Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Rhyykol: *force* that was tribal buisness.

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: so you still could have used me

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Rhyykol: hey... no outsiders could join in... Solarians only, i wish konah was there then

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Konah:why do you wish that

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Rhyykol: cause i died remember?

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: *enters the temple*

Dark Jedi : so you have returned

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

dude i just poped out of nowhere you are supposed to surpirsed

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Rhyykol: *enters temple*

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Konah:*follows* so were back

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

i senced you

Thomas: you did your part now i do mine leave

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Rhyykol: no... I need your hel... never mind

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Konah:i will not leave you

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: do it you have to watch our kids they cant live without both parents dead

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Rhyykol: *pushes konah out the door then seals it providing no way in*

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Konah:*uses her saber to open the door*

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

and no way out

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Its not a door, sorry i ment caved in the archway

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

um are you two in there?

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Rhyykol: konah.. its for your own good...
YES were inside

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: yeah and this is for your good *Rhyykol disappears  to Korriban*

I'm black....wait thats not right