
(23 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Outburst Part 2



Jester: *Cough* *Cough* Soldiers...! (Lying on ground)

Voice: Hello, Jester.

Jester: Wha...? Who's there?

** Jester lays on the ground, with flames and fire sttling down around him. He looks around, looking for the source of the voice and spots a dark figure standing about 10 feet away from him down the hall, looking at him. **

Jester: Who are you?

Voice: That... is not important right now. Right now, I need you to get up and walk through this door over here. (Points behind him to a door)

Jester: What?

Voice: Don't think about going back - go through the door... we may speak later. (Walks off into the darkness)

Radio (Starr): Jest... where.... you?

Jester: (Picks up radio and speaks into it) Errgh... (Spits on floor) I'm fine... I don't know about my team though... (Looks over at soldiers dead on the floor)

Radio (Starr): What... happened?

Jester: An explosian errupted and knocked me out a bit... but I'm okay now.

Radio (Starr): Good, we're heading towards your location. Sat. imaging shows that there is a hall that leads to your location, just hold tight.

Jester: Alright, hurry up before I get bored over here... (Looks at door ahead, looks back at radio, then heads towards door.)


Starr: Aye - we're heading towards Sgt. Jester's location, pack up and let's move.

Spartan: I shoulda stayed home today...

Starr: Augh... (Rolls eyes) Private, s**k it up.

** Starr's squad comes to the door to the hallway that should lead them to SGT. Jester. They open it and notice that the floor is eaten out by Acid. **

Spartan: Smells like glue.

Starr: Great. (Kicks rock down hole) This has to be at least... (Hears rock sploosh into water) More than 50 feet drop... let's find another way around.

Spartan: Why don't we just jump over? (Runs near hole)

Starr: Soldier!

Spartan: (Jumps and misses the other side - he grabs and hangs on the outside of the hole)

Starr: Hold it! Great Scotts - do you do anything right, Private Spartan?

Spartan: HEEEEELP!

Starr: Hold on! (Looks back at troops) Let's hurry and find a way to the other side, and help him up.

Soldiers: Aye!

Spartan: Ooo-Rah...

(Meanwhile, at Jester's location...)

Jester: (Comes over to door)

** Jester comes to the door, and puts his left hand on the door handle. He opens the door and spots a large room filed with pipes and many other operated objects. **

Jester: Who was that who wanted me to come here?


Male Voice: (Coming from behind a desk) Are they gone??

Jester: (Puts up Assault Rifle) Who's here?

Male Voice: What? Who's there? (Pops head out)

Male Voice: (Comes out) Oh, hello - I'm Dr. Feldon.

Jester: Feldon? I'm Sgt. Jester... sent here to-

Dr. Feldon: -Investigate the plant? Yes, I've heard there was a team dispatched here.

Jester: Wait - what happened? Where is everyone?

Dr. Feldon: Well, beasts came in and killed most of the scientists and workers here... that answers both of your questions I assume...

Jester: Oh, wait - why are there scientists here?

Dr. Feldon: That's a funny thing - MP sent us here to conduct test for the intense stimulating enhancement project to human DNA.

Jester: What - here?!

Dr. Feldon: Of course!

Jester: Of course.

Dr. Feldon: Genetic's lab below this room unleashed a terrible infection upon the states! We're all doomed!

Jester: Hey, calm down - what genetics lab?

Dr. Feldom: Well, with the drugs and the dramatic brain-dead effects that take ahold of the humans we tested on... their zombies pretty much.

Jester: Wait - humans?! (Picks up Scientist by shirt) What have you done?

Dr. Feldom: Hehe - it was all for the greater good you see!

Jester: No - I don't see! (Tosses him on floor)

Dr. Feldom: Owch!

Jester: (Picks up Radio, and tries to contact Starr...) Man - my radio is jammed!

Dr. Feldom: Bummer!

Jester: Oh - who asked you! Get up - and take me to this genetics lab!


** Starr and the crew are able to make it around, and reach Spartan. One of the soldiers comes over, and helps him up... **

Spartan: Good thing I practiced with that Upper Arm strength DVD this morning my mom sent me.

Starr: Okay, let's hurry up and try to reach Jester.

(Meanwhile, Jester is lead to the main genetics lab the Doctor was talking about...)

Dr. Feldom: Here... we... are... (Opens door to lab) Like it? I was sorta going for the color green, but nobody else agreed to my terms.

Jester: All the tubes are smashed... and the glass direction on the floors tell me they've been broken from the inside.

Dr. Feldom: Wow! This reminds me of that video game I played, where there were zombies taking over a mall, and... and...

Jester: Where are the test subjects?

Dr. Feldom: Most likely away from the base by now.

** A groaning sound can be heard heading towards the room... **

Jester: Stand back! (Pushes Dr. Feldom to the back)

** The sound is a beast, with abnormal features: Large muscles, and blood coming from it's mouth... **

Monster: (Laughs) More food.

Jester: (Looks at monster) I've got this guy...

Dr. Feldom: Erhh... this site is supposed to self-destruct- and trigger the gas contrainment pipes in about 20 minutes...

Jester: What?! That makes no sense! (Fires several shots at the monster's face)

Dr. Feldom: Well, someone triggered the activation key!

Monster: (Drops to ground)

Dr. Feldom: Let's go!

Jester: I agree to that!

** The two make their way back to the explosian location, where they meet with Starr. **

Starr: Where were you Sargent?

Jester: No time - this location is about to explode, I found a sirvivor over here, and he has plenty to say about what has been happening here.

Dr. Feldom: Heh heh (Scratches back of head)

** The group retraces their steps back, and make their way out of the plant, and back to the trucks, looking back to the destruction of the Chemical Plant. **


Starr: So wait - who blew the plant?

Jester: I have no clue, but from this guy - there are 1,000s of zombies headed straight for City Dale... We should most likely head straight there... we have several soldiers awaited there... Hovoth, LSM, and Atrox...

To Be Continued...


(553 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Bounty Hunter: Oy! He's gawt lots'ah cash oh' his head - ans I's gonsta collect!

Hovoth: Who paid you?

** A dark figure enters into the Cantina. It's a Rodian, with dark red marble eyes, and scaled green skin, and smoke coming out of his nose. **

Hovoth: Great Scotts, he's huge.

De'ek: I am De'ek - the fiercest man on this planet!


(105 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

The Silver Zepher,Mar 20 2009, 09:55 AM wrote:

and he's more of a celebrity than a president. appearing on the tonight show instead of handling his policies...

I know right?

Obama!: He bought a hat! We don't know what color it is, but we have reporters on it right away! More at 11, we'll dedicate a full hour on finding out!

I don&#39;t see him doing anything else...  <_<


(3,173 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Microsoft - N - A company owned by Bill gates that generates and creates many computer and software appliances.


(72 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)


Whatevs, it&#39;s one of my favs. Nothing good comes on TV anymore it seems... although Lie to Me* is a cool show.


(158 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Oh yeah, it&#39;s rather fun.


Polo: I&#39;ll split up with you both, and deal with security personel.

Naver: Nice&#33; I&#39;ll meet up with you at the reception desk.

Polo: Alright watch yourself.

Bastilla: Will do, let&#39;s go.

** Naver and Bastilla run off into the right wing of the Sith Base... **

Polo: Awesome. (Hears lots of footsteps thumping towards his location)


(83 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

(Laughs) You all are awesome.  lol

We need to start an RPG with everyone in it...


(61 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

W3lcome back 2 the si1e.  big_smile  B)

Sorta missed ya&#39; actually. (Awwww...) No homo.


(116 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Everybody has a sense of humor on this site, and tis is awesome. (Laughs)

Spartan has been on and off the site every now and then... strange...

EDIT: The site that I was originally going to go to is most likely not going to be made, the administrator (Who makes the site) is very busy, and will most likely not be able to make the rest of the site (what he said).

So, I&#39;m going to come back to the site.  big_smile

&#092;,,,/, ( ^_^ ) ,&#092;,,,/


(72 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

W3lcome 2 the Si1e&#33;

I don&#39;t look at Doctor Who... but I&#39;m a Lost fan.  big_smile


(553 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Bounty Hunter: (Looks at Atrox)

Atrox: (Laughs like a maniac, then burps)

Bounty Hunter: This blote is not&#39;in but a shoveler&#33; (Reaches for pistol)

Hovoth: (Uses force to make several chairs float)


(553 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

(A mean looking bounty hunter enters the cantina...)

Bounty Hunter: (Fires several shots in the ceiling and looks around...) Where is the one called "Atrox"?&#33;

Atrox: (Walks up, all drunk like, and wraps arm on his shoulder) Slyu looksh sha&#39; all tensh... maybeh ya shou&#39; losss&#39;in up...

Hovoth: Err... Atrox...

Atrox: Shhh&#33; (Sluggish look) Weh ah frenz here...


(80 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Seemed like "The Silver Surfer" or something another...


(44 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Seeing as I won&#39;t be on here as much as I used too, I&#39;ll just let this one die I guess.


(158 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Have no clue, some time will do.  big_smile


(46 replies, posted in Video Games)

Starting to see the commercials on TV, and the game does looks pretty cool... also, if Jester says it rocks, then it must be.

I&#39;ve played Age of Empires, so I might know how it feels.


(553 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Darth Atrox,Mar 15 2009, 01:42 PM wrote:

(wasted out his mind, atrox walks into walls)

Haaa  lol


(356 replies, posted in The Dark Side)

Oh yeah.  big_smile  B)


(553 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Hovoth: I ran into my old friend Boba yesterday... augh - what a headache.


(357 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Lightside Master,Mar 14 2009, 01:45 PM wrote:

hehe, sounds like it&#33; the only ones i know are the ones that have been around for the past three hundred years. B)

(Back then, in 1709...)

Man: How doth thou killeth a blonde?

Man 2: Telleth her to jumpeth into doth lake?

Man: Soeth you&#39;ve heard this joketh beforth?
