
(80 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Lightside Master,Mar 6 2009, 07:48 PM wrote:

who knows. game makers are weird. they had a good thing going with KOTOR I and II, they need to make III and not an MMO that takes place 300 years later

Battefronts 3 gameplay footage leaked on YouTube:


You can apparently fly into space I saw.

Hovoth: Okay then.

(Walks over to Skipper)


(237 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Hovoth: (Looks at soldier) No... I'm fine.

(Walks over to map)

Hovoth: ... How far away is Dantooine?

Soldier #2: If we leave now - we can make it in an hour!

Hovoth: Okay... let's do it - send cords. to Dantooine.

Hovoth: What's wrong? We use basic Assassin weapons remember. Hidden Blade, Laser Sniper, and Vibro-blade. As for the ship...

(Looks back...)

Hovoth: Skipper has one I can use.


(69 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

It's all about turning your Xbox off at a certain part, which in terms triggers the glitch people like to call "Hour Jump" glitch... or something like that.


(80 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Actually, I saw somewhere that Lucas Arts and I think Free Radical Design (The makers of TimeSplitters) were making a project together. Now that Free Radical Design is with Crytek (Makers of FarCry) I don't know where the project is going.

Could this be KOTOR 3?


(357 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Darth Atrox,Mar 5 2009, 10:27 PM wrote:

we should send someone to find out

Not me, I gave up MMOs a long time ago.

Spartan is one of those people who comes, goes, comes, then goes again, and then finally after that you may see him sometimes.


(795 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

(After Daan is done with his update...)

Hovoth: So what's the plan now? The longer we wait, the more those two s**k the darkside power from emmitting force... (Looks into sky) I can feel great Dark Power emerge from Space...


(237 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

lol, Jester.


Mandalorian Leader: (Looking around) I see nothing of use here...

Mando. Tech: Sir! (Looks up) I spotted several fighters, and a large vessel heading towards our location! Their arrive time is... 10 minutes!

Mando. Leader: (Laughs) If it is their death-wish, then so be it!


** Hovoth's vessel is headed straight for Coruscunt, Hovoth makes his way back to the Bridge command room... **

Hovoth: (Walking and stops...) AUGH! (Holds head)

Voice: Would you take the life of a friend? A fellow soldier? What if he was pure evil?

Hovoth: (Gets on one knee, holding head)

Voice: Can the circle of Death bread sickness and poverty? Can it breed worry and star callapse? Come into my domain!

Hovoth: (Opens eyes, and activates Force Heal - pulsing blue beams arond body)

Voice: Dant-ooo-inneee.....

Hovoth: (Gets up) ... (Walks down hall)

Hovoth: Well, I guess it's up to me to best the players. Sure, I'll go undercover as a Pazaak player. I won a few rounds against the Headmaster, so I should last for a while.

(Puts finger on chin)

Hovoth: I'm not a pro, so I can only stall them for so long.

(Looks around)

Hovoth: Where's my Pazaak deck I wonder...


(69 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

haha- I know that Glitch Jester. You can find it somewhere on gamefaqs. It's quite strang and funny at the same time.  lol

Name: Hovoth

Age: 23

Race: Human


(Sitting on Crate in Hanger, and recieves a Message on his data-pad about the mission. He opens the message and reads it through.)

Hovoth: Interesting. (Stands up)

Hovoth: So Kale and Jester... where are...

(Sees Kale and Jester walk in)


(237 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Hovoth: (Thinks for a minute) I'll speak to him some more later, let's not be hasty. Training dictates that information should be possessed by the will on a person... the force can do terrible things to a mind... it can even wipe your memory clean from what I've heard... I'm going to wait before I think about "Interrigating him".


Mandalorian Tech: Sir - I see debris out around the Astroid field to our right... should we investigate?

Mandalorian Leader: We shall! (Laughs) Let us find any sirvivors...


(237 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)


Hovoth: (Comes into prison cell and looks at guard) The ships on lock-down - who came to see the prisoner besides me?

Guard: No-one, except the group who tossed him in.

Hovoth: Hmm... alright. (Walks over to cell)

** Hovoth comes to cell door, and looks in and sees the prisoner, a human in orange and yellow uniform on the cell bed **

Prisoner: Just let me go... (Laughs) --and maybe I'll show some mercy on you when Lord Revan let's me deal with your death!

Hovoth: I'm sure someone's offered you some money... or power... in exchange for their allegence.

Prisoner: The latter - power is simply the best you can manage in this universe!

Hovoth: Then what? You die and regret what you've done.

Prisoner: (Plants both hands on ears and squints eyes) Don't talk to me with your silly jedi babble - jedi!

Hovoth: ...

Prisoner: (Stands up) If your going to kill me - then kill me!

Hovoth: No, I don't kill my prisoners. (Walks down to door and looks at guard) Give him food and drink if he's hungry. (Walks out)

Prisoner: (Opens eyes and looks down)


(253 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Thanks - and did you make your Profile Pic LSM?!

It's awesome!!


(253 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Thanks.  big_smile  B)

I just pray for better weather here, it was chilly today.


(795 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

(Hovoth looks at Daan)

Hovoth: Master Morlann. He sent me to find, and hack into the Academy files... If I ran into Jester, keep him busy to make my escape... he's a powerful dark jedi.

(Walks over to Map screen)

Hovoth: I lost contact with him... and I was not notified of his position.

(Sit's on chair)


(237 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Hovoth: I'm fine soldier. We hit hyperspace, but drifted off a bit... we are not where we want to be right now... I have no clue where we are. (Laughs)

(Soldier 2 walks in)

Soldier 2: Master Jedi sir, we have a prisoner down in the prison cells.

Hovoth: (Get's up) Good thing I have many loyal followers on this transport. Now then, take me to the cell block...

** Meanwhile, on a Mandalorian Cruiser **

Mandalorian Leader: (Walks into bridge) This is strange... skars upon the space.

Mandalorian Soldier: Sir, our shields are operating at 100.0%!

Mando. Leader: Good, they've recharged... we can hit hyperspace and plan... or contact... anyone who's still alive.


I honestly don&#39;t remember the Mando. L&#39;s name... >_<


(253 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Nothing much, by Birthday is coming up on the 3rd.  :ph34r:


(553 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

(Puts on a Black suit)

Hovoth: Who&#39;s the funeral on again?