Re: Im Confused

that wasn't a save. i never grieve. grief causes unrest of the mind, spirit, body and soul. one of satan's most effective tools is grief, whether you're a born again believer or not. why do you think so many people kill themselves after their brother, sister, parent, husband, of wife dies?

Re: Im Confused

Because they nothing better to do that day.  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol

Re: Im Confused

getting back to the mature side of things, they do it because they have grief. and unfortunately, satan prevails at least 4 out of 10 times.

Re: Im Confused

It is more like 9 out of 10.  big_smile

Re: Im Confused

that includes depression, opression, pointless guilt and a lifetime of physical, mental, and spiritual grief.

Re: Im Confused

Okay  big_smile

Re: Im Confused

and eventally death.

Re: Im Confused

Death comes to some soonner then others.

Re: Im Confused

unfortunately, that's true.

Re: Im Confused

this may open up a can of worms about the whole life at conception thing, but my wife had a miscarriage a couple months ago and we're still feeling it. i have to admit that suicide has crossed my mind because i felt it could be something wrong with  me and my fault, but i understand that is not the way to do it. it takes a stronger person to get through life than to take the cowards way out and end your life.

"That which blocks your ears is worthless fear. The enemy is one, you are one. What is there to fear? Cast off your fear. Look forward! Go forward! Never stand still. Retreat and you will age. Hesitate and you will die."-Zangetsu Tensa

Re: Im Confused

Let me first say sorry about your loss and tell everybody something, It takes more will power to kill yourself then it dose to kill someone else. The reason I say that is because if you kill someone you know that even if you get arrested then you will have 15 to 20 years until you a put to death. If you kill yourself then you realize that their is no tomarrow and no comming back from that. That is why it takes more will power to kill yourself then someone else.

Re: Im Confused

thanks for the sentiment jester and i agree with you on that part.

"That which blocks your ears is worthless fear. The enemy is one, you are one. What is there to fear? Cast off your fear. Look forward! Go forward! Never stand still. Retreat and you will age. Hesitate and you will die."-Zangetsu Tensa

Re: Im Confused

i agree... to a certain extent.

Re: Im Confused

Your welcome Zangetsu.  big_smile

Re: Im Confused


Re: Im Confused

Wow what?

Re: Im Confused


Re: Im Confused

Okay  big_smile

Re: Im Confused


Re: Im Confused
