Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Rhyykol: one word answer... you

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: yeah more than likely

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Rhyykol: yeah,

Avian: oo babe

Rhyykol: *grips avian and throws him onto the floor*

Avian: uncool

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: Get over it

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Avian: nahh i can change her mind

Rhyykol: just give up

Avian: hey who are you? damn! *falls down limp*

Rhyykol: megan? youve changed...

Megan: yeah whatever
Megan looks like:

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

damn Kristin bell is hot

Thomas: You have changed

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

I know, did you know shes lucy stillman from assassins creed 1 & 2?

Megan: yeah i have, like what you see?

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Really never knew that

Thomas: Rhyykol i think was asking you

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Megan: no both of you

Rhyykol: ... well you look... nice?

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: bad choice of words

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Megan: god your the same person even when we went out *smiles*

Rhyykol: how was that a bad choice of words?

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: just nice thats it god

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Megan: so how you been tom? still with konah

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: i am okay and the Konah thing is somewhat  oh do you know that Konah is pregnant with Rhyykols baby big_smile

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Megan: was pregnant, after sern came and killed him/her

Rhyykol: how do you know that? and your alright?

Megan: come on your my friends and yeah im fine, you dont love her

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: She is still pregnant feel the force

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Megan: no thats me, im pregnant

Rhyykol: what?

Last edited by Darth Rhyykol (2010-01-02 12:49:18)

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: Ummm what?

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Rhyykol: whos baby?

Megan: yours duur *rolls eyes*

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: whoa Rhyykol getting two girls pregnant damn

I'm black....wait thats not right