Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

looks like you need a substitution........ a backup...... a fallback......someone who has been there since the beginning..............



Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

"Cat," Kip calls. "I thought you were going to gather your squad, not seduce them."

He shakes his head. Sometimes he wondered why he had made Cat his second in command. He reminded himself that her skills were unsurpassed by any in the enclave save himself, and that she was more loyal than anyone he had ever met. Yet her methods...left something to be desired.

"You still have another squad member to find," he reminds her. "When you're quite finished, we'll be waiting for you at the hanger bay."

He turns with his students and walks out.

I Am Jedi

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

With Raid's attention momentarily focused on the Grand Master making his exit, Cat whistles, immediately drawing the Iridonian's attention back to her. She quickly headbutts him and uses the opportunity to flip Raid over so she's once again on top.

Cat delivers a series of quick jabs to Raid's stomach, landing her punches in a downward angle instead of upwards. The blows send immense pain and numbing shock through the Irdonian's abdomen. Using the palm of her hand she then slaps his head into the ground while landing a horizontally slap to the side of his neck. Raid groans in pain, his body momentarily immobilized.

Cat bends backwards over Raid's body in a backbend position. She then pushes with her feet throwing her legs over her lower body in a backflip motion which lands her on her feet. She looks down at Raid with a triumphant smile, rubbing her hands together to discard any dirt on them and dusting away the loose dirt which clings to her outfit.

"No distractions. Rule two," she adds.

Kip glances over his shoulder as Cat helps Raid to his feet. The Grand Master nearly runs into the large cat-like humanoid which seems to appear out of thin air, towering over the Jedi. It growls at the Grand Master. Whether the sound is meant as a greeting or as a threat remains undetermined.

Cat slids past Kip and his chosen squad participants as the ash-colored Togorian tosses her the weapon's harness which had been slung over its shoulder. Cat straps the belt around her slender waist before turning her attention to the warrior.

"Ah, Ash. Perfect timing. Seems Raid's telepathic skills are improving."

Ash nods slightly. "Yes he informed me you were engaging in a duel," his voice trails off, his eyes focused on the three figures in front of him.

Cat immediately notices Kip and his students starring at the Togorian, making the creature edgy. She realizes none of them have been introduced. As a memeber of the Brotherhood for the last three years, however, they should have stumbled upon Ash at least once.

Only, Ash was one of Cat's... Vi'ratharin, "those who have been forgotten". They denounced everything, remained secluded from the rest of the Brotherhood, and only undertook the most dangerous and suicidal missions in an effort to gain honor and glory from sacrifice, victory, and one day... a worthy death. It was another Echani teaching method which Kip would never really get.

Cat pats Ash's muscular stomach in a playful manner. "Apologies for neglecting proper introductions. Master Kimenov, Ash... the, uh, Togorian. Ash, Master Kimenov, the Grand Master."

Ash's green eyes lock with Kip's as the Togorian bows slightly, crossing his right arm over his heart. The Echani sign of undying loyalty.

  • Yes, Cat's fighting moves are real. The jabs to the stomach are basic fighting moves incorporated in MA. Jabs angled downward (instead of upwards like you see boxers fighting) cause more pain and sometimes a numbing sensation in the abdomen area.

  • The slight blow to the head simultaneous with the horizontally slap to the neck (applied pressure to a certain point on the neck) is a pressure point fighting technique which (when done right) causes a upright opponent to fall to the ground and (with enough force) can cause momentarily paralysis (usually lasts only a few seconds but hey, that's all you need in a fight  wink )

  • An example of a Togorian: … af_DT3.jpg

  • Ash's clothing looks something like what that Togorian has on, however, on the mission he will wear primitive heavy armor: … armor-.jpg (Because the Togorian body shape is different than a human's and their face is elongated like a wolf's the armor will be a bit different and the helmet (which he rarely dones) will jut out more but that's basically it.)

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

Dang!!! Headbutting a Zabrak is pretty hard core!!! Lol


"I thought you were going to recruit your team, not paralyze them," Kip mutters, rolling his eyes. Deep down though he knew that Cat's skills were going to prove useful against their enemies, as they had many times already.

At the appreance of Ash, the Twi'lek Jentress nearly jumped out of her skin. Kip and Beran had both met Togorians before, but Kip had great respect for the race...their strength, their skill, their ability to train animals like the mosgoths to their ways... Overlooked by much of the galaxy, a Togorian could be a strong ally...or a deadly enemy.

"Welcome to the team Ash," Kip replied. Turning to Raid, he frowned. "How many times have I told you that if you insist on fighting Cat you are going to end up in a repulsor chair? You are no where near that level of skill yet." A wink that escaped though signified that Raid's skill was improving.

Turning to Cat, he said,

"If you are quite finished, let's move out."

I Am Jedi

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

lol Well a headbutt is usually used to strike a sensitive area (such as the nose) with something less sensitive (usually always the forehead).

While Raid does have horns like Savage Opress (courtesy of his Sith training) they're still not on his forehead. Thus allowing Cat to headbutt him without seriously injuring herself. Will be back to post later.  wink

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

Cat laughs lightly. “Paralyze Raid? Why he’d be completely useless to me then wouldn’t he? And that would be such a shame. He has so many… amazing uses,” she adds, her voice deliciously soft –a mesmerizing whisper almost –twisted with charm and something dark.

Kip barely catches Raid’s low growl as the Iridonian uses the back of his hand to wipe the blood away from his face. He quickly clears his throat and bows respectfully. “Without your timely interruption, Grand Master, I do believe I would have won that duel. Cat is a fine warrior but is prone to slip ups like us all.” He smiles.

Cat scoffs playfully. “Echani don’t slip up. I was letting you win. You got distracted so I… simply took advantage of you. It all added a great deal of spice to the fight don’t you think?”

Ash chuckles, the sound deep and rich. It was completely unexpected from the battle-hardened Togorian. Especially after he had seemed so distant just moments ago. “That it did, Ishi. Perhaps a bit too much. I do not believe the intention of a duel is to make your audience drool. They completely miss out on the educational and entertainment values if their minds stray to, ah, things other than fighting positions.”

Raid laughs, nudging Ash with his elbow. “I believe our performance is included in ‘entertainment values’, Ash.”

Cat giggles, her hands moving to her hips and her attention drifting back to Kip and his students. “They're a bit scruffy and rough around the edges but they're the best. Pretty handy in a fight. Let’s go.”

“We will gather our gear and meet you there, Ishi,” Ash interjects as he and Raid walk off in the direction of the Armory.

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

Mat arrived on the hangar where everything was prepared for Lady Konah's arrival. He regretted in himself ever ordering that jump. Who knows what that women will do to him. But he must be here to escort her here.
There were soldiers in two columns. And a red carpet between them, leading from a landing site to the exit door. There were two men in white robes wtih a red eagle emblem on their back who carried She'en Khalar Flags.
Mat approached Riker who was standing at the front.
-"Riker?" he spoke to him quietly "When she will come?"
-"Soon my friend. Don't worry. I'm sure she will be gentle to you. Master George said that she won't touch you." Riker smiled a little showing that he is actually joking. He didn't know what to expect.
Mat just nodded away and waited for the Lady to arrive.

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

As the ship docked Konah saw that man named Mat. she gave a wicked smile her eyes twinkling.

Jyrovac looked at her with concern on his face but he knew she would do nothing to harsh to the man.

"so master what are your plans for this Mat person?" he asked with a little amusement.

"Well lets just say that he will have a nightmare tonight he will never forget." She answered.

As she stepped off the ship Mat saw her give a malicious smile.

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

Riker hear Mat cursing at the edge of hearing as they saw Lady Konah exiting the shuttle. Riker just said to Mat: "Let me do the talking" Mat just nodded to that and managed to stay calm.
Riker and Mat approached the Lady and made a slight bow
Rikers voice sounded official
-"Welcome aboard, Lady Konah. We are honored by your presence. I'm admiral Riker and this is General Mat. We are here to welcome you and escort you to Master George Kwei. I must say, he is very anxious to see you" Riker glanced at Jyrovac for a sec but returned his attention to the Lady.

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

Konah had explained to Jyrovac before they left the shuttle that he should stand by her and look ominous. hey smiled his black eyes glittering and agreed.

"please call me Konah not Lady. i'm not into formality." She smiled at mat

"so your the General...."

Jyrovac looked at the man with very little happiness in his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it right after and just looked at Konah.

"So shall we Go to see George?" she smiled sweetly to Mat and Riker, But there was something not right with the smile.

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

Mat looked calm... Very calm. He didn't care if it looked rude. He just thought about getting this over.
Riker was different. He smiled back and said: "If you will follow me" As they were walking through the ship. Riker was telling about this ship.. Freedom... He even told her a legend that this ship was as old as this galaxy was. But afcourse that is because no one knows when it was built.
Finaly they arrived. And Riker showed Lady Konah which door to go throug and he also said: "Lady Konah. I'm sorry for this. But, Master George asked if he could see you alone. I'm sure we can find some place for your student to stay while you two talk?"

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

i will post later my grandma is here lol

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

say Hi to your grandma big_smile

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

Kip shakes his head as the three head off to gather their gear. Turning to Beren, he says, "One day that girl is going to bite off more than she can chew, and I won't be there to get her out of trouble."

"She handles herself well. Don't worry," Beren returns. Typical of the Kel Dor, he was a man of few words.

"If she takes the situation seriously, she is fine," Kip returns. "It's when she is trying to have fun or prove a point that concerns me. As she seems to be doing with this mission."

They began the walk to the hanger. Kip began going over the situation in his mind. They had an impressive team for this mission. Cat, a master in hand-to-hand, close quarters combat. Raid and Ash, intimidating giants with enough physical power between them for nearly half a dozen men. Beren, technical specialist, skilled infiltrator, and exceptional Force warrior. And Jentress, the young cadet, one of the best sharp shooters in training.

It was a good team, one that he had no qualms about trusting. He only hoped that they would arrive in time to catch the trail of these new Jedi killers.

That was what really puzzled him. Many times in the past, there had been those who had tried to hunt Jedi. Usually they were the followers of the Sith, and that had been his first guess at who was behind these assassinations. But the pieces were not fitting together. None of the Jedi had been killed with energy weapons, that much was clear. Those who had recovered the bodies had found that their lightsabers would not even activate. Something was not right about these deaths...

I Am Jedi

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

Be back... sometime to post. smile

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

Cat and her entourage arrive at the hanger only moments after Kip and his students do. The light from the open hanger door catches on Ash's armor, the heavy war armor shimmering, adding to the Togorian's mystifying and intimidating appearance. Cat's signature black Echani battle suit is now overlayed with a variety of Echani charmed armor attachments here and there.

While it might effect Cat's fighting style, the enchanted armor would contribute an immense amount of power to Cat's blows. And even next to the Togorian in his glistening armor, Raid manages to stick out. The Iridonian dones massive spaulders connected by leather straps over his bare masculine physique while his lower body is merely covered by a rather plain black pants.

His face is somewhat hidden beneath a primal helmet from which his impressive horns protrude while his steel guantlets and plate boots seem to sing with power. No doubt an effect of Cat's Echani charms. The same "magic" gave the Togorian's armor and helmet its ghostly blue inner glow.

As the group approaches Kip, the Grand Master notices both Ash and Raid carrying two weapons cases. It seems Cat's fancy for weapons was passed on to her students. They were prepared for everything.


Okay, so a picture of Ash's armor was already posted.

Here's Raid's armor:

A (rather crappy but I do the best I can) example of Raid's physique and Iridonian body markings:

Raid's guantlets:

And Cat's guantlets:

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

Beren looks up to see the three walking into the hanger. With a jerk of his head he indicates which ship they'll be using. The Nightblade had been Kip's favorite ship for longer than any in the brotherhood could remember. Either Kip or Beren piloted the craft; no one else except Cat had even been in the cockpit.

Silently Beren finishes prepping the ship, while Kip and Jentress load their gear. They were carrying an extensive array of weapons and equipment, since they weren't sure what they would be facing on Telos.

Finaly the last of the preparations were completed. Kip and his squad board the Nightblade and Beren warms up the engines. Within seconds the ship is rocketing out of the hanger and into the atmosphere.

"I'll route us through the most direct path to Telos," Beren says.

Soon the strange warped light of hyperspace engulfs the ship.

Kip stands up and walks out of the cockpit, back to the crew hold where the others he knew would be waiting.

I Am Jedi

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

Kip enters the crew hold to find Cat and Raid circling each other, each of the warriors in nothing but their undergarments, crouched in Echani challenge stances. Ash slides along the wall, sliping behind Cat while her attention is focused on Raid.

Raid lashes out with a quick jab, an obvious miss. It is a mere opportunity opener for Ash. The large Togorian charges forward in a blur, wrapping his muscular bulging arms around Cat's  slender body and arms, heaving her off the ground with little effort.

In the blink of an eye Cat throws her head back, her skull slamming against Ash's nose, the cracking noise echoing in the condensed crew hold.

Ash laughs, blood slowly beginning to trickle from his flaring nostrils. "Can't squirm your way out of this one, Cat. It seems we've finally beat you."

Raid grins, patting Cat on the shoulder. "You're off your game, Cat. Letting the rookies beat you like this..."

Cat cocks her head to the side with a charming smile. "Is that what you think?"

Cat arches her back and brings her knee up, driving it into Raid's stomach with such force it knocks the Iridonian back a few feet. He coughs and stumbles to his knees. Ash leans his head to one side to get a good look at Raid and laughs again. It was rare that Cat caught them offgaurd anymore. He had to give her points for that.

He releases Cat and takes a step back. She broken his knees when he'd grabbed her last time. He didn't want to test his luck more than he already had. She often refrained from hurting them too much but she wouldn't hesitate if he didn't release her. Lesson learned.

Cat gets to her feet and straightens out her small clothes in the most feminine way, glancing in Raid's direction with a flash of amusement as the Iridonian gets to his feet with a gaze which demands retribution for his hurt pride. She turns to Kip with her famous charming smile as Ash uses his Force powers to heal his muzzle.

"Just, ah, practicing," she says on a deep breath.

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

Kip shakes his head. Echani.

"I'd prefer it if you would resist the urge to maim each other and save that for the Sith we'll be facing," he replies. His expression softens a bit. "Cat, you are beginning to rely to much on your own physical strength. Remember the Force and let it flow in you and guide your movements. A warrior who lets the Force guide them will always claim the victory. Even if their adversaries are two or three times their own physical size."

Jentress walks in, rubbing a cleaning rag over a section of her blaster rifle. Beren follows her. "We're on course to Telos," he says, then silently sits in the corner and begins to arrange his gear.

Kip looks from Ash to Raid to Cat, wondering if anything he had said would get through. They were all powerful and strong in their own way, but he knew that physical prowess would have little bearing on the dark Jedi they were about to face.

I Am Jedi

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

Cat chuckles, the noise soft and delicate. “Oh, you big, bad Jedi and your Force. I’m glad I can’t use it actually.” She steps towards Kip, poking his chest.  “Your Force makes you Jedi a bit weak if you ask me. You become so… dependant on it.”

She moves her fingers in a walking pattern up Kip’s chest before her hand falls into place on his shoulder.  “Strip it away and what remains but a shriveled warrior, void of what very well may have been the very essence of their power?”

She softly pats Kip’s shoulder with a teasing smile before she quickly moves to Raid’s side. She stands behind him, reaching her arms around him to slowly slide her hands over his chest and abdomen. He glances over his shoulder at her with a low growl and his muscles ripple as she drags her nails over his skin.

“But this,” she grins, “strip away the Force and what remains? A hardened warrior, forged by forbidden Echani techniques. The best of generations. Perfection,” she purrs the word with a faint giggle.

She quickly steps to the side, however, away from Raid and towards Kip once more. “But we didn’t come on this little trip of ours to discuss such trivial matters did we? No. Let’s hear some real details about this mission and these… ‘Sith’ we’re hunting,” she shivers slightly, obviously excited. “Oh, it’s been so long since I’ve gotten to fight someone who is actually going to be trying to kill me! I can’t wait!”