Re: Do I Live For Nothing

(i'm a girl) but anyway yes i missed you lol

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

lol Cool. Nice to have you on our site Konah.  big_smile

Re: Do I Live For Nothing


Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Okay, LSM, your turn to post, hon.  big_smile

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Hi-ya! *Karate chops a wooden board* Hello Ladies and Gents. I'll jump in if the way is clear. *Crowd cheers* No - No! Your too kind. lol just kiddin'.

Hey, Starr, I have an Email I would like to send to you. I have your E-Mail, so keep an eye out for it.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Gosh... it's be so long since I've posted in this RPG. I really miss this one.  sad

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Yeah. We might have to declare this one dead  though since LSM hasn't been on.  hmm

And where's Cratus? He said he was back, then dissapeared again.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

do we wanna resurrect this one too?

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Ooh! I loved this one! Can we please?! Pretty, pretty please?! ^_^

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

haha, ok. let me  know when your ready to start.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Ready whenever you are, dear. ^_^

Re: Do I Live For Nothing



Vector quickly takes her arm. "What if you aren't strong enough?!" he says, worried. "If you use something in that tongue to heal Rane, can you resist the darkness that will follow? Sara, I don't want to lose you, not to a shadow like that!"

Yi'shar shifts his weight uneasily from one foot to the other, watching helplessly. Inside, he felt a growing pity for Sara, and even the man on the table. He still viewed Rane with a great deal of distrust; it seemed to him that there was some monster within the man, hiding in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to reveal itself and destroy them. Still, at the sight of the man writhing in pain, he could not help but feel pity for him.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara pulls away suddenly with a short, sharp hiss that surprises even Arvisikh. "I won't let him get Rane again... not again. I have to do this."

She sees Arvisikh shake his head... a silent pleade. Sara moves her hand to Rane's shoulder. "I'll be fine..." she says as she looks at Rane, away from Vector and the others, to hide the truth in her eyes.

It was a lie but one she had managed plenty of times before. Rane had fought for her... now it was her turn to fight for him.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector walked to the other side of the table and stood opposite Sara, watching her. Though her head was turned so that he could not see her eyes, every movement of her body betrayed a deeper emotion than what she had expressed.

He motioned Yi'shar to move behind Sara. Reluctantly the young padawn came closer, within arm's reach of the group.

"Alright Sara," said Vector. "Try if you must. We'll be right here with you if you need us... and I fear you will."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara begins to sing in the alien tongue again, low and soft, like a mother singing her child to sleep. For a while there is silence other than the sound of Sara's voice. No one moves, no one says a thing... everyone merely watches. Suddenly Vector feels a cod touch against the back of his neck, a almost snake-like slithering. It moves down his arm and suddenly vanishes. But he sees Sara shiver as whatever had a hold on him slowly slithers around her.

Rane's back arches suddenly as he cries out in immense pain. Blood begins to trail out of his mouth and Sara grits her teeth. "Step back," she whispers to Vector and Yi'shar. A tear runs down her face. "Get away!"

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"Sara, what is it?" Vector cries out, stepping around the table as Yi'shar jumps back. "I felt it! What have you done?!"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Arvisikh seems edgy and nods his head towards Vector. A Noghri bodyguard steps forward, pulling the Jedi away from Sara.

"I-sa warns you-se Je-dei. She-sa calls down-e the-er de-mans. She-sa giv-in for him."

Sara grips the metal bed, her nails digging into it. Rane's hand suddenly reaches out and grabs hers. Sara's eyes turn a complete almost pitch black for a moment.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"SARA!!!!" cries Vector as the Noghri drags him back. With a sudden burst of strength he breaks free and jumps back to Sara's side, seizing her other arm.

"I won't let this happen! I won't let them take you!!!"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara blinks abrubtly as Rane's grip loosens on her arm and his own arm slides away, limp. She looks over at Vector, her eyes slowly clearing. "Vector? she askes weakly.

She leans against him to keep her balance, her head resting on his chest. He can feel the tears running down her face. "I tried..." she whispers. "I tried..."

Arvisikh slowly moves to the bedside, checking Rane's pulse. The Noghri's silence speaks for itself.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Yi'shar stares at Rane, shocked. Vector, however, is more concerned for Sara, searching her eyes intently.

"Is he......." Yi'shar begins, faltering. "What happened to him?!"

I Am Jedi