Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

you know i also heard that Miranda was the descendant of a forrunner. that could possibly explain why the flood took such an interest in her father.

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

That part is true... all humans are decendents from the forerunners.

The Flood were interesting in Captain Keyes because they thought that he knew how to repair the Covenant ship "Truth and Reconciliation" so they could escape Halo. However, he didn't. But they did find his nueral implants, but the Master Chief retrieved those before the Flood could breach the security.


Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

My Halo knowleage is unparallel. The Forerunners are humans, when the first firing of the Halos commenced, the Forerunners that were on Earth became partially mentally and intelltually disabled from the unique wavelength of radiation from the firing of the Halo rings. The 'Ark' shielded the Forerunners from being completely destroyed from the Halos, how the Flood managed to survive is unknown to me. Ths firing of the Halos also explain why there were no other life signs in the specific part of the universe, for a long time, there were only humans ( until the Convenant arrived).

A fool and his ammo is soon parted

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

My Halo knowleage is unparallel.

Sure... then who lead the SPARTAN-II Porgram?


Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

Mendez trained them, Halsey did the research. Bring it on.

A fool and his ammo is soon parted

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

Starr,Nov 19 2007, 08:14 PM wrote:

That part is true... all humans are decendents from the forerunners.

The Flood were interesting in Captain Keyes because they thought that he knew how to repair the Covenant ship "Truth and Reconciliation" so they could escape Halo. However, he didn't. But they did find his nueral implants, but the Master Chief retrieved those before the Flood could breach the security.


why that particular ship?

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

It was the only one at the time that they could find that still had the ability to fly with only a few small areas that needed fixing.


Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

I don't get it a plasma bolt is 3000 degress celsius, they should just use ceramic alloys and tungsten to be completey plasma proof.

A fool and his ammo is soon parted

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

Still haven't answered my question Rtas...


Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

Starr,Nov 20 2007, 07:25 PM wrote:

It was the only one at the time that they could find that still had the ability to fly with only a few small areas that needed fixing.


you see, that just goes to show you how stupid the flood are. they wreak hell with everything, especially ships, but then when they want to get away, they have to back-track and find something that they didn't completely obliterate. pathetic. pitiful. stupid.

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

True... very true...  big_smile


Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

Starr,Nov 21 2007, 02:29 PM wrote:

Still haven't answered my question Rtas...


Define 'lead', I want the answer to be 100%ly right.

A fool and his ammo is soon parted

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

Oh, I didn't see where you anwered it.

Mendez trained them, Halsey did the research. Bring it on.

Where is Zone 67?


Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

what is the ONI?

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

Office of Naval Intelligence.


Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

ah, there you are. Happy Thanksgiving. roll

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

Happy Thanksgiving to you too. big_smile


Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

Thank you. roll

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

Yeah... I went through the Calendar and added a lot of stuff. It was fun! But, I'm still in May.


Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

so wait a minute,-- oh okay so you're adding all the days, and you're up to May. but the current month is November. you kinda slipped me up on that one. thinking that my November was your may. that would have been weird.