Re: Xbox Gamers

Jester wrote:

I hope in AC 4 they keep the controls and gameplay the same as all the other AC games.

They should. They haven't changed much so far. I doubt they'd start doing new stuff now. Not until the new consoles are released but that's a whole new system and controller so everything is new and awesome regardless.

Konah wrote:

Well said about the assassins.

Ooh, which is your favorite? I like Ezio a lot but I mean, we did play through four games as him. Most gamers grow attached to a character after just one game, but four? Experiencing every event from his late teenage years to old age. And his death?! All the feels! *tears*

But then there is Connor... Connor... with all his manliness... and tan skin... and long hair... and just... Connor...ness.

Jester wrote:

Starr knows us all.

I know. It even scares me sometimes. tongue

Re: Xbox Gamers

I miss Ezio :'(

Re: Xbox Gamers

I am glad that let you play as Ezio and showed how he died because I like the way they did that but I did not like the way that they ended Desmond's story tho.

Re: Xbox Gamers

Altair was not a favorite, the last two....melt me like butter tho.

Re: Xbox Gamers

He was okay but when you first played with Ezio I was like damn, Game on.  cool

Re: Xbox Gamers

Altair wasn't bad at all actually. However, the AC franchise was just kicking off and Altair was them testing the water if anything. When we play through Altair in flashbacks he's able to do everything Ezio is able to do such as jumping from ledges to assassinate people, etc., etc.

Altair is a really awesome dude. They just didn't portray him well in the first game. They should remake it in my opinion if they have the time and cash. It'd be awesome. I'd buy it.

Re: Xbox Gamers

I agree and 1 weapon that I have missed was the Hooked Blade because I loved using that blade.

Re: Xbox Gamers

Ahhh... Altair... It brings back awesome memories of my childhood big_smile

Re: Xbox Gamers

Now we will have a new assassin to get to know in Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag.  cool

Re: Xbox Gamers

Edward Kenway!


Re: Xbox Gamers

Thanks crazy and funny Starr.  lol  lol  lol  lol  cool