(241 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Darth Rhyykol wrote:

hello hovoth... long time no see,

Mmm, how dramatic! lol

What did you want to debate about now, or what proof doth thou have against God being not real? I also have a two people I would like to tell you about, that have healed people. One passed away (He was born way back, and passed away) and I have another man who witnessess the Word of God in Africa. Want to hear about them?

Darth Auron wrote:

Just like the rest of you, I have had enough of this guy.

And that whole abortion thing is just wrong. I don't know if you guys have seen "The Silent Scream" but it is a video you can see on youtube that shows an abortion and proves that it is a cruel and wrong practice. Check it out.

Yeah, I saw a video of an Abortion process (It might of been a slideshow though) and it's just plain wrong. It was a DVD somebody showed a while ago, forgot the name of it.


(241 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Prince of the light side wrote:

Its just an excuse not to acknowledge the truth and its a way for man to try to convince himself that he has all the answers. Its because of man's arrogance that he is on his way to Hell in a hand basket.

You speak the truth.

Where's Rhyykol and Amos? They made this topic to debate, and they've dissapeared... well, from this topic.

Prince of the light side wrote:

You know what abortion was originally meant for right? It was an indirect genocide attpemt to wipe out the African-American population in America. You won't find that online for obvious reasons, but through further investigation, ive found out that that's what abortion was meant for.

and i dont understand what barack's problem is with guantanomo bay. whatever happens to those detainees, they 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the time they deserve it.

Oh yeah? Didn't know that.

And yeah, wondering why they're still alive. Two words. Death sentence.

Prince of the light side wrote:

Yes he is. He is a radical communist who wants to destroy America because he realizes one thing we as Americans do that the rest of the world (except Israel) dont: we acknowledge God. God was the foundation upon which this country was built. Barack Obama hates God. He wants to destroy the U.S. because we love God. My friends I've said it time and again: Barack Obama is the prelude, the preface, the living example of what the Anti-Christ is gonna be like. A God-hating man hellbent on globalization.

Right, I hope he changes his agenda. Wouldn't that be something? And, as I said: Abortion is just SICK. I can't believe that they have a law that states that you can KILL a CHILD. It's absolutely SICK. It's murder...

Plus, didn't he just recently send Terrorists to his home state??


(241 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Prince of the light side wrote:

im sorry i missed the entire debate. But the Bible says to give honor to who whom honor is do.

Hovoth your rebuttals during that debate were...amazing. I couldnt have put it better myself. Im proud of you and God is too. If he hasnt already, be expectin the Blessing to manifest itself in your life, buddy.

Thanks, Prince. I'm just giving the truth.

It's sad people believe in evolution, though. I would also like to know how they can explain blessings and curses through out history....


(520 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

They keep moving through the halls. Jay looks back constantly on the Spartan that is following them. He wonders where he came from, so he eases towards the back of the group near the Spartan.

"What was your name?" Jay says. "Bruce." The Brute of a Spartan replies. His visor reflects Jays face, Jay's looking at himself. Bruce's mind flashes back to his initial mission on this planet... he ignores Jay, and nods forward.

(( Meanwhile... Ancient Structure... Elites... ))

"Curse of Ulgratt! They got away!" Thell growls. "Humans... always have to run." Thell and his elites come back to and form an unorganized circle near Rgis. "Is he alright?" Ullono asks, coming out with the obvious question.


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Hovoth moves down the ranging streets to a Tram Ride. The doors open, and a few people walk out. Hovoth moves into the Tram Ride, and the transportation device moves... *


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Oh, okay.

* Hovoth's mind races back and forth between the assumed power that they dark fleet may hold. A Power more corrupt than the Confederacy perhaps? The overall dark energy he felt on the ship - the size of the fleet stored - it was huge. *

Karvan: "Sir?"

Hovoth: (Snaps out of the thoughts) "Right, we need to move. Nolan, do you know what the nearest Republican base is?"

Nolan: "Yes, it's near the Jedi Council building."

Hovoth: "I need you and Karvan to head there and let them know about the situation... confirm it with the mission reports and radio messages they received. Find Captain Conner Delk and tell him 'Chelsia Sibera'..."

Nolan: *Nods* "Meet you soon."

Hovoth: *Nods back*

Non-Canon Fanfic: Chelsia Sibera is a key word used by old Republic Wave frequency moniter engineers that derives itself from Huttese meaning "Bigger than eyes can see." Basically, it would hint soldiers on enemy flanking that would be met later on the road.


(520 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Jay, Links, and Bruce come into the passage. Bruce activates a flashlight that is installed into the side of his helmet. The light shines along the ceiling, revealing the darkness the light pushes away. "These structures look like something out'ova mummy flick." Links comments. Bruce walks in the back of the group, with his visor analyzer taking data into it's data base. His emotionless face doesn't display anything about his thoughts. He just merely observes his surroundings, and follows the group.

(( Meanwhile... Ancient Structure... ))

Thell focuses on the fight, aiding his two brothers in focusing fire on the Demons. His mind races between what the Demons could be doing in such a structure, what they know - his mind is almost certain they'll escape. He growls at Bel'san and Ullono to use explosives on the Demon's position.


(520 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

I can't remember my Spartan's name either, so I'll just settle with "Bruce".

* The large Spartan, with the rest of the Marines following, come up to where Maximus and Em are... *

Jay: *Looks at the door* "This isn't the main entrance, is it Maximus?"

((Meanwhile, inside the Structure...))

* Thell takes cover behind a mound of rubble, and motions Bel'san and Ullono split between and take cover on both sides of the wall. Bel'san fires his Carbine at the Demons. Thell grabs Rgis, and pushes him towards the mound of rubble, then slides behind it. *


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Starr, are Karvan and Nolan with me? I can't remember.


(241 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Yeah whatever Brainiac Hahaha

lol, whatev'. Alright, if you have any more questions just be sure to ask in here, or you can PM me. If I don't respond, I've gone to bed. It's late where I am. See ya!


(241 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Haha, nah. It's just what God has revealed to me. I'm humbled to know the truth!  smile


(241 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

The whole reason God created the Earth (aka plants) is for humans to thrive on, hence the reason for us (Man) to live. The creation process for the animals and Earth was made during the process of Six days. God rested on the Seventh day, and "Sanctified" it because he rested from all the work he had done.

Now then, Man. God created man for the sole purpose, originally, to tend the Garden of Eden. (As you may know from the Bible) After that (The Fall of Man) man was to thrive on Earth, to serve him. (This goes with women too, I just use man as general for men and women when I speak as "Man" Take that political correctness!) Woman was made to serve God also, but to serve Man (as in her husband, if she is married). "Woman" is a word that God used, because she was taken out of man. (She was made out of the Rib of man)

Did I miss anything? Please say, if I did. Anyways, any questions or would you like to ask about something else?


(241 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Oh! Good one! Alright, in first, nobody made God. "There was never a day God was not..." as one person would put it. How is this? Because if somebody made God, God is not God. God was always present, and there was never a day he wasn't. This is something that you have to just take.

Now wait, Man tries to comprehend this with his feeble little mind. Man tries to explain this, but he absolutely cannot. This is something you just have to take. Man will try to place this into negative value to try to disprove God, as Rhyykol's quote was using.

HOLD ON ONE SECOND! Man says. "You mean, I can't know?" says Man. That is just something you'll take. Evolutionists (I'll bring them up alot, because they try to come up with a what-not) believe in their theory. They don't even know how they came to be. They have huge gaps in their theory, they can't come up with any answers, and they compare everything with their little theories. Man's known to compare things with things he tries to understand, but he cannot understand - for he is not God.

Yeah, that's alot but basically - God was always here. Nobody could have made Him, because then God could not be God. It's complicated - but you'll just have to take that. This comes in relation to the Bible, and the Bible comes in relation to Faith. Faith is to take something by someone, and that is God.

Questions about my answer, or do you think you understand and would like to ask another question?  smile


(241 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

ExileAmos wrote:

I am in the middle sometimes i do but others i just know he is not real

Hm. Mixed thoughts on the matter?

I mean, if you have any questions revolving the matter - I would be more than happy to share with you.  smile

After all, the things these "Evolutionists" and "Humanistic" people can't explain (and opposes their theories) is the presence of Curses (in one matter). Such as Rockstars, for example. (Or Rappers, or whatsoever) They all have a lifespan of 30 years. This is a curse, as they deal with alchohal, profane lyrics, and drugs. I could tell you of many other people of where a curse has been daggered onto them.

Another, is a "Blessing", the opposite of a curse. For example, healing.


(241 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

So, do you believe in God?


(635 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

* Hovoth feels his neck, and looks around... *

Hovoth: "This is bad..."


(4,277 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Alright, since I see your posted Starr, I'll jump back in.

* Marx runs over to Xvan and Akson... *

Mark: "Are you guy's okay?!"