Re: A New Begining

amos: we don't have enough fighters for something like that!

jasen: we break for the concentration of our fleet... all units fall back!

(turns around)

let's see if these slimy bastards will follow.

Re: A New Begining

Thor: Yes Sir.

Thor:(All fighters return to the bays)

Re: A New Begining

jasen: fly a defensive pattern around this section of the fleet.+

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Looks on the scanner)

Thor: Jasen, WE HAVE INCOMMING!!!!!

Thor: (Over com) All fighter stand ready because they are comming in hot.

Re: A New Begining

Y'all didn't really think that the ship of the great Mandalorian leader would be bare. No others ships to protect it, shield generators that could be destroyed from the outside, only four really ass kicking canons. Come on... this is Manda'lor we're talking about here. You'd have to make your way through practically another Mandalorian fleet to get anywhere near his ship.

There will always be decoys but don't worry, there's only one this time.

Pilot: They retreat to their fleet, sir. Should I tell the fighters to follow them?

Mandalore: Call off all the fighters and send in a spec. ops. squadron. Be sure to tell them to use full power and stay clear of the Republic ships. We don't want them knowing we were here.

Pilot: Yes, sir.

Mandalore's Bodyguard: (walks onto the bridge)
(bows) Manda'lor.

Mandalore: (turns to face him)
Yes, Dran?

Dran: (stands)
She has arrived.

Mandalore: Good. Let's see what she thinks about this "soldier".
(begins to leave)
(grabs the Mandalorian Leader's shoulder)
I have... someone to meet. I leave you in charge of the operation, Jaak. Make sure nothing remains of the woman's ship or her friends that will lead to us but be sure to leave the right evidence.

Jaak: (bows slightly)
Yes, Manda'lor.


(the Mandalorian fighters fall back to their ship)

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (over com) Jasen, The fighters are pulling back.

Thor: (Everybody return to the ship and be ready to go after Lori)

(All the fighters dock on the ship and Thor and Jasen return to the bridge)

Re: A New Begining

not really jester.

amos: they pulled back?

jasen: they want us to gather more fighters and blitz them right up the middle.

(thinks for a moment)

amos: it's your call LC.

jasen: tell all battleships and cruisers under my command to be ready to move.

amos: you're gonna blitz them?

jasen: i'm gonna blitz em.

Re: A New Begining

Jaak: Watch ship movements and get a stronger signal on their communications. I want to know everything they're going to do before they do it.

Pilot: Yes, sir.

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Over com) Jasen, What are your orders?

Re: A New Begining

jasen: amos, fighter count.

amos: two hundred. all elite. followed by five cruisers and ten battleships.

jasen: got ourselves a mini-fleet huh? okay... thor, how many ships do you have under your command?

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (over com) Jasen, After the battle with the mercs we have 5 Cruisers and have 100 fighters ready to go and the crew is working on another 150 that were damaged during the fighting.

Thor: Crew member, How long on the fighters being fixed?

Crew member: Sir, 2 hours until they are all fixed.

Thor: As soon as you get a fighter done send it to the bay to be launched.

Crew member: Yes Sir.

Thor: (over com) Jasen, 2 hours until all the fighters are fixed but but I am sending the 100 fighters to you now and soon as a fighter is fixed they will fly and meet you. I am on the Cruiser Echo and I will back you up and hold off the other cruisers until we have all fighters in the air.

(The 100 fighters leave the bays of the Republic Cruisers and meet up with Jasen and the rest of the fighters)

Re: A New Begining

For those of you who don't know Ashni is Old Mando'a for "My Master".

Mandalore: (approaches a Jedi Master, hidden by their cloak)
(bows slightly) Ashni...

Ashni: I sense our time growing shorter... the Republic knows you have the girl.

Mandalore: Those that do are only few... and they are cowards pretending to be heroes. What harm can they do us?

Ashni: Do not underestimate the Jedi or the Republic as you once did me, Manda'lor.

Mandalore: (growls) But they are weaklings... I sense it.

Ashni: As you did with me?
(scoffs) Your pride is in the way of your power. Open your eyes Mandalorian, listen to the universe in motion around you. Reach out to their minds... feel their true potential... find their weaknesses.

Mandalore: Yes, Ashni.

Re: A New Begining

amos: the two hours we spent stregthening ourselves is also two hours they have to do the same...  we have the element of surprise. hit them hard... hit them now!

(pilots are heard talking in agreement over the coms)

jasen: good point... okay... all fighters and cruisers form up and follow me. we move to engage the mandalorians.

Re: A New Begining

Pilot: They're moving in, sir.

Jaak: Well let's send them a welcoming party. Tell the Ops squad to come back around and drop a few packages for the Republic to pick up. Then tell them to move onto the cruisers with a bigger punch.

Pilot: (chuckles)
With pleasure.


(the Mandalorian Spec. Ops. Squadron X'ud drops a few space mines in the Republic pass... only they're invisible to everything except the human eye)
(they then cloak and head at full speed towards the small Republic fleet)

Re: A New Begining

jasen: wait.... something's not right...

amos: what?

jasen: they're not forming defense or offense patterns...

amos: we have the element of surprise. that's why.

jasen: we thought the same thing on Eres III, and it turned out to be a minefield. all units fall back!

(the ships head in the opposite direction)

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (over com) Echo ship calling Jasen, 1 of the cruisers did not follow your orders and hit the mines. It lost port weapons but the captian did not have his sheilds raised and it lost hyperdrive too. I have sent 3 repair crews to the cruiser to see what they can do and at least get the port weapons up and running.

Thor: Commander, Forum up on Jasen and the rest of the fighters.

Commander: Yes Sir.

(All the cruisers forum up on Jasen and the fighters)

Crew Cheif: Thor, All the fighters are fixed and the rest are leaving the bay.

Thor: Great job Cheif.

Thor: (over com) Jasen, All 150 fighters are fixed and they are heading your way to join the the squard.

Re: A New Begining

jasen: keep the fighters in the bay until i call for them.

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Over com) I understand Jasen.

Thor: Cheif, Keep all the birds in the bay until the order comes to let them fly.

Cheif: Yes Sir.

Thor: (Over com) Jasen, Give me the word and I will send the fighters to you.

Re: A New Begining

amos: so if your theory is correct then what do we do?

jasen: fight fire with fire. they're proximity mines, right? all we do is deploy debris and the mines will explode.

amos: should we make that an executive order?

jasen: yes.

amos: deploy debris!

(the debris is deployed towards the minefield)


amos: it seems you were right.

jasen: okay all units go! thor give me my birds from your bay, load up your cruisers and follow us in!

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (com) Yes Sir.

Thor: Cheif, Let the birds fly!!!

Cheif: Yes Sir.

(All the fighters fly from the bays and join up with Jasen's squard)

Thor: (Com) All crusiers forum up and back up the fighters and follow the fighters.

Cruisers Captains: Delta: Yes Sir, Omaga: Yes Sir, Alpha: Yes Sir.

Thor: (com) Jasen, Crusiers Delta, Omaga, Alpha are foruming up behide your fighters... Echo out.