Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: "Yeah, rescue and destroy."

Karvan: "Pretty much."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Aran: (nods) Can't forget the 'boom' part... that'd ruin a few people's day right there.

Re: The New Jedi Order

* Nolan, Jef, and their crew board the Ceasefire and warm the engines. The Ceasefire lifts off and begins to orbit the planet.*

Nolan: Five-0, hold us in orbit until the rest of the squad gets up here.

Jef: Aye, sir.

Nolan: Open a halo-channel to the others.

Jef: Open sir.

Nolan: *over halogram image communicator* Alright, listen up. A few last minute instructions before we head off. You clones will know this, but the humans may need a reminder. Hovoth is the chief Jedi for this mission, and whatever he says goes. Follow his orders to the letter. Do your own thing, and you'll get yourself and the rest of us killed. Also, our objective is to board the Nevergost. So even tho we have an escort, don't use your firepower on the Nevergost. It may be hard for some of you, but we have to give the Nevergost the image that we are weak, if we want to lure them into this trap. Now, 1400 hours is getting close, so everyone prepare for launch.

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

(Aran and Resa board the Spear)

Re: The New Jedi Order

Ilton: "Hello... uhh... Aran and Resa, right? I have the engines warmed up, let's head up-- I'm ready to see some fireworks!"

(The Spear floats up and exits the Hanger)

** Hovoth and Karvan enter Vaahn and exit the Hanger with the Spear. **

Hovoth: (Opens an open Comm) "Alright everyone, thanks for the insight Nolan. Let's go through this again: Our Assault Cruiser will create a diversion on the front of the Nevergost, leading fire off of us. We will take this oppertunity to enter into the hanger, and take out the any droids that give us trouble..."

Ilton: (Comm) "Ooo-Rah to that, Master Hovoth!"

Hovoth: (Gives a returned laugh, and continues) "...We'll then locate the prison block, and split into three groups - follow whomever is in your squad and meet me and my team there. We'll save the prisoners, and leave. Blorr will be setting explosives with me on analyzed weak points on the Nevergost, this will then blow the whole ship to bits as soon as we get out of range. Any questions?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: The neverghost, Never heard of it.

Anubis: (Laughs)

Anubis: Just kidding.

Anubis: (Pulls out com and speaks in the Language of the Sand People to another voice speaking in the same language)

Anubis: How long will it take us to get there?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: "Not that long, we'll meet it in a little while. The KillJoy is following behind us to create the distraction."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: Okay.

Anubis: (Tells everything to the voice on the other side of the com in Tusken)

Voice: (Arrrrrggg argg aaaaaggg, Translated "Be safe my son")

Anubis: (Puts com away and keeps walking with the others)

Anubis: I must go and eat but first is there a clone named Trigger on board and if so where can I find him?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: "He should be in the corders near the back."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Nolan: We've got a report coming in............

Nolan: A freighter ship has been attacked by the Nevergost. It's along the Kashyyk trade line, near an astroid field. That's good new for us; it's not where we thought it was, but we have an aproximate location for the Nevergost now.

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: "Roger that, Nolan. All ships, await green for hyperspace launch!"

Karvan: "Ugh... I hate Hyperdrive..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Aran: (looks at Resa)
(quietly) Should we tell them now?

Resa: (replies in the same quiet tone)
The Council ordered me not to share information unless under dire circumstances...

Aran: (nods)
Right... but don't you think it'd be wise to let them know about him?

Resa: We'll be taking care of him... and we'll be gone before they ever know what really happened. The Council will cover for us.

Re: The New Jedi Order

** The ships enter hyperdrive, and come out near Kashyyk's section... **

Karvan: "I see it, up ahead!"

Hovoth: (Looks out)

Karvan: "Looks larger than I expected."

Hovoth: "Ships, shift into drift mode. Await for the KillJoy to enter beside the Nevergost and engage it. We'll come around to the side, and enter into the Hanger."

Ilton: (Comm) "Roger that, sir!"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Nolan: They've seen us.

Jef: They're coming about. Weapons charging.

Nolan: Power forward shield and prepare to shut down engines. We have to make them believe it. Escort ship, fire a couple shots at the Nevergost, but don't damage it, make them think your civ gunners and scared!

*The Nevergost begins firing on the Ceasefire. Jef shuts down the engines as if they had been hit and taken offline, and the Nevergost engages the tractor beam.*

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

* The tractor beam takes all three of the ships in. *

KillJoy Captain: "We'll await here."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Resa: (touches her lightsaber barrel)
Easy, Aran/

Re: The New Jedi Order

*The Nevergost begins to pull all of the ships into it's various docking bays. The Ceasefire is pulled to the larger bay underneath the Nevergost, the rest are pulled to port and aft docking bays.*

Nolan: Private comm links up. We sent out a distress signal to keep up the illusion of a diplomatic convoy. The boarding parties should be here soon. Watch out for sentry turrets in the bays, and destroyer droids. You should all also have disrupter emittors in case of ray shields in the corridoors.

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: "Yeah, especially the Destroyers."

(Outside in the hanger, droids enter into the bay)

Droid Captain: "Search the ships!"

Droids: "Aye-Aye!"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

*The droids board the Ceasefire*

Nolan: Ok Five-0, engage impulse.

*an electronic impulse surges through the bay. The lights flicker and die for a few  moments, then come back on. By that time, Nolan and Jef and the other clones are hiding in an alchove inside the hanger bay, out of the ship*

Nolan: *Comm* Alright Hovoth, we're out of the ship. Proceeding to waypoint Alpha, objective: bridge and command center.

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (As the others are in the main part of the ship I ran back and find Trigger)

Anubis: I seek the clone named Trigger.

Trigger: (Stands up and walks over)

Trigger: I am Trigger Sir, How may I help you.

Anubis: (Slowly pulls out a knife from my right sleeve and holds it in my hand)

Anubis: Are you the same Trigger that was on Tatoonie 8 months ago?

Trigger: Yes Sir.

Anubis: That's all I needed to know.

Anubis: (Thrusts the knife into the side of the clone Trigger's neck)

Anubis: That was for my mother!!!

Trigger: (Drops to his knees and holds his throat as his gasps for air)

Anubis: (Yells out Rrraaggg Aaaaaah Raagggga Grraaaagg Translated means "Your body becomes sand mother")

Trigger: (Falls to the floor dead as the other clones sit and watch)

Anubis: (Binds over and takes out the knife and picks up the clone's helment and hooks it on my belt)

Anubis: You all may return to your work.

Anubis: (Turns around and walks back to where the Hovoth and the others are)

Anubis: What have I missed?