
(115 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)

So far Lost is getting interesting, and finally answering [some] questions, and laying out more interesting questions onto the round table.

Season 5 rules [so far]!


So far, Jack, Kate, Sun, Sayid, Hurley, Ben, and etc. have made it back to the island, following Daniel Faraday's mother's advice and went straight over the island, making a large flash and appearing them in random places. In the end, they come out of the water (That they fell in) and noticed Jin coming in a DHARMA Van, and a uniform carrying a rifle. A puzzled look smacks each of their faces when they meet him.

So interesting!


(158 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Well, we can redo this part thanks to the Hacker that hit us for a month or so...


Flamis: (Laughs) (Picks up Flamethrower and sets the Meter to 200%, which blows out the flames bigger, brighter, hotters, and deadlier.)

Polo: (Rolls on floor, crawling out of the way of the flames) Good thing I got that Fire Hazard Tutorial online...

Naver: (Rolls on opposite side of floor of Polo.)

^ With alot cooler elements and not-so-drama storyline.

I was actually leaning towards an Assassin guild like the one in Assassin's Creed.

Do you all want it in the SW era, or is it on earth?

Oh okay, still we are back in time. lol

I need a constant... (LOST joke) hehe  big_smile

So yeah, we are set back a year I believe - around December 08.

We went back in time!  lol


(795 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

I'm confused with everything in the Fan-Fiction...  lol


(14 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

I'll get you Mr. Shell!



(493 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Darth Atrox,Jan 4 2009, 08:23 PM wrote:

yea the world would s**k, but be much healthier

That's true.

Just look at other countries that only use bikes (and a few cars). Their in the best shape in their life!


(74 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

(Walks off into the sunset, with explosians all around)

The Dark Knight was good, anyone see it?


(493 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Darth Atrox,Jan 4 2009, 08:18 PM wrote:

im torn im my decision

Poor Atrox.

We should be thankful we have cars these days, can you imagine life without them? Tiring is all I can say...


(283 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Jedi Knight Tanrose,Jan 4 2009, 11:52 AM wrote:

haa thanks! I'm officialy found out I'm 12!
look at my profile, it'll say

TIme to move to pull-ups baby Spartan.  lol

No, I'm just kidding, happy birthday dude!


(38 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

You will forever be Spartan, Tanrose.

Sound like a girl, BTW, no offense (Actually, it would be offense).

Tanrose = Rose



(493 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Darth Atrox,Jan 3 2009, 05:34 PM wrote:

Nm, gona go out later tonight, just went shopping for my first car, my dad said he would buy one im so excited, i hate my sis car.


I would like my first car to be a jeep or truck perhaps.


(74 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Darth Atrox,Jan 4 2009, 08:11 PM wrote:

(meanwhile atrox is trapped in the ambulance )

(Runs over, and busts him out with an axe)

(Puts Spartan in the ambulance, and mends it back on so he is trapped now)


(74 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

** Helps Nedles, by carrying her to the nearest Med Clinic **

Jedi Knight Tanrose,Jan 4 2009, 03:33 PM wrote:


No, if you know your Dictator's deaths - Hitler shot himself in the face, knowing that the odds were against him. That's his fault for being a corrupt man.

#83 - Getting around the galaxy is quicker than you think.


(44 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Previously on Clondore 5...

Hovoth,Dec 6 2008, 07:17 AM wrote:

Jhad: It's... it's nothing.

Hawk: ...

** The squad makes it to a terminal **

Terminal: *KSHT* ... DZZZT ... Question - Mel gam na?

Hawk: What's this?

Jhad: Try placing your datapad in it, master Kess.

Hawk: That could work...

** Kess places her datapad into the terminal **

Terminal: *KSHT* (Ejects the Datapad) Question: Place your name?

Kess: Place your name?

Hawk: It's most likely looking for the correct ID from someone...

Darth Jester,Dec 6 2008, 08:23 PM wrote:

Soldier: Sir, There are strange sounds and movement in the north. I have sent a scout but he has not came back yet and I fear that something has happened to him.

Hovoth,Dec 7 2008, 02:28 PM wrote:

Kess: Okay, Hawk - can you investigate this more? I'll head out with the trooper, and radio in to you when I find something.

Hawk: Yes, Master Kess.

Hawk: (Looks at terminal) Hmm...

Terminal: (Analyzing) Welcome, what outpost is this? >1 >2 >4

Hawk: (Thinks back to seeing the number 1 on the side, then inputs 1 into the terminal)

Terminal: Welcome, Revan 02340021.

Hawk: What is a Revan?

Terminal: Systems for outposts are working at 26.9%.

Hawk: How many outposts are planted across the planet I wonder... this planet is rather small...

Terminal: Access Data Video file? >Yes< >No<

Hawk: (Imputs "Yes")


(158 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Premere part 2

** Naver stands infront of Bastilla and Polo on the elevator **

Polo: (Whispering) I found you now&#33;

Bastilla: (Whispering) What are you doing here? Your from...

Polo: (Whispering) -- Yeah -- I know. Look, I was sent here to find you.

Bastilla: (Whispering) Great - two guys looking for me...

Polo: (Whispering) Wait - what?

Bastilla: You and him... oh, and Carth Onasi...

Polo: We have to talk after we get off this rock&#33;

Naver: Uhm?&#33;

Polo: Ehh... heh heh... (Whistles)

** The Elevator comes to the top floor **

*BING&#33;* (Doors to Elevator open up)

Assistant: Hey&#33; What are you doing here? This is a restricted area&#33;

Polo: We&#39;re getting something&#33; Going to stop us or what?

Assistant: (Reaches for alarm, then bites her lip and runs to the elevator)

Naver: Well, that&#39;s one way to deal with that.

Polo: Sometimes you have to be firm (Laughs) ... Alright, let&#39;s go.

Bastilla: ...

** They go through the hall, and come across a room. They meet the Sith in gol-plated armor. **

Sith: What... are... you... doing... here?

Polo: Oh no... not this guy.

Sith: Force... powers... do you... have?

Polo: Ha ha - oh no. I dropped a poison grenade, and tampered with your vision. Your leading officer got his mind scrambled a bit also.

Naver: Wait - you know him?

Polo: Him and his captain jumped me.

Naver: Okay...

Sith: My... name... is... Flamis&#33;

Polo: Fell in love with fire when you were young?

Flamis: Not... funny...

Polo: Look - why not let us pass?

Flamis: Job... is... to... kill... intruders.

Polo: Ah - I get it. Look, if you don&#39;t let us pass - things are gonna get a little ugly here.

Flamis: ...Kill.

** Flamis tanks up his flame-thrower and launches fire balls at Naver, Bastilla, and Polo **

Polo: Oh, great...

** An energy shield emerges from Bastilla&#39;s hands, and is able to cover the three fighters, and the flame errupts around them **

Naver: Thanks Bastilla. (Takes out Vibro-Blade)

Polo: Yes - finally some action&#33; (Takes out dual blasters)

Darth Atrox,Jan 3 2009, 11:58 AM wrote:

hmm why is spartan talking to himself?

ROFL  lol

And why did he insult himself?  lol