Topic: Your Darth Name...

First take the first three letters of your name.

So... Darth Rhy

next your last letter of your middle name...

Darth Rhyy

finally the middle three letters of your last name...

Darth Rhyykol.

What Name is yours?

May the fire that burns in you grow strong.

Re: Your Darth Name...

Welcome to the site Rhyykol and I hope you stay for a long time and keep posting.

Re: Your Darth Name...

Thank you Darth jester.
I love kotor so i will stay active...

Care for a try at this?

Re: Your Darth Name...

Okay, It would be Darth Danelle and that is weird and cool to know that is how you came up with your name.

Re: Your Darth Name...

Wow that is cool...
Better than mine...
my friends call me Rhyykol or Revan

Re: Your Darth Name...

I like your Avatar.  big_smile  B)

Re: Your Darth Name...


i cant think of anyone who uses Marek?
I think hes the second best char in sw...
Revan being first

Re: Your Darth Name...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, dude, where did you find that formula?! lol, if i plugged my name into that, it would turn out sooooo g*y! lol

cool idea tho! B)

I Am Jedi

Re: Your Darth Name...

What would your name be LSM?

Re: Your Darth Name...

Darth Jonllas, Lol lol

I Am Jedi

Re: Your Darth Name...

Mine would be Darth Danelle.

Re: Your Darth Name...

Darth Andaito lol,this sounds kinda Japanese smile)

Re: Your Darth Name...

Or Spanish.

Re: Your Darth Name...

Darth Branimt....weird.

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it's just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: Your Darth Name...

Like about Aaronld Swartsanegger KOTOR&#39;s name.

Re: Your Darth Name...

oh poopin well.

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it&#39;s just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: Your Darth Name...

I feel sorry for his kids because try spelling that when you first start out learning to write.

Re: Your Darth Name...

hahah yeah he&#39;s all like "i&#39;ll be back, you spell your name." the kid is all like "daddy&#33;&#33; (starts crying) i don&#39;t know how&#33;&#33; come back&#33;&#33;" haha

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it&#39;s just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: Your Darth Name...

I wouldn&#39;t even put my last name on anything if I was his kids until I had too.

Re: Your Darth Name...

haha the teacher is all like "billy where is your last name? minus five points on the test."

Billy: "i hate my dad."

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it&#39;s just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo