Re: Most Evil Of Kotor I

I concur jester, lsm is a really good artist

Re: Most Evil Of Kotor I

He has a real talent.  big_smile  B)

Re: Most Evil Of Kotor I

Thanks guys. I've got an idea for a comic book based on my character Nur-Jii Daan from these RPGs. I'm gonna start working on compiling a story from these RPGs and adding extra stuff, then draw it out.

I Am Jedi

Re: Most Evil Of Kotor I

How many are you going to make?

Re: Most Evil Of Kotor I

depends on how long of a story I make. several tho, cause i have a couple good ideas for a plot

I Am Jedi

Re: Most Evil Of Kotor I

If I gave you my mailing address could you send me 1 when they get done?

Re: Most Evil Of Kotor I

Sure, it'll be a while tho. I gotta write a script and then I'm going to get some books for ideas on how to set up the comic book part. I looked at one yesterday that gave me some good ideas. I may just go with black and white, or try to do some color, i'm not sure yet.

I Am Jedi

Re: Most Evil Of Kotor I

Okay, I will PM it to you.

Re: Most Evil Of Kotor I

sweet. I'll get to working on a script, then drawing the comic

I Am Jedi

Re: Most Evil Of Kotor I

Cool, I can't wait to see it and read it.  big_smile  B)

Re: Most Evil Of Kotor I

It's gonna be primarily about Daan and his journey as a Jedi, so I'm thinkin of callin it something focused on that. any ideas?
I've been thinkin something like "I Am Jedi" (that just sounds kinda cool to me B) ), "Path of a Jedi", "Trials of a Knight"

I Am Jedi

Re: Most Evil Of Kotor I

I like I Am jedi too.

Re: Most Evil Of Kotor I

Sweet. I can just picture a character fighting some guy and beating him like crazy, and the guy looks at him and asks "Who are you?" and the character responds "I am Jedi" right before he kills him.

I Am Jedi

Re: Most Evil Of Kotor I

That would be funny.

Re: Most Evil Of Kotor I

I like Trails of a Knight. I don't know what it's about, but I like it.
Oh, by the way, you're the most evil in KOTOR I, jest. :ph34r:  B)

When you can have anything you want by uttering a few words, the goal matters not, only the journey to it.[I]

Re: Most Evil Of Kotor I

Thank you Drake.  big_smile  B)

Re: Most Evil Of Kotor I

HA, I knew you'd agree. B)  :ph34r:

When you can have anything you want by uttering a few words, the goal matters not, only the journey to it.[I]

Re: Most Evil Of Kotor I

hehe, that's funny, i didn't even think of adding that.

I Am Jedi

Re: Most Evil Of Kotor I

Yeah, well now you know if you ever do another one. B)  :ph34r:

When you can have anything you want by uttering a few words, the goal matters not, only the journey to it.[I]

Re: Most Evil Of Kotor I

haha, yup. have to finish this one first.

I Am Jedi