Re: A New Begining

Okay Starr I will bring in Nihilus and Sion and have them killing stray Mandalorians and Republic soldiers that were have got lost from the main fighting.

(As the battle rages on between the Mandalorians and the Republic Nihilus and Sion float at the edge of the battle collecting fighters and soldiers of both sides to have fun with)

Nihilus: (Walks up to a Mandalorian bound to a chair)

Mandalorian: Do what you wish to me I will never betray my people by joining you.

Mandalorian: (Spits on Nihilus)

Nihilus: (Laughs)

Nihilus: Why would I waste my time on a mutt like you.

Nihilus: (Looks at Sion)

Nihilus: He looks cold and I think we should warm him up.

Sion: I think you are right.

(Nihilus and Sion stand infront of the Mandalorian soldier and begin to use Force Lightning on the soldier.)

Mandalorian: AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

(All that can be heard throughout the ship is the Mandalorian soldier screaming as he dies slowly and painfully)

(((Mean While)))

Thor: (Force to Rotel) You talk big for a guy who will never see the light of day again.

Thor: (Walks over to Ashni)

Thor: Who built this Academy here?

Re: A New Begining

So we move on without LSM. This is gonna be difficult. Maybe Hovoth or Zeph can take his place?

Zorvon: You cannot win here, Jedi. This place is our stronghold.

...Malachor V, near the Core...

Kilax: (quickly deactivates his blades, and uses the Force to grab the falling stones and throw them in Marx's direction)

...Malachor V, near the Core...

Revan: So close, Alek... so close.

...Malachor V, near the Core...

Daar: (locks blades with one of the Dark Jedi)

...Malachor V, Core...

*The figure's eyes seem to burn a hole into Lori's soul. She tries to look away, and to her surprise the figure releases his grip on her chin. She looks down at the floor.*

Yes. You can feel it can't you? Power... unlimited power. Take it. Give into your hate, your anger, and watch as she dies before your eyes.

Re: A New Begining

It is going to be weird without LSM but I believe we can keep this going.

Thor: (Looks at Ashni)

Thor: Why do we wait and not take the fight to the jedi and the republic?


Re: A New Begining

I'll try to.

* Marx thrusts his lightsabers into the air, like a boomerang the lightsabers slash through the falling rocks, and turn into smoke and pebbles - all dropping around Marx... *

Marx: (Breaths) *Thinking* That move takes alot to guide it...

(( Meanwhile, Daan... ))

Daan: "Heh, I can give you a million 'strong' groups that where destroyed at their own courts..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (walks back and forth like a caged animal waiting to strike against the jedi and republic)

Re: A New Begining

Darth Jester,May 29 2009, 10:09 PM wrote:

It is going to be weird without LSM but I believe we can keep this going.

Thor: (Looks at Ashni)

Thor: Why do we wait and not take the fight to the jedi and the republic?

I might be able to stick around a little, but you can probably cut my character out of the main action in a lot of places. but if you want i can try to keep posting in this one for a while, it's probably my favorite.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Jump in anytime LSM.  big_smile  B)

Re: A New Begining

Hey im commin in...

Name: Darth Rhyykol

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Alliance: Sith

Weapon(s): Heart of the guardian single lightsaber

Apperance: Brown eyes, short black hair, Revans Robes (without mask and hood  (to much of a copy right))

Background: Commander of the Sith squadron delta 5 and alpha 4. Attacked Mannan with a handful of men and single handedly overthrew the republic fleet at Orlish.

History: Born on the planet Lehon... Anthony Nickolds was destined to be a jedi but wanted more... After killing two masters on Dantooine he was banished and never could return. The sith then trained him under the name Rhyykol. He quickly flew up the ranks achieving Darth status becoming darth Rhyykol... Given the heart of the guardian., he traveled the planets stopping all jedi resitence in its tracks...

Species: Human

Ship: Revanger

Class: Dark lord

Re: A New Begining

* Darth Rhyykol and a group of Mandalorian Warriors approach nilhus and sion.*

Darth Rhyykol: Heh. That is no way to treat a commander is it? Jasrher is the mines set?

Jasrher: Yes sir

Darth Rhyykol: Good what about the partcal desermirical?

Mandalorian: 200% Power my lord.

Darth Rhyykol: Good. heh. (uses force wave on both nilhus and sion pushing them out of the window into space).

Computer: Main orbital stabilizers destroyed.

Darth Rhhykol: Hmmm. fire the cannon and wipe this place from the face of the galaxy heh. My farther darth revan will be proud.

Re: A New Begining

If we keep this rpg going then you need to know that Revan has not fell to the Darkside yet.

Re: A New Begining

Oh i know its just that i dont know just Yet

Re: A New Begining

Ashni: Of all the Jedi teachings only one do I believe we should heed and that is the learning of patience. At the right moment our target will be revealed... at the right moment will they fall... at the right moment will the Republic crumble in our wake. But that takes patience, student... something you obviously lack.

*Suddenly the door across the room glows a faint orange color.*

Ashni: (smiles) But it seems you may have to learn that lesson another time.

*The orange color grows darker until a lightsaber hilt pushes through the door and begins to cut a hole in the door.*

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

Revan: (stabs her lightsaber into the door again and then begins to slowly move it in a circular motion)

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

Kilax: (growls, attacking Marx aggressively)

*He uses a combination of lightsaber attacks followed by a burst of Force push to the floor which causes Marx to fly up. He then Force pushes Marx's into a wall and using Force Speed runs towards Marx, his blades slashing towards Marx's stomach.*

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Daar kills off the last of the Dark Jedi and looks around to observe his handy work. As he deactivates his blades he sees a figure move in the corridor to his left. He moves to investigate, reactivating his blades.*

Daar: (growls) Come out of the shadows, coward.

*A deep chuckle echoes in the empty corridor.*

The shell of a warrior can call another a coward?

*The figure moves to stand behind Daar. Daar turns only in time to see a quick flash of red light... and then... nothing.*

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Rotel watches Daar's helmed head fall to the floor and roll to a stop at his feet. Daar's headless corpse slumps to its knees before falling forward.*

Rotel: (shurgs, deactivating his blade)
It is a pity it had to end this way, vod but you stood in my way. I guess it is not all that bad... (he kicks Daar's corpse) now you have paid for your betrayal in full.

*Rotel walks away.*

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

Zorvon: Ah, but they were not us. We are perfect, Jedi. Unflawed. You faced my brothers and could not defeat them... what makes you think you can defeat their leader?

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, Core...

*Lori slowly gets to her knees. The figure watches, a evil smile forming on his masked face.*

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Looks at the door and then at Ashni)

Thor: I think it is time for my lightsabers to bathe in the blood of the jedi and republic.

Thor: (Evil grim comes across my face)


Re: A New Begining

Daan: "Ah, but there's always a flaw."

* Daan shifts his hand foward and force pushes Zorvan back - he then takes this time to follow in with repeated fast swings *


* Marx quickly jolts up, and over Killax - landing behind him... *

Marx: "What are you..." *Spits out blood*

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Okay im very sorry about that...
can you delete those reply's please and lets forget that ever happend.

(on The Ravenger Darth Rhyykol is watching Hovoths and Killax)

Darth Rhyykol: Interesting...

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Pulls out a Double Bladed Black Lightsaber)

Thor: I have been waiting for this.

Thor: (Ignites lightsaber)

Re: A New Begining

Sure. No big.

Ashni: (uses the Force to pull Thor's lightsaber to her)
(she deactivates it)
No. You will do no harm to this one or her dog. They are intended for greater things than even I...

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

Kilax: (turns to face Marx)
I am the best of the Jedi and the Sith. I am every strength... but no weaknesses. I am perfection, Jedi... unflawed.

(he twirls his blades)

I am a Kovasn.

*Kilax stabs one of his blades into the ground which causes a row of spikes to burst up from the ground around Marx... missing him on purpose or not?*

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, Core...

*The figure tosses a lightsaber barrel towards Lori which she catches. The figure watches as she activates it, it's blood red color casting light on her.*

Fulfill your destiny. Kill Traya and take over this place. Rebuild what we have lost... rebuild the True Sith Empire.

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Zorvon easily blocks Daar's first few swings, however, the last one manages to slices his gut, at least enough to make the Kovasn vulnerable.*

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Revan cuts through the door and kicks the piece out of the way, stepping through into the room in which Ashni and Thor are in. Alek follows.*

Revan: (growls, pointing her lightsaber towards Ashni)
Your end has come, witch. You have lost!

Ashni: (chuckles, taking a step forward)
I think not, my child. I think it is you who has lost... and the Sith that has won.
You just don't realize it yet.

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

Rotel: (tocuhes a door, listening through the Force)
Two birds with one stone.

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Looks at Ashni and uses Force Pull to regain my lightsaber)


Thor: (Hangs it on my belt)

Thor: I will fall in line for now but I will bathe in the blood of the jedi and republic soonner then you think.


Re: A New Begining

Marx: "Your pride makes me sick."

(Marx starts walking around Killax, with his lightsaber in ready motion...)

Marx: "We jedi confront problems, and are trained to overcome this problem with a solution. Through words we usually deal with the objection... violence is a last resort... at least to me."

* Marx stops and faces Killax with his lightsaber fixed... *

Marx: "Now enough talk let's finish this!"

* Marx uses a force pull, and lunges at Killax with his lightsaber stabbing towards his direction... *


* Daar's eyes light up, and takes the chance to flow through with a strong swing! *

(( Getting excited just typing this! tongue ))

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

I might not be able to keep up much, so I'm coming back in as a different character, Yi'shar, Nur-Jii Daan's former Jedi Master. Yi'shar is a much older Jedi, but an even better fighter than Daan, and much stronger in the force. His force speed powers are so fast they are akin to teleporting.


*a blinding bolt of light races through the dank cooridoors, leaving a contrail of force energy behind. It finally stops in the room just opposite the central hall where Ashni and Revan have met.*

*as the light dims, a glowing figure is revealed, clothed in the a white and silver robes of a Jedi Master of the Echani race. In each hand is a lightsaber with a silver blade, and a pair of equally bright eyes stare out from under the figure's hood*

*the figure begins to walk towards Revan, Thor, and Ashni*

Alek: Stay! Who dares enter here?!

*the figure speaks, it's voice cold and piercing*: I am by no means bound to reveal my identity to you. But I am Tyman Yi'shar, Jedi Master and Guardian of the Force; and I have come to put an end to this madness. You have all fallen prey to the dark side of the force, and it will bring only the destruction of this planet, this people, and yourselves.

Alek: I know that old crow! He is nothing, let me deal with him!

Yi'shar: you have begun a journey which you cannot see the end, but it will lead only to your death.

Alek: Maybe so, but you'll get to the end before I do! *Alek draw his saber, and the blade is red instead of the green that he carried before*

I Am Jedi