Re: The New Jedi Order

*Aran and Resa seem to have made it off the Spear and into the Nevergost, though how they did is uncertain. Their comms are offline and they aren't anywhere in the hanger*


...Nevergost, near the hanger...

Aran: (jumps out of the duct system landing on a droid)
(he stabs it with his vibroblade)

Resa: (quickly jumps down from the duct, landing next to him and blocking fire from a group of nearby droids)
(she reflects the blaster bolts back at the droids, killing them)

Aran: (looks at her)
Much appreciated.

Resa: (smiles faintly)
Don't mention it. Come on, we have to get to him before they do.
(heads down the hall)

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: (Slashes a Droid and tosses lightsaber at a Destroyer droid before it generates it's shield)

Karvan: "Nice throw, sir."

Hovoth: (Nods)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: What do you want me to do?

Re: The New Jedi Order

*Nolan and Jef work their way towards the bridge*

*They meet with several patrols of droids, but are able blast down each group without taking any casualties*

Nolan: Keep it moving. Faster, faster. *over comm* Hovoth, nearing waypoint Alpha. Resa, report in......Resa? Resa! Dang, she turned off her comm. I knew the council was wrong to send her and that Null!!!! They could screw this whole assignment! Alright lets go!

Jef: Watch out!

*two magna droids drop down from a balcony above. Nolan blasts one in the head and chest, and it expires in a shower of sparks. The other attacks Jef, who's shoulder and chest are badly wounded before the other clones can kill the droid.*

Nolan: Sev, check Five-0. *over comm* All units be aware, there are magna droids on the ship. Keep alert!

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

*somewhere near the prison sector*

Aran: (turns a corner only to nearly miss a blast of fire from a Destroyer droid)
(jumps back)
Damnit, there's a Destroyer right in our path!

Resa: Leave it to me.
(charges towards the Destoryer, using her lightsaber to deflect fire)
(as she near it, she deactivates her lightsaber, using the Force to jump over it)
(pulls out a small vibroblade, stabbing it from behind, killing it)

If you boys have played SW:Rc (which I know you have) you'll know that a vibroblade easily penetrates a Destroyers shield and kills it.

Re: The New Jedi Order

That's true and I have missed a few days on here so can I jump in where you two are or do you want me to stay on the ship?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: "Anubis, follow me, Karvan, and Blorr to the bridge. We're heading to the prison block to save the captives."

Karvan: "Let my people go..." (Chuckles)

Blorr: (Gives a nod)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (Looks at Hovoth)

Anubis: You got it.

Anubis: (Follows Hovoth and the others)

Re: The New Jedi Order

* As they head down there, Blorr sets bombs on certain parts of the Ship on the way... *

Karvan: "This'll be a sight to see blown up."

Hovoth: (Comm) "Resa, Aran, and Nolan - how are you holding up?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

yeah, Starr, I love that game. speaking of which, I'm bringing Sev in as one of the clones on my team for this mission.


Nolan: Our team is moving into position towards the bridge. We encounter two magna droids, so be on the look out. We have one man down, but we are able to continue. Resa has broken off contact...............Sev, How's Five-0?

Sev: *to Nolan* He will need medical attention soon, but a bacta unit will keep him on his feet for the rest of the mission.

Jef: *after the bacta unit is applied to the wound* I'm good; ready to kill some more magna droids.

Nolan: Alright. Let's go.

*the team makes it's way to the entrance to the bridge. The door is locked*

Nolan: Set breaching charges.

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (Looks at Hovoth)

Anubis: We need to place some charges in the engine room too because that will really help in the destruction of this ship.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Aran: (tampers with the terminal while Resa stands gaurd)

Resa: (looks over at him)
I thought we were supposed to be good.

Aran: (looks at her momentarily, growling)
Didn't your Masters ever teach you about patience?

Resa: I never learned most of my lessons.
(she smiles)

Aran: (he shakes his head)
I'm in.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Clone: Charges set.

Nolan: Clear!

*the doors blast open!*

Sev: *throws electric impulse grenades into the bridge* Fire in the hole!

*after the blast the team rushes in. they shoot down the droid crew from the control bridge, and begin securing the room.*

*a team of Geonosian assassin guards fly in from various directions*

Nolan: In coming!

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

* They enter into the engines room. *

Blorr: (Sets more charges on specific engine generators)

Karvan: "Alright, this should be all the points."

Hovoth: "Then let's go to the prison block, notify everyone else!"

** Several more droids enter in... **

Droids: "More intruders!"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Aran: (places one foot on a droid's chest, firing his gun into its face at almost point blank range)

(the droids head explodes in sparks)

Aran: (looks at Resa, pulling her saber from a droid)
This way.

Re: The New Jedi Order

** The group is just finished killing off the group of droids... **

Hovoth: (Comm) "We're about to enter the prison area..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

*the Geonosians attack the four clones, who duck behind several control panels for cover.*

Nolan: Take 'em down boys!!!

*the team fires at them, and finally kill all of the Geonosians.*

Sev: Alright, let's lock this place down.

*The team spreads out, killing the rest of the droid crew, and head into the captains quarters.*

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

Aran: (types a code into the prison cell panel)
(the prison cell doors slowly hiss open)
I'll get these two, you handle the Jedi.

Resa: (nods)
(heads towards a different prison cell)

Re: The New Jedi Order

Nolan: There he is! Get down on the ground, you're under arrest!

*the clones capture two human like creatures, the captain (a male) and his first officer (a female). They place them in cuffs and lead them out and away from the bridge*

Nolan: Captain Kody to Hovoth. Charges placed in the bridge and the have the captain and first officer in custody. Moving to waypoint Bravo, the hanger bay.

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: (Gets the comm message) "Affirmative... where is team C?"

Karvan: (Hacking door code)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?