Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Looks at Atrox)

Jinn thinks he is all powerfull but I know his secret of how he became Master of this Academy and it was not the way of the jedi.

Jester: (Walks to the datapad wall and pulls a datapad off and starts to read)

Slvar will get hers soonner then she thinks.

Jester: (Walks to the surface door and walks out to go looking for some fun)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Slvar: (looks at Jinn)
How 'bout a duel Jedi? Let's test those "master" skills of yours.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Walks into the local bar and grabs a drink)

This planet sucks and it was a lot better when the Sith ruled the planet.

Local Man: (Walks up) Taris is no longer under Sith control and you will be better off leaving the bar under your own power.

Jester: (Finishs drink and stands up)

I think that you picked the wrong person to talk to like that.

Jester: (Pick's up the glass that held the Tarisian Ale and cracks the man over the head and throws him against the wall)

Now, When you wake up you can find me again if you want another round of getting your ass kicked.

Jester: (Walks over to the bar and tells the bar keep to put it on Jinn's tab and you can send him the bill at the Academy)

Bar Keep: (Sends the bill to Jinn at the Academy and waits for payment)

(The bar bill is 734 republic credits)

Jester: (Walks out of the bar and returns to the Academy)

I fell a lot better since I got a drink and had some fun too.

Jester: (Gose to my room and starts to meditate)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

(wait is slvar a sith, what is the story?)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Prince is Jinn that is the Master of the Academy.

Starr is Svlar that is on the lightside and has came to the Academy.

I am Thor and I came to the Academy after my Master "died" and I am slowly falling to the darkside.

We made it a rule in this one that you had to fall to the darkside slowly and not fall straight to the darkside.


Thor: (Ends meditating and stands up and walks to get something to eat)

Yeah, Give me some Tarken and Tarisian Ale.

Luanch Man: Here you go.

Thor: (Walks to the table and sits down and starts to eat)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

jinn: even the weapon masters of the academy might last.... a minute in a duel with me. what makes you so different?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

(A man comes up to Jinn with a bill from the local bar and the total is 734 republic credits)

Man: Here you go, Jinn.

Man: (Turns around and heads back to the bar)

Jester: (After I eat I get up and leave the lunch room)

I fell like doing some training.

Jester: (Walks to the training room)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Actually I'm rather neutral right now. Could turn dark, could turn light. You never know...

Slvar: I faced the darkest creatures of the Shadowland for four years with only a vibroblade in my hand... my Master would not allow a lightsaber or any other "primitave" weapons. After my Master was... unpleasently deceased... I lived on many other jungle planets, strengthing myself the way she taught me to. I killed to live. And lived to kill.

You have merely faced opponents who have never followed the path of a destruction; who have never taken the blood of the corrupt in their hands; or looked death in its bleak, horrid eyes. What challenge have you to offer me?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Okay, Thanks for tell us.  big_smile

Re: Taris Restoration Project

jinn: (walks up to her face-to-face)

let me tell you something. i come from a world- a world, not jinn's la-la land where everyday- every-single-day is a fear-filled, hatred driven eternity of fighting. you can't predict it; you can't prevent it. and i've done things i have lived to regret. and there's physical evidence of that. you want to see it? come to my dormitory. then we can really separate the men from the boys.

(walks off)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

(( forget when i intruded earlyier)) i am just comming in now)))

Atrox: "Walks up to the academy doors, pauses , then walks in"

( shouting into the halls)

" Hello, anyone there"

( walks into training room)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Walks up to Atrox)

Hey man, It has been along time since I seen you. How have your been?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Slvar: (devious smile)
(follows Jinn)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Walks over and sits down on a bench)

I think I will watch some of these so called jedi train.

Jester: (Watches and starts to laugh)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

jinn: (stops, looks at jester)

i would cut off your head, sith if it only graced my height better.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Slvar: No need for name calling boys.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

jinn: (continues walking)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Looks at Jinn)

Such words from the jedi that fallows the path of peace.

Jester: (Starts to laugh)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Slvar: (looks at Jester)
I'd watch your step if I were you. He may be a Jedi, but I'm not.
(follows Jinn)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Looks at Slvar)

I know, You are Jinn's dog because you are always fallowing him.

Jester: (Starts laughing)