(484 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Hi-ya! *Karate chops a wooden board* Hello Ladies and Gents. I'll jump in if the way is clear. *Crowd cheers* No - No! Your too kind. lol just kiddin'.

Hey, Starr, I have an Email I would like to send to you. I have your E-Mail, so keep an eye out for it.


(520 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Well, I'm back. *Hugs*

My "I'm back" topic is somewhere else, so...  big_smile


(241 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

ExileAmos wrote:

heck if i know

Do you believe in God?  neutral

Hey i know you have a creative mind you think you could check out some Rpgs

I already did, I'm actually running in some. I'm gonna check 'em out soon... right now, I'm taking a small break until I get into the mix again. It's been a while since I checked out the RPGs...


(241 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

ExileAmos wrote:

cant think of any

Well... ask any question you have then for the meantime until Rhyykol gets back on. Also, wondering if he just googled the quote...


(241 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Oh, hey Starr!!  big_smile


Alright, on-topic. The person who wrote that document must have been up all night. But, anyways - since that is too long to quote through just give me the facts he has. He's a bit confusing - not saying he's true - he's confusing. His basic theory revolves around basic humanistic views, influenced by "What logic is...".

Anyways - ask me any of the questions he stated and I will counter them with whatever facts I have. *Rubs hands together* Let's get it on!

It may of spoke the truth but we need to give the man some time.

No, because if we give him time: What'll that spell? Chaos of a man who doesn't go by the Constitution. Plus, all the things he said he would do - he's didn't do... and time will not help that. He's all for communism, and if you look at this and how Hitler got where he was - there is a huge resembulance.

He's all for abortion, also, isn't he Prince? To me, that's just sick to even kill a child like that - to kill life there.


(241 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Whats the evidence of God?

The evidence, is like I said, all around you. You're body is scientifically amazingly designed. I can give you a quote (It's a big one) from somebody that mentioned it in their "Creation vs Evolution" debate. Here it is:

Just one cell is as intricate as a giant high-tech factory. On the outside there is a security system that only allows exactly the right goods in – the cell membrane. Elsewhere in the factory we see the power sources in the cell cytoplasm, which are accessed by the central memory bank – the cell nucleus. The nucleus stores and retrieves vast amounts of information, decoding artificial languages at bewildering speeds. Raw materials are directed along miles of corridors, and precision quality control mechanisms prevent any slip-ups. But then the cell does something no high-tech factory ever does. It reproduces itself within a few hours.

So what? Getting all of that to exist all in one go is a pretty tall order, no matter how long you've got. So how could the factory have just happened?

Chance? No.

To get the most basic living thing, the most basic cell, you would:

1. Have to have amino acids.  These just ‘happen’ to exist.
2. Then of the many different types, you'd have to isolate the 20 amino acids which are usable for making proteins.
3. Next, you'd have to go through them one by one picking out only the left-handed ones.
4. Then you'd have to assemble the amino acids in exactly the right sequence.
5. You would then have to join them to special peptide bonds that fold three-dimensionally.

If you hit the jackpot and got 100 amino acids in the right sequence, I am afraid you still would not have life – you would only have a measly, single protein. Another 200 or so proteins have to be formed and joined to even have the first glimmer of a chance of life.

Meanwhile, you would have to ensure that nothing interfered with your creation, because the chains of amino acids can be broken with a lot more ease than it takes to form them, so you would have to protect them somehow, and make sure nothing else reacted with them.

Basically, this process would need a designer.

Could DNA have just randomly happened? DNA is the design code. It is information, a code that tells the amino acids to arrange themselves in a special, complex sequence, creating proteins. A longer stretch of code is called a gene. DNA literally is the code of life, and would surely need an architect.

Look at it this way. I have a mobile, and I am going to send you a text message. There are 26 letters, plus some and punctuation to choose from.


You'd think that it 'looks like a load of rubbish' (as if most text messages are not already). Stop being so hard on yourself. It is actually your nose.

It is a code. These letters are used as shorthand for the sequences of fragments of DNA e.g. CCAAGTAC. 

A = Adenine   T = Thymine – These two pair together
C = Cytosine   G = Guanine – These two pair together

These sequences are the code for genetic information. It is a genetic code that your body understands and reads. And a much longer code like that determines the shape of your nose, and what shape your children's noses will be. Now, I will send you another message.


Would you look at that. How many intellectual concepts were involved in the creation of that message?

1. I have just communicated with you through a code called the English Language.
2. I assume you can read the code.
3. I assume you understand what a nose is.

That is what the A, C, G and T message was doing. Our body understands the ACGT code. And there is a rather rich individual somewhere in the world that is carrying out that message right now.

Now, let us imagine back at the dawn of time, perhaps billions of years ago, on a lonely, desolate planet there is a searing and hostile primitive soup all over the earth. No living thing exists, but for no comprehendible reason all these amino acids ‘happen’ to exist. But hang on, what is this? ... Look over there...wow! There is a single-celled organism that has got a code on it! The code is telling the organism to select amino acids in a special sequence so that the organism can reproduce itself. And, oh my goodness...look now: the code works! The cell's just divided and reproduced itself! That is very clever, and all without the chains being broken by the bubbling, hostile surface.

Now just how did the code come to exist? And how is the code understood? There is no reason why the ACGT sequence should make any more sense to the first cell that it did to you when you read it a minute ago. Where did the code and the means of translating it come from? They are both needed from the very start.  The code is useless without the understanding of what it says, and the understanding of what it says is useless without a code being there to read.

So, to use the analogy of the text message, if I left my mobile on the table forever, it would never write and send you that message all on its own. The letters are there on the keypad, but what use is that unless we introduce some intelligence? Once I pick up the mobile and start texting, that is like the message telling the amino acids lying around at the beginning of time on the primitive earth what order to get into. You have got to introduce intelligence to get any sense out of the letters!

You actually need a significant amount of intelligence. A two-month old baby could never send you a text message about Simon Cowell that is powerful enough to reproduce his nose. If the baby could get the phone to work at all, they would send you random gobbledegook. DNA code must have an information source. The phone is not the information. Did the phone think up the message? Of course not! The phone has no knowledge of what a nose is.

The point is that information-rich messages which can reproduce life do not just happen. It must have had some thinking behind it. When DNA arrives on the scene, it is an instruction manual. That looks suspiciously like forward planning.

On the 28th February 1953, Francis Crick walked into the Eagle Pub in Cambridge and proclaimed, "We have found the secret of life!" He and James Watson had just discovered the structure of DNA. Nobody knew what its structure was before. Some were sceptical about its existence. For the rest of his life, Crick insisted that DNA could not have just happened. It could not be formed by chance.

Why can the building blocks of life not have just organised themselves and created DNA?

Use a book for example. Any book. I have just randomly picked up the 'Ultimate Visual Dictionary 2001' as it was close at hand. Flick through it, and you see it is full of loads of pictures and writing.

Like the DNA code, this book is full of ordered information in a readable code. What caused this book to exist? Was it ( a ) the work of an intelligent author/authors, or ( b ) the result of a terrorist who blew up a Dorling Kindersley printing press causing ink to fall on paper in random ways, which happened to create a whole book of sequenced meaningful English sentences, pictures that are relevant to the writing on the page next to them, and a glossary at the back that allows you to look up the word ‘Neptune’ and find the page that has organised, and at the time correct, information regarding the planet Neptune? Not only that, but it happens on a massive scale, falling in exactly the same places on thousands of other pieces of paper.

You cannot seriously expect me to believe that ( b ) is the best explanation? Crick and many other scientists would today say ( b ) is such a remote chance that it is no chance.

The building blocks of life could not have organised themselves and created DNA. That is like saying the ink on the page is the author of the book! You would be saying the ink is intelligent enough to think up the storyline and then write the words, commas, sentences, spell everything and design the pictures that have are remarkably identical to the subject at hand.

Ink cannot do that...only an intelligent designer can do that, and I believe that intelligent designer is God.


(241 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Darth Rhyykol wrote:

Look at the Bible, anyone can write a book and anyone can put whatever they want in it.

If this is true, how does that explain the amazingly accurate words, proverbs, and revelations that are revealed? Oh - and keep in mind that these chapters were written more than 1,000 years ago.

Darth Rhyykol wrote:

Evolution is not 'Flawed', Every religion is flawed.

So you're saying to me, that a evolutionary system that is shown to have gaping holes, severe flaws (in terms of human analogy and body mapping), and a theory that states that humans came from a blob/monkey/ape does not sound stupid? It's clearly just a theory to try to ensure others that there is no God. Man just wants there not to be a God because he wants to do all he wants in life with no regrets.

Darth Rhyykol wrote:

You take the Bible, Adam & Eve, the Bible states that they started the human race, we are all 'brothers and sisters' DNA tests prove nope...

DNA is all linked to one accord, and what are these DNA tests that "Prove Nope"?


(241 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Yeah, I believe in God. And the proof you seek is in the Bible, plus it is all around you. Your genetic structure, the amazing enviroment around you is all proof that A Intelligent Designer made you and the earth.

The theory (Yeah, or lie) of Evolution has so many holes, and the 'proof' they have is not truth... but lies. It is incomplete, their theories are just rubbish lies sown together to decieve people. Plus, Evolutionists (or Athiests) are extremely bitter about God - Psycho Bitter - about Christianity. Plus, Evolution is a religion than a theory, as miraculous things had to have happened - as Evolutionists don't see - in order for it to happen. Proves the whole theory is false.

Evolution, btw, is the biggest hoax ever made. I think Global Warming get's second... Aliens is somewhere with that also.

“Treason is any attempt to overthrow the government or impair the well-being of a state to which one owes allegiance; the crime of giving aid or comfort to the enemies of one's government,” according to the Random House Dictionary. By that definition, Barack Hussein Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder should  be impeached.

By ordering that the trial of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on America, be in a federal courtroom, Barack Obama’s administration has seriously undermined your safety.

If these trials are allowed to go forward, they will do more damage to America than any single act since our withdrawal from Vietnam dooming Saigon and the people of Southeast Asia to communism and genocide.

For seven years after the 9-11 attack, the US Government has done an outstanding job of keeping us safe. Under the leadership of the Bush Administration with the approval of the US Congress, our soldiers and CIA operatives scoured the world for terrorists. They brought those terrorists to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and kept them from killing more Americans.

Last year, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and his band of thugs tried pleaing guilty to murder and asked to be sent to Allah. At the time under pressure from the Left, the Bush Administration created a military commission designated with the task of bringing them to justice.

By canceling this process for the Islamic radicals in Guantanamo, Obama has guaranteed that the CIA and the other foreign and domestic government agencies will have their secrets paraded before the largest television audience in world history.

According to legal experts, it may be impossible to present evidence that would confirm their guilt, and the reputation of America will once again be dragged through the mud. K. S. Mohammed will be particularly difficult to prosecute in the US because his defense lawyers will twist it and put the United States on trial, arguing that he was illegally tortured by the CIA. America learned vital information that thwarted additional attacks by waterboarding him.

Writing in National Review, Andrew McCarthy said:

“We are now going to have a trial that never had to happen for defendants who have no defense. And when defendants have no defense for their own actions, there is only one thing for their lawyers to do: put the government on trial in hopes of getting the jury (and the media) spun up over government errors, abuses and incompetence. That is what is going to happen in the trial of KSM et al. It will be a soapbox for al-Qaeda's case against America. Since that will be their "defense," the defendants will demand every bit of information they can get about interrogations, renditions, secret prisons, undercover operations targeting Muslims and mosques, etc., and — depending on what judge catches the case — they are likely to be given a lot of it. The administration will be able to claim that the judge, not the administration, is responsible for the exposure of our defense secrets. And the circus will be played out for all to see — in the middle of the war. It will provide endless fodder for the transnational Left to press its case that actions taken in America's defense are violations of international law that must be addressed by foreign courts. And the intelligence bounty will make our enemies more efficient at killing us.”

The damage that Barack Hussein Obama is continuing to afflict on the brave men and women who are protecting and defending us is unconscionable. How could you not call providing these murdering thugs all of the legal protections afforded an American Citizen anything but aid and comfort? If no earlier action demanded his impeachment, this sole act of treason does.

This is proof that BHO hates the America we love. No wonder he failed to salute the honored dead at a recent ceremony. Don’t believe me. Believe your own eyes.


This is an e-mail I got from a friend I thought the site should look at.

Also - sorry for another topic with this!  tongue

Anyways, I should be on more now. I was just off to wrap myself around things before I came back on and started posting again. It's been about a month or two, so Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Semper Fi. Wish we could get the regular old group back onto the site, I miss those days.  hmm But it's nice to see the site again!  big_smile


Free hugs! smile And accept these lightside cookies. >:)


(520 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Jay grabs his Assault Rifle, and puts fresh ammunition inside the lock. He takes his pistol, and holsters it on his waist. *

Jay: "Alright, we need to stick together, of course. Your all trained... you know how combat feels. We're soldiers, not Spartans. They breed combat, we bleed combat!"

* Jay looks back at Maximus... *

Jay: "Well, that little speech doesn't apply to you... the first part, not so much as the second part."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Thell: "What are they doing here? And how did they survive the parasite?"

Ullono: "I heard humans can be as bad as Doberman Gators... when trapped." (He chuckles)

Thell: (Puts his hand on his sword)


(118 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Alright, we shall start then... err... restart then!

* The waves pick up violently, and carry the boat to a large tower. The moon reflects off the water and brightens, revealing the very large tower with steps at the bottom. The steps lead to a door... *

Moss: "I see... a tower! We need to get over there!"

* The boat floats towards the steps, and Moss jumps out on the steps... *

Hovoth: (Chuckles) "Fascinating, I must say..."

* Waves Jester off *


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Hovoth: "Your new order will tarry nothing into this universe... it will only crumble under empty revelations, followed by the justice brought by the Jedi."


Oooo! Nice name!  B)


(484 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

They eventually make it to the hanger, where the dock captain greets them. "Your ships are awaiting, Sir." Cratus nods, and the dock captain takes his uniform off, revealing a dark shadow-like suit under it. He whistles, and more dark Jedi come out from the shadows, and kneel before Cratus.

"Amazing... I didn't even realize the power hidden..." Polon remarks in the back of the group. The soldiers open the ships lift, and Cratus along with his group steps aboard. "Your with me on my ship, Jester." Sarlas states.

Hovoth: "What defenses does this fortress possess, besides the intimidating Mandalorians guarding it?" (He says, looks at the walls)


(4,277 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

That's a loooong post Starr.  lol


(484 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Yeah, sorry.

"Right now." Cratus states, walking into the gates. The group full of intimidating jedi walk through the busy streets of the city, with eyes turning. "We're bound to run into some trouble on the way to the hanger..." Sarlas remarks.


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Sweet.  big_smile

Aran: Well, Jedi... today's your lucky day...

Mace Windu: "There is no luck, there's only the force!"


Hovoth: (Grunts)