Topic: Thoughts on the EU becoming Star Wars Legends

So Disney hasn't really nailed down an official canon yet, but they've made it clear that the previous EU is out and considered Star Wars Legends. Fans have had mixed reactions to this. I get why that decision was made from a film stand point (it would be really hard to catch the average movie goer up on lore at this point), but I have mixed feelings about it personally. How about you guys? Do you still consider the old EU canon, or the new films?

I Am Jedi

Re: Thoughts on the EU becoming Star Wars Legends

I am so happy to have the new films coming out because I always felt that Lucas messed up when he ended it after Return of the Jedi. I still hold true to the EU and even if the Legends that they come out with makes more since to newer fans of the movies I still feel with everything that I have watched, read and games played I am still going by the previous EU version. I believe even with a new cannon they will still have to use a long part of the original cannon in it because of what the first 6 films have already covered and it they don't then the new movies will really have no logic what so ever and hurt the Star Wars movies more then it would help.

Re: Thoughts on the EU becoming Star Wars Legends

I'm with jester. I still believe in old canon. It my have been voided by Disney but it's what I grew up with. Fortune late I think they'll handle these new films really well.

Re: Thoughts on the EU becoming Star Wars Legends

It is hard to just forget every thing that you have learned about the Star Wars Universe just because Disney says too.

Re: Thoughts on the EU becoming Star Wars Legends

I'm indifferent about it. I've been much into reading the lore, and if I did read it was about Kotor era not about after the movie trilogy.

So I'm just gonna wait to see what they're going to come up with. smile

Re: Thoughts on the EU becoming Star Wars Legends

The bulk of my reading on the Star Wars Universe see during the time of KOTOR too but there is some much story that was covered in the 6 movies that all that must be in the new cannon.