(42 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

Yeah Book two was really good.


(42 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

It was removed at the tail end of Rule of Two. Orbalisks, they feed off of your dark side energy, and give you increased strength as well as incredibly healing powers and other things. However in his final confrontation they were damaged, an if one is damaged it starts to release toxins in the body killing it in a matter of days.


(42 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

Darth Andeddu is the newer Sith. Bane is searching for his holocron and his history so as to gain eternal life. Essentially the same power Darth Pleguis had. That's about as far as I have gotten.


(42 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

Freedon Nadd's holocron, and Belia Darzu. The ending was amazing. Truly Sith in nature. Bane almost does as his apprentice uses subtly, deception, and an excellent display of the force. The part that got me though was the epic battle between all the masters, and the two Sith. I just started book 3 Dynasty of Evil. It's set 10 years after the final events of Rule of Two.


(42 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

Indeed. I had a lot of time to read today and damn. I have blown through this book. I am on I believe chapter 21 or 27 I can't remember which number it was. But dang. It definitely is bringing it all together. From the discovery of more Sith holocrons to where I left off a battle between Darth Bane, Zannah, Three Jedi Masters, and a Jedi knight. I am lovinging this book with the mix of brutality, and deception/Subtly. Just brilliant writing for equally brilliant characters.


(42 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

1040-1020 BBY


(34 replies, posted in Video Games)

Sounds super cool tbh


(34 replies, posted in Video Games)

It sounds like swinging to an enemy ship to slaughter them is better than jumping down from trees on unsuspecting colonists.


(42 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

Indeed. It's finished most of the character building at this point and is now into the meat of the story.


(42 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

Well at chapter 10 book 2 leaps ten years ahead. So that was kind of a shock. I just got to this chapter. The Jedi "Protganist" is like a young Obi-Wan and Zannah is even more of a badass. She brutally murdered 4 people to arrive on Onderon. It was kids cool. Bane is increasingly awesome.


(42 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

I definitely agree. I haven't been able to read much the past few days but I am definitely looking forward to more of book two. I'll keep posting more as I read.


(42 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

Dynasty of Evil.


(42 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

I don't know much about her but yeah it sounds like it.


(57 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

Omg the training them, and the second level of your own class is awesome.


(34 replies, posted in Video Games)

I skipped revaluation and gave up on #3 I felt like the added crafting system was really stupid, however unity and rogue look badass


(57 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

I like the dark side as much as the light. I like the redemption story of Revan, but I also love brutally killing people in that game. It's my dark side popping up.


(42 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

Well several chapters into Rule of Two and damn. It's got a lot more action. Banes new apprentice Zannah is a bad ass and a half. She literally blew off her cousins hand with the force to save his life, and snapped to necks of two Jedi. Like brutal. So far I'm really digging this book, definitely looking forward to more of the meaty part, and I really wish there was a Darth Bane game.


(42 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

I finished "Path of Destruction" and wow that book is killer...literally almost everybody dies. Bane is hardcore the way he crushes the skull of the dying Sith, and then chokes and crushes Qordis' body. It's wild. The ending was really cool, the thought bomb is a crazy cool technique. I just read the first chapter of "Rule of Two." Really looking forward to it. Almost wish Bane was in some Star Wars video games. Or if he got his own spin off movie. Same with Revan.


(57 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

Zaalbar was horribly annoying. I wanted to kill him along with mission.


(57 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

I like to play in the middle that way I can be a dick when it suits me.

Carth is such a whiner it bugs the crap out of me. I honestly can't stand him when he complains and cries about his family. However seeing his son is fun.