Re: This Site Is Okay...

Lightside Master,Nov 28 2008, 02:57 PM wrote:

I don't like to think of anyone as a lost cause. And considering the improvements I've seen over the past week, I think he'll come around. B)

i agree with your statement

Re: This Site Is Okay...

what improvements?

Re: This Site Is Okay...

well, for one, he's stopped cussing and posting foul comments. then he is doin better taking jokes. finally he's cutting back on the spam and emoti-posts and contributing to the discussion B)

I Am Jedi

Re: This Site Is Okay...

Spartan has been doing a good job in his posts.

Re: This Site Is Okay...

yes he is done alot better.

Re: This Site Is Okay...

i've seen the same pointless, childish, kiss-up-to-the-admin posts.

Re: This Site Is Okay...

those first two descriptions could equally apply to yours sometimes. <_<

I Am Jedi

Re: This Site Is Okay...

Ya prince you think of that?

Re: This Site Is Okay...

Prince thinks that he is above us all but he is only dreaming.

Re: This Site Is Okay...

You know, Prince, after Spartan got that warning, I can&#39;t figure out why in the world he&#39;d want to get on the moderators&#39; good just doesn&#39;t make any sense..............NOT <_<

I Am Jedi

Re: This Site Is Okay...

That was good LSM.

Re: This Site Is Okay...

heh,  B) the kids startin to come around. slowly but surely. just have to make sure he stays on the path for good. big_smile

I Am Jedi

Re: This Site Is Okay...

Yeah but that&#39;s harder then you think it is.

Re: This Site Is Okay...

ya, i know. i&#39;ve seen areas where he has started to drift a little, not much, but a little........but it&#39;s ok. I&#39;ve dealt with 13 year olds before. B)

I Am Jedi

Re: This Site Is Okay...

Yeah, Same here.

Re: This Site Is Okay...

Oh well, I think it&#39;ll work out well..................too bad Prince won&#39;t cut him the same slack ya&#39;ll have

I Am Jedi

Re: This Site Is Okay...

I think Prince is only 14 years old and it is ironic I think.

Re: This Site Is Okay...

yea really ironic.

Re: This Site Is Okay...

It is good to see that other people agree.

Re: This Site Is Okay...

and he acts like he thinks he older and more mature then us.