Re: Do you belive in God?

I believe in aliens just not god

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Do you belive in God?

true, think that our sun is one in a trillion in our universe, our galaxy is one in a billion, so who doesent think we will be the only life

Re: Do you belive in God?

i cant think of anyone

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Do you belive in God?

Haha, never heard of the name for that fictional thought... anyways - no, I don't believe in Aliens, or other lifeforms in the whole galaxy - as it is out of the question. Now, here's one reason why no other planet could sustain life: Our planet is perfect. It is perfectly aligned in a Planetory sequence in that we are in the perfect spot - it is the perfect place to sustain life! It has a perfect amount of life sustaining matter that forms the whole planet we call earth - it's perfect. No other planet could sustain a good ammount - as earth is, I believe, the center of the universe. As it is the main focus of God.

For all God has done for Mankind, other 'lifeforms' are not relevent. This means, they would not survive. Humans are, and as foolish as many of us are, the dominate race on earth. Man has a will, a mind. It's amazing at what facts people can give you about your anatomy.

Looking at this in a Bible standpoint, the Love God has shown to his greatest creation is amazing! He gave his son for us, no other love is stronger than His love. He made man out of his image, his greatest creation. It's amazing about the stories that I've heard about people becoming saved by God's Word. Many Drug-Addicts, p**n-Addicts (It's a sick thing), Homosexuals, and etc. have been saved by God's Word - it's just amazing.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do you belive in God?

think that our sun is one in a trillion in our universe, our galaxy is one in a billion, so who doesent think we will be the only life

Your just staying with the milky way, there are thousands of habitable planets in the universe. people (like you hovoth) are too blind to see past our galaxy, do you really, honestly think we are the only life in the entire universe? we think earth is perfect in all its way, if god created this planet, wouldent he forsee the destruction of earth? if so then wouldent he try to save us in anyway?

Looking at this in a Bible standpoint, the Love God has shown to his greatest creation is amazing! He gave his son for us, no other love is stronger than His love. He made man out of his image, his greatest creation. It's amazing about the stories that I've heard about people becoming saved by God's Word. Many Drug-Addicts, p**n-Addicts (It's a sick thing), Homosexuals, and etc. have been saved by God's Word - it's just amazing.

Umm, about that, she hasent done anything for us latly, so how can you know that god hasent buggerd off to another planet?

P.S. It's amazing about the stories that I've heard about people becoming saved by God's Word. Many Drug-Addicts, p**n-Addicts (It's a sick thing), Homosexuals,
homosexuals dont need to be saved, its there way of life, no one has any right to take that from them

Re: Do you belive in God?

so any one you dont approve of doesnt deserve to be saved

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Do you belive in God?

Yeah, if the dont approve of it, LIVE WITH IT

Re: Do you belive in God?

I am.


Last edited by Master Amos (2010-01-02 12:41:22)

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Do you belive in God?

Zealot? wtf~?

Re: Do you belive in God?

Its my new nickname for you

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Do you belive in God?

no, call my either zharr or zharradan okay?

Re: Do you belive in God?


I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Do you belive in God?

Its my nickname

Re: Do you belive in God?

self proclaimed nickname

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Do you belive in God?

Ya, got a prob?

Re: Do you belive in God?

its not a nickname if you call yourself it

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Do you belive in God?

I believe there is other life out in the universe because if Earth is the only planet in the whole universe then that is just sad.

On the topic of do I believe in god and my answer is that I do not believe in this new aged god/jesus/bible because my religion is over 4,000 years old and I believe in many Gods and Goaddess of ancient Eygpt.

Re: Do you belive in God?

Really i believe the Roman and Greek gods myself

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Do you belive in God?

Your just staying with the milky way, there are thousands of habitable planets in the universe. people (like you hovoth) are too blind to see past our galaxy, do you really, honestly think we are the only life in the entire universe?

Yes, I believe we are... and no, I am not blind. "I was blind, but now I see." a great quote, I must say. But anyways, life needs what our bodies need in order to be generated... this pushes into Creation vs Evolution, in a whole. I'm not just looking at our galaxy - mind you - I've seen videos that will make your head explode. Jaw dropping galaxy photos and sun comparisons. The sun comparisons that I've seen are insane - and make our sun look like a grain of sand compared to it. (I think it even dissapears!)

we think earth is perfect in all its way, if god created this planet, wouldent he forsee the destruction of earth? if so then wouldent he try to save us in anyway?

The earth IS perfect! Have you seen the facts that statistically measure us in terms of amazing features? It's amazing! The Earth is prefectly positioned, perfectly aligned, and perfectly functioned.

God will, in time, destroy the Earth and create a new and perfect one. He is chastening us. He reveals in His word that he chastens you for He loves you, and wants to see you make it into the end... on HIS terms.

Umm, about that, he hasent done anything for us lately, so how can you know that god hasent buggerd off to another planet?

What's that? He hasen't done anything for us lately? You aren't heeding His call to you, for that is why He doesn't respond to you. As I said above, He chastens us. He will bring forth people to you to tell of His wonderous works, and for your case - it could be me.  wink

He blesses those who follow Him, and what you mean is He hasn't done anything for YOU lately. And why hasn't He gone to another planet? His soul and only concern is Mankind, it is what He is on with. God does not give up on His people. And why would he leave mankind, if He gave His Son, Jesus - to die for man's sins? It wouldn't make sense that He would leave us. Also, He promises "That He won't leave us or forsake us" in His Word, since we're on the same page here.

P.S. It's amazing about the stories that I've heard about people becoming saved by God's Word. Many Drug-Addicts, p**n-Addicts (It's a sick thing), Homosexuals,
homosexuals dont need to be saved, its there way of life, no one has any right to take that from them

"Way of Life"? It's an abomination. I know, but it's the truth. God's intent is for man and woman to always be together, and a seed is made and children and so forth and so on. He says in His word that man mustn't lay with man, or woman with woman. For these things are an abomination to the Lord.

You don't think that Homosexuality is a sick thing? Really? I bet your all for Abortion also, right? I don't see how people don't think that it's just wrong. I don't see how you think that the corruption of natural partnership is good.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do you belive in God?

Oh this topic is not gonna end out good

I'm black....wait thats not right