Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

man: john alexandre scrano.

(a man in a gold armani arrives)

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

Canderous: (growls)
Who's your friend?

Jora: (stands beside Canderous)
(watches the other man)

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

man: arin alexander scrano.

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

Canderous: (huffs)

And you're here because?

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

arin: we just bought the entire arena.

john: we're mass multi-business owners.

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

Canderous: You do realize that one: you're on Dxun; two: there's no arena here unless you call the dueling circle something special; and three: there's no way you could do anything to this planet without my permission.

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

john: please shut up. you know nothing of what you speak.

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

(suddenly a group of Mandalorians surround them, armed for battle)

Canderous: And you've probably got no idea who you're talking to.

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

Thor: (Walks over and stands beside Jora)

Thor: I see that you two men are about to get their ass's kicked if they are not carefull.

Thor: (Yells for Kal to get over here)

Kal: What's going on Thor?

Thor: I think their mite be a fight so be ready.

Kal: Okay (Pulls out lightsaber and stands ready)

Thor: (Pulls out lightsaber and points it at the two men)

Thor: If I was you I would be very carefull in what you say next boys because we are here for war not to play your games.

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

john and arin: you have no idea who we are or what we are capable of. i know that a classic line, but we mean it.

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

Canderous: Look here, I've got enough problems other than trying to deal with two ass holes like you. So if you'll just tell me why you're actually here I'll see if we can make some sort of... compromise.

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

Thor: You know that we are fighting in a war and you are here to sale something?

Thor: (Walks around the two men and then stops and looks at them)

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

john: please don't stare at us. we feel uncomfortable.

arin: very... very uncomfortable.

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

Jora: (steps forward)
Answer our questions and we might leave you alone.

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

Thor: (Takes out a small knife and cuts his hand open)

Thor: I spill my own blood now and very soon it may be your blood that I spill.

Thor: (Takes his hand that is cut open and smears the blood on my face)

Thor: Are you going to tell us why you are really here?

Thor: (Looks at the two men with death in his eyes)

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

arin: we are business owners.

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

Canderous: Neron!

(a Mandalorian comes running out of the communication building and up to Canderous)

Neron: Yes, Mandalore?

Canderous: (looks at him) Do you know these two... gentlemen?

Neron: (looks over at Arin and John)

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

(john and arin look back)

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

Neron: Uh, sir... they're here for the... uh...

Canderous: What?

Neron: (whispers something in Canderous' ear)

Re: I Am In The Sith Base On Taris

arin: (raises his eyebrows)