Re: Do you belive in God?

no no no... i mean, everything has a maker, either god exsisted trillions of years before the earth was creted, but everything has a maker.

The earth didn't exist in the beginning, it existed in the beginning of TIME. God exists out of time, so it does not affect him at all. He made time for us humans, however. Do you get the picture here?

by the way, back to my long quote... a bit in there says, "if there is god... then shouldnt there be ONE god, except there are many religons with diffrent gods" what about that?

There is one God, he might be talking about the Godhead however. The Godhead is... let's see,"The existance of 3 in one." Father, Spirit, and Son. Jesus is God, you see. There is one God however, just three in one. It's slightly confusing, but it's the truth.

Also, from what I've learned there is only one way to God - and not through these "other religions." so you can't generalize all religions together as "Another way to God." I'm Christian, by the way.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do you belive in God?

umm... where did you get this info?

Re: Do you belive in God?

Darth Rhyykol wrote:

umm... where did you get this info?

Mostly the Bible.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do you belive in God?

Mostly? i understand the bible but what else?

Re: Do you belive in God?

what do you mean by that "what else" explain

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Do you belive in God?

He said mostly, so where is his other source?

Anyway, if a man (or woman) was a diffrent religon to you, they would say something diffrent to you hovoth

Re: Do you belive in God?

oh well dont want to talk to me i feel sad

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Do you belive in God?

Mostly? i understand the bible but what else?

I'm using Science and the Bible. Science for things to be explained, well, scientifically, and the Bible for answers. Things become so much clearer when I use the Bible as a basis in Science, because everything becomes clear when I research and read. It's pretty cool, plus I get answers. Where as Evolution, you just have gaping holes and no answers.

Anyway, if a man (or woman) was a diffrent religon to you, they would say something diffrent to you hovoth

Dunno what you mean. And I consider it "Truth" and not Religion. Religion is more of a form of works, where as "Truth" is what I believe in... won't go into what I mean, for you probably wouldn't understand. (No, I'm not shooting at your intelligence, I mean something else that only I would know)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do you belive in God?

Dam your good, but heres a problem..
A basic problem is that there is no universally accepted definition of God or existence. Some definitions of God's existence are so non-specific that it is certain that something exists that meets the definition; in stark contrast, there are suggestions that other definitions are self-contradictory.

Re: Do you belive in God?

Darth Rhyykol wrote:

Dam your good, but heres a problem..
A basic problem is that there is no universally accepted definition of God or existence. Some definitions of God's existence are so non-specific that it is certain that something exists that meets the definition; in stark contrast, there are suggestions that other definitions are self-contradictory.

The basic answer is that the universally accepted God is the one that is revealed through the Bible. Many false interpritations are accepted in many churches and organizations, pretty much. There is only one way to God, and that's truth. It's quite simple how you would know the one true God, and that is the Bible. Interesting, isn't it?

One question is, why do athiest celebrate Christmas? I mean, I don't celebrate it (I'm one who knows that Jesus was not born in December, but that's not the point) but why do athiests 'n those type of people celebrate it if they don't believe it? One answer I can sum up is greed and the thirst for more material items.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do you belive in God?

one way to sum it up is... we want to!

You cant "ban" us from having christmas just because we're atheists,
I celebrate christmas ever since i went atheist, because i wanted to, not for the gifts, not the the money, but for tradition, and no one can take that away...


I'm using SCIENCE and the Bible

Ha, science is against god remember? how can you use science to prove something that scientifficly cant?

Re: Do you belive in God?

christmas i wonder why christ is in that don't you

Re: Do you belive in God?

i know why Christ is in christmas

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Do you belive in God?

I know why, but... i celebrate x-mas because my family do, if i didnt then everyone will chase me down with pitchforks and knifes screaming "its a witch... er... wizard

Re: Do you belive in God?

one way to sum it up is... we want to! You cant "ban" us from having christmas just because we're atheists,
I celebrate christmas ever since i went atheist, because i wanted to, not for the gifts, not the the money, but for tradition, and no one can take that away...

I mean, it goes against your belief, however, doesn't it? If you don't believe in God, then why would you celebrate an event that supposedly exalts his birth upon the earth? I don't see your motives there.


Ha, science is against god remember? how can you use science to prove something that scientifficly cant

Ha - science is not against God. Science is the outlook of things, indepth on different objects on the basic properties and perhaps the start of a object. If science is against God, then how would I be able to explain how God exists (in a previous post) through his creation? The Human analogy, for example. Plus, Christians and people who believe in God don't avoid Science, if that's where you are getting at.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do you belive in God?

umm, do you all belive in the astrounaught?

Re: Do you belive in God?

Darth Rhyykol wrote:

umm, do you all belive in the astrounaught?

What's that...? Unless you mean "astronaut"?

Umm... sure?

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do you belive in God?

Sorry, the astronaught theory?

Go here

Re: Do you belive in God?

So technically Aliens

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Do you belive in God?

yeah but see the facts