (whispers in his ear) You've cheated death for the last time, brother. This time I'll make sure you don't get back up.

*Xvan thrust another one of his blades through Kilax's back right beside the other one. Kilax gasps again then speaks in a raspy, strained voice.*

Kilax: You think... you win... by... by killing me? (strained chuckle) As... as the saying goes... brother... you may have... won the battle... but... you've lost... the war.

*As Kilax says the last word he breathes his last. Xvan pulls his blades from his brother's lifeless corpse and lets it fall to the ground as Akson approaches through the smoke.*


Re: A New Begining

* Marx huffs stand on the ground with one eye open. And looks across, and sees Killax fall to the ground. He comes over, holding his side and catches his breath... *

Marx: "Thanks for the support..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Starr, just so you know, Hovoth turned Daan back over to me. B)


Yi'shar: He brought this on himself Revan, as you all have! I urge you to turn back from the path you have chosen, for it can only lead to destruction and ruin for yourselves and the rest of the galaxy.


*Daan steps back, eyeing Zorvan steadily*

Daan: There has yet to be a Kovasn to make good on that threat to me!

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Glad to have you back LSM. ^_^

*Revan moves Alek's head from her lap, carefully placing his head on the ground. She stands, facing Ashni, Thor, and Yi'shar. She activates two deep red lightsabers.*

Revan: The Jedi are weak cowards. They were too afraid and powerless to fight for the Republic they said they protected... until I stepped in. There were some who were willing to fight, yet too afraid to speak up against the Jedi Council until I became their leader.

The Mandalorians are- were-... formidable yet at the same time spineless. They attacked undefended worlds, hoping to find a worthy opponent but instead drawing out a batter armada that they crushed without a second thought... until I came along. I made the Republic the worthy foe the Mandalorians had been looking for... and turned the tide of the war; won the war.

The Sith... the Sith are monsters. They corrupt and deceive, slaughter and destroy... but I learned from them. I learned their teachings, their ways.

*At these words Ashni gives a little smile.*

Revan: I used the new power I gained to defeat the Mandalorians...
(she looks up at Yi'shar with a wicked grin) Cowards will always be looked down upon... but monsters... are respected.

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

Zorvon: (growls)
It'll be a pleasure to kill you.

*He lunges towards Daan yet his wound does still affect him, slowing him a bit and he misses the Jedi. However, that does not seem to shatter his determination or will to kill the Jedi. He takes a step back from the Jedi and removes his helmet, gasping as he does. Apparently it's easier for the Kovasn to breath without it on.*

*In removing his helmet he reveals his black hair and even blacker eyes, however, the pupil of one is a reddish color giving away that it is a cybernetic eye. His face is worn and scarred. He presses a button on his armor and his chest plating folds up and disappears revealing a dense underarmor.*

*Zorvon takes another deep breath and the hole through the soldier's gut twists awkwardly. Apparently Daan's lightsaber did more damage than he originally thought.*

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

Akson: Sory it took us so long. Kilax had lots of power as long as he concentrated. We waited a while and finally broke through his wall.

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*The figure watches Rotel. The... Kovasn, as he called himself, apparently had no love for the Jedi or Republic. Even if he didn't refer to himself as a Sith he certainly had the cold heart of one. He would come in handy.*

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Looks at Ashni)

Thor: When do I get to kill someone?

Thor: (Uses the Force to sence that the battle between the republic and Mandalorians draw closer to Malachor V.)

Thor: Ashni, The battle draws near.


Re: A New Begining

* Marx nods, and picks up his dropped lightsaber... *

Marx: "Daan... is... still in... trouble with that other guy..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

*Daan still eyes the Kovasn warily.*

Daan: You have stood in my way long enough, Kovasn. Let me pass and die in peace.

*Again Daan holds a crystal in his hand, and closing his fist over it, a beam of force energy forms, until it forms a lightsaber beam, without hilt, lens, or frame*


Yi'shar: The hero is loved and respected. The monster is only feared. In seeking to protect the Republic, you will become the very thing you fought against. The Shadow technology that you speak of, it is not necessary to defeat the Mandalorians with this. It will only bring about the deaths of more and more people, friends and enemies. Is that what you want? What now makes you any different than the Mandalorians that you are fighting against? You have ceased to follow your original intent to defend the Republic and are now bent on anihilating the Mandalorians at any cost. And it will not stop there!

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Ashni: Wait... but be wary.

Revan: (scoffs) Heroes?! Is that what title you give the Jedi? Heroes?! Heroes fight! Heroes protect the innocent! They walk the same path as I have. (growls) The Jedi are not heroes...

*Ashni takes a step towards Revan.*

Ashni: You are right, Revan. They are not heroes. The Jedi are not loved because they cannot love. They are not respected because they are bound by too many rules. They are weak.

Revan: (evil grin) They are prey... to the monster.
(she looks at Yi'shar) The monster is feared... and fear controls the universe.

*She takes a step towards Yi'shar, twirling her lightsabers slowly.*

Revan: The Shadow Generator will ensure the end of this war. Some people must be sacrificed. And you are wrong... I am not like the Mandalorians. This is for the Republic... and it will end here.

*At those words Revan lunges towards Yi'shar, her lightsabers a movement of flurry.*

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Before Thor or Ashni have time to react the door on the otherside of the room explodes and Rotel along with Lori and Darth Mortis enters the room. At the sight of Ashni Rotel grimaces and activates his Kovasn blades, twirling me.*

Rotel: The witch is mine.

*Rotel charages towards Ashni. Lori tries to grab him and pull him back but she feels Mortis' cold hand on her shoulder.*

Mortis: Let him go. If he kills her..... we all win. If he doesn't, at least he will wear her... out a bit. (he motions towards Thor with his head) Take out her puppet.... We can't have any of her... followers escaping.

Lori: (nods and heads towards Thor)

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

Xvan: (growls) Zorvon is a different subject. He's our leader and not just for no reason. We can't break through his wall... at least not now.

Akson: He's far too powerful.

Xvan: (chuckles) And he gets worse when he's wounded.

*He notices Marx's look.*

Xvan: But Daan can handle him. Zorvon's getting slower in his old age. Daan should be along shortly.

*Akson nods in agreement.*

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

Zorvon: You think your light magic can help you here?

*He gives another strained chuckle, moving his hand to cover the hole in his gut again.*

Zorvon: Your toys are worthless here... and I was taught things. Taught how to feed off the darkside, off corruption.

*He moves his hand as the hole in his gut slowly heals. He looks up at Daan grinning evilly.*

Re: A New Begining

Thor: The Republic is weak and it's time is over.

Re: A New Begining

Daan: Toys, eh? Why not come taste it and find out for your self whether it's a toy or not!

*Daan lunges at Zorvan and begins raining down a flurry of blows on him with the saber beam*


*Revan charges Yi'shar, but in a blinding flash of light Yi'shar vanishes and then reappears on the other side of the room*

*As the doors burst open, his attention is drawn to Lori and Mortis*

Yi'shar: The other corrupter! I should have seen your hand in this affair along with Ashni's, Darth Mortis! What lies have you been feeding the Jedi this time? Have you been working thru the Mandalorians as well, to turn the Jedi against themselves? Was it you or Ashni who captured Lori in order to create the force sensitive combat droid? Haha, your pathetic schemes sicken me Mortis! I should have killed you when I had the chance so many years ago.

I Am Jedi