Re: The Halo Rpg

*Em follows and the Pelican's doors slowly begin to close.*

*A voice comes over the Pelican's comm:*

Once we hit the ground you'll receive commlinks to help you keep in touch with Command here. They'll tell you everything you need to know. Oh, and by the way, I'll be your pilot. Name's Levitt.


Cado: If it isn't we can always change that.

*Suddenly there is a clicking sound followed by a loud creaking. A thud, then more creaking. The gate slowly begins to open.*

lol Never. That's why I never put that in here.  tongue

Re: The Halo Rpg

Jay: "I hope your better than the last pilot that crashed us..." (Jay says, smiling to himself)

(( Meanwhile... ))

Ullono: "Wow - ancient?"

* The gate continues to open, with rumbling gears grinding on either sides of the doors... *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Rgis: (glances back at the group) The gods are not dumb. They would have created traps... snares for those who dare to follow in their footsteps. In doing so they insured only the bravest and strongest would learn their secrets. We should be careful.

*Rgis passses through the gate followed by Vali, her squad, and the other Sangheili.*


*The Pelican lifts off and exits the hanger. Maximus manages to sit down, a low growl coming from his throat.*

Re: The Halo Rpg

* As all of the group enters in, they enter into a large hallway. Pillars line the edges, and lights glow along the floor. Symbols of objects are lined inside of the lights... *

Bel'san: "Knock knock..."

Thell: "Let's move on..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

*Suddenly they hear creaking. They turn only in time to see the gate has closed by itself.*

Ardo: (growls) Trap number one.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Ullono: "Yup... it's secured."

Thell: (Motions his hand foward)

We'll wait for Jester in the other 'meanwhile'.  wink

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

You read my mind.  wink

*Vali and her group move forward. They hear faint unworldly screams.*

Cado: (sniffs) The Parasite is inside the walls...

Rgis: And it knows we are here.

Vali: If we reach the inner structure they may not have breached its walls.

Ardo: We shall see.

*They continue forward.*

Re: The Halo Rpg

* Pahv comes up back near Thell... *

Pahv: "They grow strong. I'll reside to the back, and guard our rear."

Thell: (Nods)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Ya there Starr?  :unsure:

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Sorry, had to run for a few.

*They hear footsteps and distorted voices. Rgis activates his energy blade as a Combat Elite form drops down in front of him.*

Re: The Halo Rpg

Oh okay, I might bounce, I'll be going to a Sports game tonight. (So leaving now)

* Ullono kneels, and Thell runs up behind him - stepping on his back, and lunging into the air. He lunges towards the form, and destroys the form with a swift strike from his Energy Sword. *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

K. Ttyl.

Rgis: (growls) That one was mine.

*About thirty or so more Elite Combat forms drop down around the group, surrounding them. Infection Forms swarm down the walls towards them.*

*Ardo steps forward to stand beside Rgis.*

Ardo: Well, look, there's plenty for all.

Re: The Halo Rpg

It will not let me go back and read past pages so I do not know what has happened can you all catch me up?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Name: Thomas Austin

Gender: Male

Rank: Private First Class, after the 3 months, Second Lieutenant

Background: Father defended me when I was young against the covenant. Father was killed in a raid from the Covenant. I want revenge.

Specialty: Master duel wielder, marksman, and demolitions.

Nationality: USA (Northern);

Affiliation: UNSC

Last edited by Master Amos (2010-01-10 01:48:03)

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Halo Rpg

We're just in the Pelican for now. That whole awkward silence scene. Try to lighten up the conversation.  wink

Re: The Halo Rpg

(( Meanwhile... In the Pelican... ))

Links: "So.. ahem... killed any Jackels lately?"

Jay: "I ran into them many times. I suppose they're not that hard to get pass... I guess it's just the Snipers that give me a hard time out there..."

(( Meanwhile... Inside the Structure... ))

* All of the elites go into a battle stance, and grip their weapons. The Parasite forms come from the *ceiling*, and run along the walls. They jump into the air, and ready their claws for attack... *

Thell: (Laughs) "If it is death you want - parasite!"

* Thell grabs a plasma from his belt, and activates it. With little time to spare, he lunges the plasma towards a parasite form in the center the jumping group and blows up a trail of them in Domino effect action... *


* I mean ceiling there.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Maximus: (growls) The Kig'yar and nothing but cowards. Rush them and they will flee. A plasma bolt to the back of their head or a hit with a blade does very nicely.


*Vali activates her blade and moves forward to Rgis as the Parasite moves towards him. She looks at him and nods. He nods in return.*

*Ardo throws his blade towards a Combat form, hitting in in the chest. In falls to pieces. He pulls the two plasma rifles from his hips and rushes forward with Rgis and Vali. He jumps forward onto a Combat form, bearing it to the ground and shooting it in the head.*

*A combat form comes up from Ardo's side, ready to swipe him. Kysh moves forward with a Carbine and blocks the Parasite's blow, pushing it back and then empting the rest of his magazine into it's body as it crumbles in pieces.*

Re: The Halo Rpg

* The line of Parasite forms soon dissapear into nothing, crushed by the mighty skills of the Sangheili... *

Thell: "They seemed easier than on the bridge back there... it seems strange."

Bel'san: "This is just the welcoming party. They scour the walls deeper inside, I'm sure of it."

Ullono: "We should keep moving."

F'hall: "Agreed."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Links: "And of the Hunters?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: (Looks around)

Grim: This place could use alittle work maybe alittle paint.

Grim: (Starts laughing)

Re: The Halo Rpg

You do realize you're in a Pelican right Jest?

Maximus: Mgalekgolo are powerful, yes, but they are slow. A close combat attack with a plasma rifle, a quick step to the side when they charge and their vulnerable back is exposed. A round will a powerful weapon will quickly end their worthless lifes. If you only have a rifle or lesser weapon at your disposal you may have to perform this attack more than once before victory is yours.


*The group moves forward. Though they continue to hear the errie screams the Parasite does not attack. Instead it seems interested in something else...*