Re: Atton Or The Disciple

Never Let Go by Brian Adams... great soldier song.

And Prince, you're right about the Jesus thing; however, you shouldn't judge people by their religion...

You can't force somebody to believe in Jesus or else they're going to hate it.


Re: Atton Or The Disciple

I don't believe that their is only one god because over 1,000's of years people from all over the world have believed that their is more then one god. If you look at the rpg's that I am apart of then you will find that I believe in many gods and goddesses from ancient Egypt. I will give you a rundown of my gods and goddesses below:

Osiris-God of the underworld
Ptah-God of creation and creative arts
Ra-God of the sun, King of the gods
Geb-God of the earth
Nut-Goddess of the sky
Seth-God of chaos
Horus-God of the Sky
Hathor-Queen of the gods
Isis-Throne goddess of Egypt
Sekhmet-Goddess of creative thought
Seshat-Goddess of sunset, destruction, death and wisdom
Anubis-God of the dead
Sobek-The crocodile god
Tefnut-Goddess of moisture and clouds
Shu-God of air
Thoth-God of wisdom and moon god
Aker-Double lion god, Guardian of sunrise, sunset, peaks that suport the sky
Am-heh-Egyptian calhonic underworld god
Anezti-God of the ninth nome of lower egypt
Anhur-Warrior and hunter god
Anti-Egyptian guardian god
Apedemak-A nudian lion god
Apis-Egyptian bull god
Apophis-Egyptain snake god
Ba-Ram god of mendes of lower egypt
Babi-Demonic god
Bes-Dwarf god who guarded against evil spirits
Chons-Egyptain moon god
Dua-God of toiletry
Hemen-Falcon god
Imhotep-God of medicine and learning
Kek-God of darkness
Kis-God of Kusae
Resheph-God of war and thunder
Uneg-Plant god
Maat-Goddess of truth
Sokar-God over all of the underworld (Devil)

These are just some of the gods and goddesses that I believe in and I have since I was 10 years old.

Re: Atton Or The Disciple

but there is one true god; the only living god.


el  elyon: the most high god.

el shaddai: the almighty god; the god who is more than enough.

Re: Atton Or The Disciple

I agree completely with Prince.


Re: Atton Or The Disciple

You believe the way you want to and I will believe the way that I want.

You have your god and I have my GODS and GODDESSES.

Re: Atton Or The Disciple

So be it.


Re: Atton Or The Disciple

Yes let's move on

Re: Atton Or The Disciple

Only two people in this world have died for you... Jesus Christ and the American soldier.

One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.


Re: Atton Or The Disciple

Yes the Soldiers did die for my freedom but jesus did not die for my soul or sins. When I leave this world as a soldier I will enter the Underworld and join Sokar Army.

Re: Atton Or The Disciple

Again... dropping subject.


Re: Atton Or The Disciple

Yes, Let's move on  big_smile

Re: Atton Or The Disciple

I wonder what's going on with Prince? He's useally here every day.


Re: Atton Or The Disciple

I don't know where Prince is but he has not been on here going on a week.

Re: Atton Or The Disciple

Hmm...  :unsure:

Like my upgrades? big_smile


Re: Atton Or The Disciple

Yes, I do like your upgrades.  big_smile

Re: Atton Or The Disciple

B)  big_smile

"MDC" coming soon!


Re: Atton Or The Disciple

Cool  B)

Re: Atton Or The Disciple

Darth Jester,May 17 2008, 10:29 PM wrote:

I don't know where Prince is but he has not been on here going on a week.

why the f**k do you care?

Re: Atton Or The Disciple

Who pissed in your bed SUIKA?

Re: Atton Or The Disciple

you did asscrack