Re: Telos Planet


Canderous: (battle stace) Come on.

Soldier: (charges towards him)

Re: Telos Planet

Starr, Prince is tryin his best to pass you in posts.

Re: Telos Planet

We shall see.

Re: Telos Planet

Yes we will.  big_smile

Re: Telos Planet

jester, you remind me of that nine-year-old boy who never stops bothering me:

you talk too much.

diamond: who do you think was at that desk?

logan: there's only one person who would try to kill me, then save me.

diamond: starr?

logan: cause canderous would shoot me just as fast as he would see me...

Re: Telos Planet

Canderous: (pinds the soldier on the floor in a choke hold)

Soldier: (pats the ground)

Canderous: (let's him go)

Soldier: (gasping)

Canderous: (stands)

Starr: (comes in, clapping)

Canderous: (watches her)

Starr: Impressive.
(takes off her cloak)
But let's see you try it with someone who's actually going to really test your fighting skills.

Canderous: (smiles)

Re: Telos Planet

logan: i've gotta go.

diamond: why?

logan: i can't stay here while starr does god knows what to my planet.

Re: Telos Planet

Starr: (pins Canderous to the floor)

Canderous: (chuckles) I like it when the woman's on top.

Starr: (growls)
Don't get any ideas.

Canderous: (moves against her)
Too late.

Starr: (scoffs)
(stands up and begins to walk away)

Canderous: (stands)
Let's see you try that again, sweetheart.

Starr: (faces him)
Are you so eager to be beat up by a woman again, Candeorus?

Canderous: Let's just see how it plays out this time.
(battle stance)

Starr: (battle stance)

Re: Telos Planet

logan: (stands up)

diamond: well then be careful...

Re: Telos Planet

Canderous: (pins Starr to the floor)

Starr: Fine. You win. Now get off.

Canderous: You know... you're sexy when you're angry.

Starr: I am not angry.
(struggles aainst his grip)

Canderous: Yes, you are.

Starr: I am not.
(tries to use the Force to push Canderous off of her)

Canderous: (moves her hands so they're pointing away from him)
Why are you angry?

Starr: I am not angry!

Re: Telos Planet

logan: (walks out of the room)

Re: Telos Planet

Doctor: (stops him)
Where do you think you're going? You're not completly healed yet!


Canderous: You smell like strawberries.

Starr: Thank you, Canderous. Now will you get off?

Canderous: No. You haven't told me the whole story.

Starr: Yes, I have.

Canderous: You're a horrible lier.

Re: Telos Planet

logan: see if i care. (walks past him)

Re: Telos Planet

Doctor: (grabs his shoulder)
We're not completely sure of the the virus could do! It could shut down your system in the blink of an eye.

Cad: (walk up to them, still limping)
What's going on here?

Doctor: (looks at Cad, then back at Logan)
At least wait on the Jedi Masters. They'll be here in a moment.


Canderous: (stands up)

Starr: Finally.

Canderous: (chuckles)
(helps her stand up)
You know you enjoyed it.

Re: Telos Planet

logan: what masters?

Re: Telos Planet

Doctor: They're coming to view the extent of your injuries. And perhaps, get rid of the viruses.


Soldier: (comes up to Canderous)
(looks at Starr)
(smiles) Ma'am.

Starr: (nods)

Canderous: (growls)

Soldier: (looks back at Canderous)
We are ready when you are, sir.

Re: Telos Planet

logan: pessimistic word: perhaps. and if they can't?

Re: Telos Planet

Doctor: If they can't there's only two other alternatives.

Re: Telos Planet

logan: which are?

Re: Telos Planet

Doctor: You die, or we get them deactivated by the person that implanted them.