
(80 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Lightside Master,Mar 14 2009, 02:33 PM wrote:

what, Lt Ratt? your second profile? B)

Yeah.  tongue

He was just there in case my main Account starting acting up.


(8 replies, posted in Jokes and Funny Stuff)

LT Ratt, I'm sorry to say, but that joke lacked any funny relevance to even be called a joke... unless the joke is actually the joke, being a joke...  :huh:



(80 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)


He's not real.  B)


(553 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Hovoth: Well if it isn't the L to the S to the M.

(Drinks the cup of water)

Hovoth: Ahhh.... (Relaxes)


(553 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

(Walks into Cantina...)

Hovoth: Hmm...

(Walks over to bar, and sits on stool)

Hovoth: Give me... some water.

Bartender: There a reason why you drink water so much?

Hovoth: Because... I love it.

Bartender: (Gives cup of water)


(7 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

You haven't appeared yet.  big_smile  B)


(7 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Hello, this is part 1 (of who knows what) of a series called outburst. I thought I should write a story with the entire cast in it and post them up every so often to help surface some story elements, and make it fun to read.



Dallas, TX - 3:06 PM - Monday - March 2nd - 2009

** The Crumbled Leaf of a Oak tree flows through the wind, dropping towards the dry grass. All of a suddenly, a gust of wind carries it off into the air flowing by many houses, across the pavement, then through a stream. The stream carries it under a sewer grate, where it falls into darkness... **


**All of a suddenly, several motorbikes rush through, on the road - off to a chemical Plant. They keep going for a few minutes, and then are joined by several ARMY starred Military trucks. They follow through, on the hot road - all heading straight for the Chemical Factory - large and Dark. In one of the trucks, General Starr puts on her shades, blocking out the bright sun that melts the will for anyone to even come out to Texas. She looks out onto the dry horizon to spot the Plant comming out of a heavy steam ripple.**


Starr: I take it this is the Plant with the 'activity'?

Sgt Jester: Yes, ma'am! We've had several problems at this specific area that needs to be noticed... and as you see we brought out a little team for it.

Starr: Right...

Sgt Jester: Okay here we come...

** The trucks come up to the gate, and come up to the gate-lock that blocks their path from coming into the Plant's main yard.**

Starr: (Walks up to the gate, and takes off shades) ...Sgt. come here and look at this!

Sgt Jester: (Comes over and looks) What is this?

Starr: The edges of the fence are... burnt off.

Sgt Jester: By what looks like... acid?

Starr: Exactly. Let's round the troops up, and search the area of the Plant.

Sgt Jester: Yes Ma'am. (Walks over to trucks to share the plan)

Starr: (Puts shades back on) Hmm...

** Starr can hear a "Boop"ing sound over at the small guard building to the side of the road, next to the gate. **

Starr: (Walks into the Guard Building, and searches for the sound, and finally finds the source) Aha!

** Turns out it's a small recorder **

Starr: (Turns it on)

Recorder: Alright, it's Sunday Night and I am HUNGRY! Military-Personel my butt- if I am indeed wanting for some food - I wanta some food! (Laughs) Anyways, General S. is supposed to be running a check on the strange events happening inside the plant... who knows what it is... we've been having trouble as soon as that explosian in Block B,,, ah - well... I'm not a investigator - I am a guard... who know's why the Heat made me do this for a month.... good thing I'm getting out tonight! (Laughs) Wait... what's that sound? Ahh, just getting a little jumpy! (Laughs) (THe recorder makes a clicking sound, and it can be heard being set down onto the desk) Ah, your here already? THe - END OF RECORD.

Starr: Hmm... (Walks out and to the SGT) Found this inside the Sicurity House...

Sgt Jester: (Looks at it) Uhh... what is it?

Starr: It's a recorder... that of the 2003 models.

Sgt Jester: What about that?

Starr: Ah... nothing. Let's just carry on with the-


Starr: What the--

Sgt Jester: What is that?

Starr: Okay - let's move in!

** Starr and the SGT hop into the truck, and enter into the Plant yard. Nothing moves but the soldier and the mysterious smoke the errupted in the middle. Starr splits up with half the troops, and SGT Jester takes the other half - they start to search the Plant for anyone of use... **

Starr: (Comes up to a hallway inside the structure, and see's red liquid dragged across the floor. She sees this, and takes her safety off) That better not be what I think it might be...

Soldier: I think I'm going to vomit!

Soldier #2: Don't think out loud, Spartan...

Starr: (Comes to corner and places Opti-Cam across the corner) Clear, move.

** Soldiers nod, and continue down the hall. They continue down the hall until they come to two doors. One on the left is unlocked, and the one on the right is locked, and heavily secured. Banging can be heard on the other side... **

Spartan: I think I'm going to-

Soldier #2: Dangit - Spartan!

Starr: Whos on the other side of this?

Soldier #2: I don't know, ma'am, but we should probably take the other one... there's no way we'll get past this one unless we had some C4 of some kind... (Looks at Spartan with an angry look)

Spartan: So what I forgot them! I gave the responsibility to Pr-

Soldier: Noone in our unit's name starts with that!

Spartan: Oh...

Starr: Alright let's go, the sooner we can move - the sooner we can get out of here...

Spartan: I would love that.


Jester: (Comes up to a corner) Clear... ( Walks to other end) Hmm... (looks up) A camera? Got to find the source of the camera film...

Soldier: Sir... check this out!!

Jester: What is it...



To be Continued...


(116 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Will do.

I'll even make a little special something in Fan Fic.

You two can just start it, and replace my character as "Pilot" or another made up character if you want.  big_smile


(237 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

I was going to kill them both.

** The large vessel fires missiles and lasers at the shield, knocking it down. **

Soldier: What do we do?! THat vessel is TOO large!

Hovoth: (Slams fist on console, then looks up) Abandon ship.

Soldier: What if they shoot us when we...?

Hovoth: -No... I'll stay and try to ram them.

Soldier: But you'll--

Soldier #2: (Stops soldier #1) He knows what he's doing... ABANDON SHIP ALL PERSONEL ABANDON SHIP!

Hovoth: Tatooine is below - drop off there and try to contact any allies.

Soldier #2: Aye, sir!

Hovoth: What's your name soldier?

Soldier #2: Captain Smaloff Calgove!

Hovoth: Alright, Calgove - Carry on.

Calgove: Aye Aye, Sir!

** The Ship personel exit the ship onto the excape pods and Hovoth takes control... **

Hovoth: A small sacrifice to pay... (Steers ship towards enemy vessel)

(In one of the Escape pods, Calgove looks up at Ship... A large explosian errupts into Space - both ships explode into debris...)



(158 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Polo: (Whips out Stun Grenade and tosses it at Flamis' feet)

FLamis: AUGH! (Grenade explodes knocking him against the wall)

Polo: Haha!

FLamis: (Passes out)

Polo: Let's finish'em!

Flamis: Hold on! (Lifts hand to stop, and drops it) I'm... defeated...

Polo: Good, because your wasting our time here...

Naver: Let's go! Sooner we get the Passport key, the sooner we can escape Taris.


(90 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Congratz Jester.  big_smile  B)

Hovoth: Alright, let's go.

(Pilots ship to fly off to destination)


(237 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Soldier: Uh-Oh...

Hovoth: What is it?

Soldier: We've got... a VERY large ship closing in...

Hovoth: Is it flashing?

Soldier: No... (Looks up) It's an enemy!

Hovoth: Man your stations, soldiers!


(80 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

I like it that we still call him Spartan.  lol


(116 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Well, I'll be leaving pretty soon from this site, and just wanted to say goodbye. Now, I bet your wondering why I'm leaving the site? Somebody I knew gave me me the title of a Moderator for his site, and I took it. (This was before I joined, and the site I will mod is under construction). I will still post a little bit, but might become a bit farther away.  big_smile

But anyways, I have E-Mail of course, and you can still stay in touch with me. As for the RPGs I started: *Ahem* Polo Krim, pretty much, I will gradually think of some story for it, and end it.

If you would like to know what site that is, PM me.

#92 - Your lightsaber cannot hurt anyone or anything if your not in combat mode.

#93 - Carth's is ALWAYS the same - no matter what.

#94 - You never sit.

#95 - You never eat.

#96 - You never eat and sit at the same time.

#97 - Wookiees walk around without clothing.


(63 replies, posted in Jokes and Funny Stuff)

I got less than 4 hours of sleep that day...


Jedi Knight Tanrose,Mar 9 2009, 04:32 PM wrote:

I hate wars except for the MAndalorian wars and JEDI CIVIL WARS

You know, theres more to life that SW, Spartan.

Darth Jester,Mar 9 2009, 06:11 PM wrote:


We can&#39;t touch&#39;em.  lol

While brave soldiers are fighting in Iraq, terrorist cells are starting to surface in many American States. Here&#39;s a video detailing it:


Details of Video:

Sean Hannity talks to Martin Mawyer (Christian Action Network), producer of the new documentary film, Homegrown Jihad, about the 35 Islamic terrorist training compounds that exist right here in America.

Actual video of terrorist cells training to kill on American soil. They have recruiting bases on university campuses, and some of their training camps in America are as large as 300 acres.

Hannity Homegrown Jihad 2 16 09
Sean Hannity Jihad Al Qaeda Islam Muslims of America Terrorism Pakistan Christian Action Network Soldiers of Allah 02-16-09 02/16/09 terrorist network holy war world war 3 III end times tribulation revelation return of Christ 9-11

Hannity Homegrown Jihad 2 16 09


Their leader Jamaat ul-Fuqra and his terrorist camps reach a total of 35 camps spread apart America, and there are 3 in Virginia - close to the Capitol. What is our government doing about it? Well, Jamaat ul-Fuqra has been doing this since as early as the 1980s&#33;

UAV (Unmanned Arial Vehicle) Camera&#39;s captured many locations across the state that illustrate how much they&#39;ve grown.