Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

it's a censor. it does it for f**k and b**ch too.

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

that is g*y balls

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Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

did you use that astrix or did it put it there?

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

it put it there

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Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?


Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

Jacen is like Kenny off of south park, he talks but you can&#39;t understand him.  big_smile

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

as stated in another topic, Kreia wins when it comes to evil.  I mean COME ON&#33;&#33;&#33; She manipulated the exile into luring out Jedi and Sith alike so they could be destroyed. Or does the subtlety of manipulation not occur to you people?  <_<

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

Darth Nihilus destroyed worlds to feed his hunger and killed jedi and sith alike aswell.

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

looks like we got another smart-alec on our hands...

what is up with these new kids and smart mouths?

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

I don&#39;t know but it is getting on my nerves but they will learn very soon to settle down.

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

i hope so.

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

Me too  big_smile

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

i take that as a compliment

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Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

:ph34r:  big_smile  :ph34r:

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

Nihilus destroyed worlds to feed his hunger, how hardcore is that? lol i think that&#39;s about as dark side as you can get <_<

"That which blocks your ears is worthless fear. The enemy is one, you are one. What is there to fear? Cast off your fear. Look forward&#33; Go forward&#33; Never stand still. Retreat and you will age. Hesitate and you will die."-Zangetsu Tensa

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

Exactly, Darth Nihilus is a bad ass Sith Lord.  big_smile

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

B) lol, you ain&#39;t kidding  big_smile

"That which blocks your ears is worthless fear. The enemy is one, you are one. What is there to fear? Cast off your fear. Look forward&#33; Go forward&#33; Never stand still. Retreat and you will age. Hesitate and you will die."-Zangetsu Tensa

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

He also killed anybody that would challenge for the power that he seeks even if it is the jedi or the sith.

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

yeah, but isn&#39;t it kinda sad at some point, i mean just living to feed the addiction of power? of course i suppose that could be said of any addiction though.  and i suppose that his reasoning must have been that the power was worth it

"That which blocks your ears is worthless fear. The enemy is one, you are one. What is there to fear? Cast off your fear. Look forward&#33; Go forward&#33; Never stand still. Retreat and you will age. Hesitate and you will die."-Zangetsu Tensa

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

"Superiority at any cost"

-Carth Onasi