Re: Pres Of The Site.

Find spartan, in the police station.

Re: Pres Of The Site.

nedles: *walks up to guard* where's spartan?

guard: uh who?

nedles: spartan, you know, kid about 4'11", mandalorian, killed atrox

guard: oh that guy! yeah i got taken over to that padded room, kept saying "iam legend" or something

nedles: found him!

Re: Pres Of The Site.

( walks in the room)

Re: Pres Of The Site.

so now what? he's just sleeping in the corner

Re: Pres Of The Site.

"Wake him up!"

Re: Pres Of The Site.

i don't want to! he looks too peaceful. you do it!

Re: Pres Of The Site.

( gets would of the dong things, Swings the mallet and hit hits the dong)

Re: Pres Of The Site.

...and he's still sleeping :unsure:

Re: Pres Of The Site.

Dumps water on him.

Re: Pres Of The Site.

there we go! *drags spartan out of the padded room*

Re: Pres Of The Site.

Looks at the officer

" I hope you dont mind if we take him"

Re: Pres Of The Site.

guard: no please take him

nedles: *continues dragging spartan, accidently drags him into a pole* i just love the darkside big_smile

Re: Pres Of The Site.

swings him against the mailbox

Re: Pres Of The Site.

ouch! *eats some popcorn then throws some at spartan*

Re: Pres Of The Site.

throws him against a dumpster

Re: Pres Of The Site.

spartan, why aren't you expiring?! lol

Re: Pres Of The Site.

" yea"

(throws him into the middle of the street where he is hit by car.)

Re: Pres Of The Site.

(The car stops and the man gets out)

You hit my car!!!!

(Man walks over and brakes Spartan's Legs)

Have fun tryin to walk now.

(Laughs and gets back into his car and leaves)

Re: Pres Of The Site.

Darth Jester,Dec 5 2008, 09:10 PM wrote:

(The car stops and the man gets out)

You hit my car!!!!

(Man walks over and brakes Spartan's Legs)

Have fun tryin to walk now.

(Laughs and gets back into his car and leaves)

ROFL  lol  lol  lol



** Another person drives up, and stops in front of Spartan **

Man: GAHHH!!!

** Picks up Spartan, and straps him to the road **

** He goes back to the car, and gets his cigerette lighter **

** He takes it, and shoves it into both of his eyes **

** He get's back into the car and drives off **

<Spartan Expires>

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Pres Of The Site.

Hey, guys... why were you beating LSM up?
